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Impact of work-family balance results on employee work engagement within the organization : the case of Slovenia
Jasmina Žnidaršič, Mojca Bernik, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Background and purpose: Organizations strive to increase the work engagement of their employees, as engaged employees are more productive employees, but often neglect the significant effects of work-family balance on work engagement. Numerous studies confirm the importance of work-family balance and work engagement, but there is lack of research that explores the relationship between the concepts. Our research fills a research gap in investigating the impact of work-family balance on work engagement, both directly and through individual perceptions of organizational support for work-family balance. The main aim of our research is to empirically test the relationships between the policies and practices of organizations regarding work-family balance, work-life balance and work engagement. Methods: Using validated questionnaires, we collected data on organizational support for work-family balance (family-friendly policies and practices, support by leader, support by co-workers, working hours and complexity of work), work-family balance and work engagement. The quantitative data for our analysis was collected through a survey of 343 online participants who were employees in various positions in companies in Slovenia. The results: Our results show that the organization's work-family balance policies and practices, such as support by leader, co-workers, and family-friendly policies and practices, have a positive impact on the individual's work-family balance, that work-family balance leads to an increase in work engagement, and that the individual's perception of the organization's work-family balance support leads to an increase in work engagement. Conclusion: Knowledge of important work-family balance implications with an understanding of organizational support for work-family balance and the relationships between the constructs of work-family balance and work engagement can be beneficial to business leaders. This understanding can help them to strengthen employee work engagement through family-friendly policies and practices, and thereby contributing to the area of employee behavior and improving employee productivity.
Ključne besede: work-family balance, work engagement, organization management
Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 15
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Barriers to knowledge sharing in the field of information security
Justyna Żywiołek, Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Borut Jereb, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Today, sharing knowledge requires taking into account many aspects. Variable environmental conditions, the people factor, and the security of resources are just a few that should be considered for a noticeable improvement in the functioning of the company. Supporting this course of action requires the identification of all barriers that may exist in the enterprise. Only the owner and senior management by establishing system and organizational changes can influence this element of the business. The aim of the article is to indicate the problems in this respect that block the proper functioning of the company in the field of information and knowledge exchange. The survey was conducted with the help of a questionnaire among 189 respondents. The industry has significantly decreased in the last few decades, currently there are 307 companies operating in Poland. Conclusions from the conducted research were collected on the basis of a questionnaire survey. The further stage of the research will be to compare the collected results with the results from Western European countries.
Ključne besede: knowledge sharing, knowledge management, information security, knowledge exchange, business organization, Poland
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 7
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Evolution of organisational agility : a bibliometric study
Vasja Roblek, Vlado Dimovski, Maja Meško, Judita Peterlin, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: This study applies bibliometric analysis to explore the evolution of the research paradigm of agility related to management and organisations. Design/methodology/approach: Authors prepared a quantitative study of the review of selected articles using co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling. Based on the bibliometric analyses, the evolution of the agility field (past, present, and future of agility research) was prepared. Findings: Emergent themes focus on the importance of agility in interpreting organisational responses in the context of issues as diverse as information systems and business intelligence systems, market orientation, strategic alignment and social computing. Future research needs to focus on digitisation in conjunction with informatisation, an important topic for creating a new organisational culture and knowledge management through increased collaboration between humans and machines. Originality/value: As the authors are aware, this study is one of the first to choose to show the overall development and importance of agility through quantitative bibliometric methods used to assess the value and contribution of scientific productivity and its impact on development.
Ključne besede: organization, management, information systems, supply chain management
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.07.2024; Ogledov: 107; Prenosov: 20
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Managing document management systems’ life cycle in relation to an organization’s maturity for digital transformation
Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, Sandra Jordan, Samo Bobek, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Document management systems (DMS) have become an important topic regarding digital transformation in organizations because they enable paperless business, speed up processes, lower business costs, and support sustainability activities in organizations. DMSs should be considered as green technology and also as technology crucial for green digital transformation. Sustainability is becoming increasingly crucial for organizations and society, and DMSs, along with paperless business, can contribute to the sustainable orientation of organizations. However, the problem with DMS implementations is that they often fail and that DMS users often use DMSs at a basic level, which means that, among other things, they still prefer to print documents rather than use electronic documents. A framework that can contribute to a better implementation and a higher level of use of DMSs, which both lead to a more green digital transformation of the organization, represents an organization's maturity. We used the Process and Enterprise Maturity Model (PEMM) to assess the organization's maturity level concerning the DMS' life cycle. Findings are presented from the research study. The research study was based on a questionnaire and collected data from DMS users. The research study showed that an organization's maturity impacts the DMS' life cycle. Organizations that manage the DMS' life cycle will better cope with digital transformation and sustainability issues related to paperless business.
