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Ciljno usmerjeni ukrepi kmetijske politike za ohranjanje biodiverzitete
Sonja Škornik, 2021, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Opis: Kmetijsko-okoljski ukrepi so v skupni kmetijski politiki EU uveljavljen model finančnih spodbud za gospodarjenje na načine, ki zmanjšujejo negativne vplive na okolje. V prispevku sta predstavljena osnovna modela kmetijsko-okoljskih ukrepov za ohranjanje biodiverzitete: klasični model ukrepov za izvajanje določene kmetijske rabe in novejši pristop ciljno usmerjenih ukrepov. Povzete so osnovne značilnosti, prednosti in pomanjkljivosti obeh modelov. Poudarek je na pristopu ciljno usmerjenih plačil, saj lahko zaradi njegovih prednosti pričakujemo vedno več shem, ki bodo temeljile na tem konceptu. V prispevku je nadalje prikazan razvoj kazalnikov za varstvo ekstenzivnih travišč s ciljno usmerjenimi ukrepi, ki je zasnovan na izbiri seznama indikatorskih rastlinskih vrst.
Ključne besede: kmetijsko-okoljski ukrepi, ekstenzivna travišča, indikatorske vrste, Natura 2000, monitoring travišč
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.09.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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Filip Tashkovski, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: Auditing, as a form of control (for example over financial management or compliance), has traditionally relied on manual processes that are time-consuming, labor-intensive and prone to human error. With the advent of robotic process automation (RPA), there has been a paradigm shift from manual to automated processes in audit processes as well. Automation dates back to the 1990s, which led to the creation of robotic process automation (RPA) tools. Today we are approaching or we are in the fourth industrial revolution, the era of universal automation. RPA refers to the use of software robots (or "bots") to automate repetitive rule-based activities previously performed by humans. As companies try to keep up with rapid technological improvements, incorporating RPA into audit processes provides a number of benefits that can radically change auditing. RPA has emerged as a transformative technology in auditing, changing established approaches with its ability to improve productivity, accuracy and compliance. One of the most significant benefits of RPA in auditing is its ability to increase efficiency. Traditional audit procedures can sometimes be time-consuming and labor-intensive, as auditors must manually collect and evaluate data from multiple sources. RPA accelerates these activities by automating common tasks such as data entry, coordination and report generation. For example, an RPA robot can be trained to collect financial data from multiple sources (eg from multiple companies) and verify its accuracy using established criteria. This not only reduces the time required to perform audits, but also eliminates the possibility of human error. In addition to efficiency, there is another key advantage: accuracy. RPA enables auditors to take proactive measures to reduce risk, thereby protecting the financial integrity and reputation of the organization. By automating mundane and repetitive activities, RPA allows auditors to focus on more strategic activities that deliver value to the business. Auditors (in the broadest sense) can spend more time evaluating data models, finding areas for improvement, and making strategic suggestions to management. The aim of this bachelor's degree thesis is to explore and demonstrate the application of RPA in audit procedures, highlighting its benefits such as increased productivity, improved quality of rapid processing of large databases, improved risk management, and cost savings. The thesis also discusses the challenges and considerations related to the implementation of RPA in audit practices. The history of RPA is detailed, revealing its use by different industries and their goals. The thesis defines all types of RPA tools and their advantages and weaknesses. It also distinguishes between artificial intelligence (AI) and RPA, as it can confuse the activities of RPA tools with AI.
Ključne besede: robotic process automation, RPA, monitoring, analytics, security, productivity, auditing, audit process.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.09.2024; Ogledov: 25; Prenosov: 14
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Prve analize vodnega vira iz Savinjske statistične regije : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Tina Kodrin, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: V diplomskem delu je prikazana prva analiza vodnega izvira z območja Savinjske statistične regije, ki že več let preskrbuje manjše število gospodinjstev s pitno vodo. V vseh teh letih še ni bilo izvedenih ustreznih analiz, s katerimi bi potrdili ustreznost vode in primernost le te za uživanje. Cilj diplomskega dela je izvesti prvo analizo omenjenega vodnega izvira in določiti kakovost vode z uporabo fizikalno-kemijskih analiz in mikrobiološke analize. Fizikalno-kemijske analize smo izvedli v treh različnih časovnih obdobjih. Določili smo vsebnost splošnih parametrov v vodi, vsebnost kovin in trdoto vode. V sodelovanju z Nacionalnim laboratorijem za okolje in hrano Novo mesto smo določili mikrobiološko kakovost vode. Končni cilj predstavlja določitev indeksa kakovosti vode (WQI). Rezultati kažejo na zelo dobro kakovost vode. Vsebnost težkih kovin je večinoma blizu ali pod mejo določljivosti, kakor tudi rezultati vsebnosti pesticidov. Dobljeni rezultati mikrobiološke analize so ustrezni. WQI je pokazal zelo visoko kakovost pitne vode.
