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QoS-oriented design of embedded systems with specification PEARL
Roman Gumzej, Wolfgang A. Halang, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Only recently have methodical tools adequate to design real-time systems been formally introduced in design methodologies. Naturally, they were present fromthe beginning, but due to the large diversity of embedded systemsć areas of deployment, specially dedicated formalisms have been developed and used. High-level language programming and integration of modeling formalisms into design methods eased the development of more complex real-time applications. With the emerging object-oriented programming languages and design methods, their integration into larger information systems has become more transparent. It was the UML methodology, however, which eventually merged also the design methods and concepts of real-time systems into a consistent whole. It took a large consortium and a long process to persuade industry of the benefits the new integral methodology can offer. On the other hand, there are some trade-offs, and there are some features not completely covered, yet. Here, a different, more straightforward approach to program and design (embedded) real-time systems is presented. Since it emerged from the real-time community, it includes most features relevant there. Independent of the UML profile for schedulability, performance and time specification, a profile was devised for use in PEARL-oriented UML design. The strengths of the mentioned language and design methods for QoS-oriented design of (embedded) real-time systems are emphasised throughout this article.
Ključne besede: real time systems, embedded systems, quality of service, co-design, co-simulation, safety, dependability, security, timeliness, determinism, readiness, reliability, portability, flexibility, specification PEARL, UML profiles, patterns
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.05.2012; Ogledov: 2564; Prenosov: 133
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