Ključne besede: digitalization of processes, document management system (DMS), organization maturity, process maturity, life cycle, digital transformation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.02.2024; Ogledov: 416; Prenosov: 35
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The influence of bookings on the company's processes
Luka Miletič, 2018, diplomsko delo/naloga

Opis: In the bachelor thesis we had undertaken the project of implementation of The Booking Platform in the F.A. Maik d.o.o. company. After four months (January 2017–April 2017) of observing the situation, more specificly in their central warehouse, we have designed The Booking Platform, depending on the needs and the problems, which had bothered the company. We discovered that the main problem was the overcrowding of the vehicles on the parking lot, which came to the warehouse at the same time, therefore the amount of goods that needed to be stored was too big to unload at the same time. The main goal of the thesis was to build the system, which will improve the processes in the F.A. Maik d.o.o. company, related to the influence of time organization in the warehouse. The main aim was to do the analysis of the current situation in the warehouse, and to test the two hypotheses, how can the situation be improved with the implementation of the new system, especially to reduce the number of complaints and to provide more fluent workflow. The project that was implemented was of high value for the company, because the processes in the warehouse were very old fashioned and not automated. The Booking Platform reduced the number of complaints to zero only two months after the implementation. In the observation time, the workflow in the warehouse improved in terms of knowing, when the vehicles are coming to the warehouse and the incoming goods can now be stored immediately, which means that the unloading ramps are now always free for new incoming goods.
Ključne besede: The Booking Platform, time organization, booking, complaints, fluent workflow, warehouse management
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.10.2018; Ogledov: 1159; Prenosov: 115
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Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" and implications for leadership : theoretical discussion
Vlado Dimovski, Miha Marič, Miha Uhan, Nina Đurica, Marko Ferjan, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: We present a study of the Art of War from a leadership perspective, one in which we make a closer connection to the context of general organization and management. The Art of War written by Sun Tzu is one of those books that could be classified in the genre of pop-culture. Although its content used to be considered as a carefully protected state secret in the past, it is now available to everyone. Its use has in the past century of moved from warfare also to other areas of human activity. Strategic advices that it contains can be used in many more areas than just the conduct in the times of war. In fact, the success in wars, as well as in business, of course, depends on leadership, which is why we identify the positive and negative attributes of a leader in relation to strategic leadership. People are those who fight in battles and are also those who win them; and the most important person in every battle is the general. Historically, a number of successful military commanders ascribe the credit for their victories to Sun Tzu's principles. In addition, this wisdom is now being examined and used by senior executives from all around the world, especially in Asia, because it can be utilized in many business and political situations. The Chinese classic "The Art of War" is still considered as one of the most influential and important works on strategy, why a discussion on theoretical and practical implications of Sun Tzu's strategic leadership theory in a global environment is also included.
Ključne besede: organization, leadership, management, Sun Tzu
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.01.2018; Ogledov: 1410; Prenosov: 231
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Organizational and managerial challenges of reforming Slovenian public agencies
Polonca Kovač, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Introduction: Agencies are among the key contemporary public organizations, prospering within reforms carried out worldwide to increase professionalism and rationalism in public administration (PA). Hence, countries have been establishing agencies and delegating them public tasks in order to achieve expertise-based instead of politically-driven and thus more efficient public policies. In such context, the present article addresses the most important strategic documents related to public administration reform (PAR) in Slovenia, analyzing their goals in terms of agencification and the main implementation results and gaps. Research Design: The research is dedicated to exploring the governmental approach to agencification as a key aspect of PAR. It analyzes (1) the main PAR strategic documents on public agencies in Slovenia since the mid-90s, and (2) the perceived implementation of structural and managerial autonomy as the declared goal of agencification. Combined research methods are applied, including descriptive analysis, regional comparisons, structural interviews among representatives of public agencies and their parent ministries, and selected statistical data analysis. Results: As proven by different research methods, the hypothesis whereby agencification goals in Slovenia are largely achieved as part of PAR documents in terms of autonomous organizational structure was confirmed. A more elaborated agencification in PAR documents relates to higher implementation of autonomy. Conclusion: Nevertheless, the professionalism of Slovenian agencies is still an on-going process, particularly as regards the efficiency implementation gap. As for the future, a more consistent PAR incorporating cross-sectoral policy on agencies is required to pursue the development of a democratic and efficient PA.