Ključne besede: Pitna voda, prvi monitoring, pesticidi, mikrobiološke analize, indeks kakovosti vode
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.07.2024; Ogledov: 134; Prenosov: 64
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Decarbonisation of Eastern European economies : monitoring, economic, social and security concerns
Mirjana Radovanović, Sanja Filipović, Simonida Vukadinović, Milovan Trbojević, Iztok Podbregar, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Background Decarbonisation of the European economy is one of the main strategic goals of energy transition in the European Union (EU), which aims to become a leader in this process by 2050 and to include other European countries making thus the European continent the first carbon neutral region in the world. Although decarbonisation is an important goal of the EU, the models for monitoring the progress of this process have not yet been clearly defined, and views on the social, economic, and security implications in terms of prioritising decarbonisation are conflicting. The main objective of this paper is to determine the methodological correctness of the existing method of decarbonisation monitoring, to develop a new monitoring model indicating the differences in the EU and European countries that are non-EU and to point out the underlying social, economic and security implications that must certainly find their place in the decision-making process in this field. Results The main results showed that there is no clearly defined model for monitoring the success of decarbonisation, while the indicators that are commonly used for this purpose make a model that, as the analysis shows—is methodologically incorrect. In the case of EU countries, the following indicators proved to be the most reliable: consumption-based CO2 and share in global CO2. For non-EU countries, the best monitoring indicators are CO2 per unit of GDP, consumption-based CO2, and renewable energy consumption. These indicators can explain 99% of the variance in decarbonisation success. Conclusions The basic conclusion of the paper is that even before the implementation, the decarbonisation monitoring model should be defined and methodologically tested, and the use of a single model for all EU countries or for all countries is not recommended. It is proposed to simplify the monitoring model, with an emphasis on monitoring of consumption-based CO2, which proved to be the most efficient in all sampled countries. The current method of monitoring is based exclusively on environmentally related indicators while ignoring the fact that decarbonisation is associated with almost all aspects of development. The additional social, economic and security aspects need to be developed and included in the further monitoring process.
Ključne besede: decarbonisation, Eastern European economies, monitoring, social implications, security aspects
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 144; Prenosov: 14
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Tool condition monitoring using machine tool spindle current and long short-term memory neural network model analysis
Niko Turšič, Simon Klančnik, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In cutting processes, tool condition affects the quality of the manufactured parts. As such, an essential component to prevent unplanned downtime and to assure machining quality is having information about the state of the cutting tool. The primary function of it is to alert the operator that the tool has reached or is reaching a level of wear beyond which behaviour is unreliable. In this paper, the tool condition is being monitored by analysing the electric current on the main spindle via an artificial intelligence model utilising an LSTM neural network. In the current study, the tool is monitored while working on a cylindrical raw piece made of AA6013 aluminium alloy with a custom polycrystalline diamond tool for the purposes of monitoring the wear of these tools. Spindle current characteristics were obtained using external measuring equipment to not influence the operation of the machine included in a larger production line. As a novel approach, an artificial intelligence model based on an LSTM neural network is utilised for the analysis of the spindle current obtained during a manufacturing cycle and assessing the tool wear range in real time. The neural network was designed and trained to notice significant characteristics of the captured current signal. The conducted research serves as a proof of concept for the use of an LSTM neural network-based model as a method of monitoring the condition of cutting tools.
Ključne besede: tool condition monitoring, artificial intelligence, LSTM neural network
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.04.2024; Ogledov: 181; Prenosov: 22
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Analytical gas sensing in the terahertz spectral range
Andreja Abina, Uroš Puc, Mojca Jazbinšek, Aleksander Zidanšek, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Exploiting the terahertz (THz) part of the electromagnetic spectrum is attracting attention in various scientific and applied disciplines worldwide. THz technology has also revealed its potential as an effective tool for gas analysis in astronomy, biomedicine and chemical analysis. Recently, it has also become important in environmental applications for monitoring hazardous and toxic gases in the atmosphere. This paper gives an overview of THz gas detection analytical methods for environmental and biomedical applications, starting with a brief introduction to THz technology and an explanation of the interaction of THz radiation with gaseous species and the atmosphere. The review focuses on several gaseous species and groups of air pollutants that have been or can be analysed by THz spectrometry. The review concludes that different but complementary THz detection methods allow unique detection, identification and quantification of gaseous and particulate air pollutants with high selectivity, specificity and sensitivity. THz detection methods also allow further technological improvements and open new application possibilities.
