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Empowering educators to teach online reading, learning, and comprehension skills on the example of ecological problems
Maja Kerneža, Metka Kordigel Aberšek, Hakan Sari, Metin Kiliç, Emre Öztürk, Boris Aberšek, Dejan Zemljak, 2023, strokovni članek

Opis: Reading and learning are changing rapidly in today's world, and educational systems sometimes fail to keep pace. To define the needs related to reading in the modern world, the Stavanger Declaration was written, stating that students should be taught online reading and learning strategies. Educators must also adapt to this. As part of the Learning, Teaching, and Training (LTT) activities, participants (21 individuals from different levels of education) were introduced to the Internet reciprocal teaching (IRT) method. The basis of this research was to find out whether we can empower educators to teach online reading, learning, and comprehension skills in a short training session using the ubiquitous topic of ecological problems as an example. We were also interested in whether a short program that empowers educators to use IRT in their classroom can influence teachers to develop students' digital literacy in their pedagogical work. The results show that the ecological issue, with its timeliness and universal presence in our lives, is an appropriate topic for educators to teach digital literacy. The participants were successful in solving the set tasks, and all of them answered that they would use the IRT method in their future pedagogical work.
Ključne besede: digital literacy, ecological problems, internet reciprocal teaching method, problem solving, teacher trening
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.09.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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A conceptual model for a circular city : a case study of Maribor, Slovenia
Kristijan Brglez, Matjaž Perc, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Cities play a crucial role in achieving sustainable development. Decision-makers require assistance in developing city transformation plans amidst the emergence of various city models. A content analysis using concept mapping was conducted to examine smart, circular, and green city models. The analysis, supported by Leximancer, revealed that city models are evolving by adopting benefcial solutions from competitors, refecting a strong focus on sustainable development. Additionally, twentyfour research areas essential for implementing a circular city were identifed and validated. Furthermore, a conceptual model for a circular city was developed, incorporating the Defne-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control tool and a problem-solving system. Testing the model on Maribor highlighted challenges in monitoring the transition towards circularity. The study validates the established model but emphasises the need for further research and case studies to verify its practicality. This scientifc research enhances the understanding of city models and their evolution towards sustainability, providing valuable insights for decision-makers and urban planners.
Ključne besede: city models, conceptual model, content analysis, problem-solving structure
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.03.2024; Ogledov: 386; Prenosov: 359
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Exploring approaches how to measure a lean process
Christer Österman, Anders Fundin, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose:The purpose of the research is to explore a practical method of measuring the implementation of lean in a process. The method will be based on examining the abilities of a group. At this scale the ability to work standardized and solve problems is important. These two abilities are dependent of each other and are fundamental for the group's ability to create a stable result. In this context the method of standardized work (SW) is define to be the methods used in a process to generate stable results. Problem solving (PS) is defined as the methods used to return a process to a condition where SW is possible. Methodology /approach: The research is conducted in a multiple case study in four large global manufacturing companies. The order of the data collection is: Firstly, interviews with the individuals that are centrally responsible for overall implementation of lean in the organization. Secondly, observe the implementation of SW and PS at the group level. In total 7 groups have been studied and 19 respondents interviewed. Findings: Results show that the central definition of the methods for standardized work does not by itself have a direct impact on success of implementation of SW at group level. The method of SW where similar on a general level in the different cases, but with varying levels of implementation at group level was applied. Results also show that key factors for a successful implementation of standardized work on group level are: Ownership of the process, Direct connection to result of process, Correct workload and Leader demand. Methods of PS at group level where dissimilar despite a superficially similar approach. The evaluation method used was successful in providing comparable results between the cases. Research limitations: A limitation of this research is within the scale of the measurement, as it only examines the group level. The research is further limited to four companies and seven groups. Originality/value of paper: This paper aims to fill a gap in the established measurement methods of lean, as it examines the abilities of SW and PS at the group level of a process. These abilities are often referred to as essential in lean theory. However, there has been little scholarly work in defining the methods of SW and PS or the key factors affecting the methods at an operational level.
Ključne besede: lean, performance measures, problem solving, standardized work, stability
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.11.2017; Ogledov: 1321; Prenosov: 363
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The impact of culture on organizational behavior
Sonja Treven, Matjaž Mulej, Monty L. Lynn, 2008, drugi znanstveni članki

Opis: In the paper the authors first present two approaches to the scrutiny of the culture - Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values and Hall's approach to high- and low-context cultures. In the second part they devote their attention to the interaction of culture and organizational behaviour. They also describe how culture affects the ethics and motivation of employees in companies, the way of communicating, success of conflict solving and organizational change. A special issue is the ethics of interdependence.
Ključne besede: culture, business ethics, ethics, motivation, organization, problem solving, conflicts
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.07.2017; Ogledov: 1222; Prenosov: 188
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Towards understanding collaborative learning in the social media environment
Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: ‘Social media’, ‘Web 2.0’, ‘collaborative learning’ and user co-creation are just some of the terms that describe changes in the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in business, private life and society. The changing face of ICT has finally brought about the fulfilment of the term ‘Information Society’ and made an important impact on many fields of research, including collaborative learning. The effective use of ICT in support of group collaboration has been researched and discussed. The effectiveness was attributed to systematically organized and facilitated processes. Nevertheless, the results are not always better when group support systems (GSS) are used in comparison to face-to-face work. In contrast to the well-organized GSS-supported learning process, the social media environment is non-structured, rule-free and even chaotic. In this paper, we research the possibilities of eliciting group knowledge in the group-learning process in a social media environment. A total of 24 students assigned into three groups participated in the three-week long study. Their task was to solve a given research topic by solely using an unfamiliar social media environment and to present their findings after three weeks. Students were observed in their natural learning environment (school, home, the Flowr virtual environment), and their attitudes on collaborative work using social media tools were measured with a questionnaire at the end of the study. The results suggest that non-structured social media environment stimulates self-management of the group. Some insights into trust, motivation and conflicts in the collaborative problem solving are discussed.
Ključne besede: social networks, collaborative problem solving, learning
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3003; Prenosov: 405
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Multimedia learning material in pedagogical methodology and problem solving strategies
Tomaž Bratina, 2012, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Opis: Problem solving is a reasoning process oriented to reach the final state which usually means the solution. To reach the final state certain mental steps are required. More precisely the process of problem solving can be described as the systematic sequence of cognitive steps toward the solution or conclusion. The sequence itself is the strategy. Regarding the kind of the problems or its nature diverse problem solving strategies can be applied. In the present literature the problem solving strategies are described as reasoning strategies. The application of multimedia learning materials and good practices are confirming their benefits. The students using multimedia learning materials achieved better results than students learning from the textbook and/or attended regular lectures. They are also more successful in the application of the reasoning strategies. In the teaching of pedagogical methodology the application of reasoning strategies is important in achieving higher level of understanding and successful implementation of statistical outcomes in the education. The article will present the results of research in assessing the influence of the multimedia learning materials to the application of reasoning strategies.
Ključne besede: e-learning materials, problem solving, reasoning strategies, pedagogical methodology, statistics
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 2125; Prenosov: 38
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