Ključne besede: public administration reform, agencies, autonomy, organization, management, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.01.2018; Ogledov: 1146; Prenosov: 335
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On-the-job training and human resource management : how to improve competitive advantage of an organization?
Kosovka Ognjenović, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Background: In this paper, the effects of four groups of factors on organizational performance are examined. Those are human resource management (HRM) policies and practices, financial and business indicators, location, and firm characteristics. A review of selected literature confirmed that a similar set of factors, through its positive effects on boosting organizational performance, may significantly improve competitive advantage of firms. Methods: An empirical analysis using firm-level data is conducted on the sample of enterprises operating in Serbia. A microeconometric approach is employed in order to specify and estimate empirical models. Two statistical models are applied. The ordered probit model is used for investigating organizational performance and the standard binary probit model for examining the decision of a firm to integrate the human resource development (HRD) department into its organizational structure. The goodness of fit measures confirmed the statistical reliability of estimated models. Results: Estimation results revealed that optimization of the number of employees, sales and revenues, firm age, increased market demand and competitive environment, as well as the ‘right decisions’ of the top management have significantly positive effects on boosting organizational performance. Significance of on-the-job training for boosting organizational performance was not empirically supported. In the same group of factors are firm size, industry and region. An auxiliary model shown that large- and medium-sized firms, firms with high level of revenues, privately owned, foreign and those located in or near to the capital city are more likely to have HRD departments. Conclusions: This paper provides a survey of the theoretical literature and explains empirical findings that are relevant for understanding to what extent on-the-job training, managing human resource, as well as some other internal and external organizational and financial factors are important for enhancing competitive advantage of firms.
Ključne besede: training, human resource management, competitiveness, organization, employees
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.12.2017; Ogledov: 1531; Prenosov: 279
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Authentic leadership in contemporary Slovenian business environment : explanatory case study of HERMES SoftLab
Vlado Dimovski, Barbara Grah, Sandra Penger, Judita Peterlin, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The paper explores the authentic leadership in learning organization in Slovenian business environment. The purpose of the paper is to present relationship between authentic leadership and learning organization. Main research thesis is focused on characteristics of authentic leadership in company HERMES SoftLab. The main thesis of this paper is that authentic leadership in learning organization enables the growth of leaders in organizational surroundings through a constant dedication to authenticity and organizational learning that will be explored through the qualitative research method of case study research approach. Key research finding is that authentic leaders can be identified in company HERMES SoftLab and that there is a mutual influence between learning organization and authentic leadership. Therefore, the main research finding is that the learning organization leverages the authentic leadership, which in turn leverages the learning organization.
Ključne besede: enterprises, leadership, management, learning organization
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.11.2017; Ogledov: 1387; Prenosov: 190
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Perceived gender equality in managerial positions in organizations
Polona Tominc, Urban Šebjan, Karin Širec, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Background and Purpose: This research aims to achieve two main objectives: to investigate differences between male and female managers regarding the perceived gender equality in organizations and to analyze the gender differences in relationships among the perceived gender equality, the perceived satisfaction with employment position and career, the perceived satisfaction with work, and the perceived work-family conflict. Design/Methodology/Approach: The sample of research includes 82 managers in Slovenian organizations. In first stage, we analyzed with t-test differences between male and female regarding perceived gender equality in decision-making positions. In the next step we developed the conceptual models and used structural equational modeling (SEM), and analyzed differences between constructs in two conceptual models. Results: The research results show that female managers perceive gender equality in organizations in general to be significantly lower than males; furthermore, perceived gender equality is positively related to the perceived satisfaction with employment position and career as well as to the perceived satisfaction with work, but both relationships are significantly stronger for female managers. On the other hand female managers seems to cope more efficiently with the perceived work-family conflict since it has significantly different impact on female managers’ perceived satisfaction with work, as compared to the male managers. Conclusion: To achieve more gender equality within organizations and a reduction of the gender gap, the legislative initiatives cannot be successful without appropriate corporate strategy sets, which presents the framework for doing business and determines the internal working culture. The findings offer several policy, as well as business practice-oriented implications.
Ključne besede: gender balance, decision-making position, employment satisfaction, work satisfaction, organization, management, managerial positions, gender equality
Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.07.2017; Ogledov: 1519; Prenosov: 501
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