Ključne besede: terahertz spectroscopy, gas sensing, air pollution, environmental monitoring
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.03.2024; Ogledov: 205; Prenosov: 18
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LiDAR-Based Maintenance of a Safe Distance between a Human and a Robot Arm
David Podgorelec, Suzana Uran, Andrej Nerat, Božidar Bratina, Sašo Pečnik, Marjan Dimec, Franc Žaberl, Borut Žalik, Riko Šafarič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper focuses on a comprehensive study of penal policy in Slovenia in the last 70 years, providing an analysis of statistical data on crime, conviction, and prison populations. After a sharp political and penal repression in the first years after World War II, penal and prison policy began paving the way to a unique "welfare sanction system", grounded in ideas of prisoners' treatment. After democratic reforms in the early 1990s, the criminal legislation became harsher, but Slovenia managed to avoid the general punitive trends characterized by the era of penal state and culture of control. The authoritarian socialist regime at its final stage had supported the humanization of the penal system, and this trend continued in the first years of the democratic reforms in the 1990s, but it lost its momentum after 2000. In the following two decades, Slovenia experienced a continuous harshening of criminal law and sanctions on the one hand and an increasing prison population rate on the other. From 2014 onwards, however, there was a decrease in all segments of penal statistics. The findings of the study emphasize the exceptionalism of Slovenian penal policy, characterized by penal moderation, which is the product of the specific local historical, political, economic, and normative developments.
Ključne besede: LIDAR, robot, human-robot collaboration, speed and separation monitoring, intelligent control system, geometric data registration, motion prediction
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.02.2024; Ogledov: 417; Prenosov: 32
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Primerjava porabe energije objektov z in brez energetskega upravljanja : diplomsko delo
Nemanja Bogićević, 2023, diplomsko delo

Opis: Diplomsko delo preučuje primerjavo porabe energije med objekti z implementiranim energetskim upravljanjem in objekti brez njega. Obravnavali smo osnovne koncepte upravljanja z energijo v stavbah, vključno s standardom ISO 50001, stopnje energetskega upravljanja ter povezane sisteme nadzora in zbiranja podatkov. Prav tako smo se osredotočili na relevantno zakonodajo s področja energetske učinkovitosti in upravljanja z energijo. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali pogoje bivalnega in delovnega ugodja prostorov, kot so temperatura, vlaga, hrup, osvetlitev, koncentracija ogljikovega dioksida in radona. Nato smo izvedli primerjalno analizo kazalnikov dveh realnih stavb. Ena sledi dobrim praksam, druga pa kaže posledice pomanjkanja ozaveščanja in zaupanja v pomen upravljanja z energijo.
Ključne besede: energetsko upravljanje, energetski monitoring, energetski kazalniki
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.01.2024; Ogledov: 277; Prenosov: 51
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Primerjava ročnega in avtomatskega merjenja frekvence dihanja s pomočjo signala ekg elektrod
Alex Trojnar, 2023, magistrsko delo

Opis: Uvod: Frekvenca dihanja je ključni fiziološki parameter, ki se uporablja v številnih kliničnih okoljih. Kljub njegovi diagnostični in prognostični vrednosti se še vedno pogosto meri z ročnim štetjem frekvence dihanja. V zadnjem času je velik pomen v kliničnem okolju dobila metoda, s katero popolnoma neinvazivno preko signalov elektrokardiograma oziroma njegovih elektrod spremljamo frekvence dihanja. Metode: V zaključnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo z metodo opazovanja. S pomočjo zbranih podatkov iz kliničnega okolja, smo naredili opazovalno študijo. Za izvedbo raziskovalne naloge smo uporabili neslučajnostni namenski vzorec, ki je zajemal 150 pacientov, starejših od 18 let, ki so bili priključeni na EKG monitoring. Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 150 pacientov, pri čemer je analiza meritev frekvence dihanja pokazala razlike med izmerjenimi vrednostmi brez EKG monitorja (19,89 vdiha na minuto) in z EKG monitorjem (19,99 vdihov na minuto). Statistična primerjava razlik med izmerjeno frekvenco dihanja brez in z EKG monitorjem ni pokazala statistično pomembnih razlik. Razprava in sklep: Ugotavljamo, da je natančnost merjenja frekvence dihanja ključnega pomena pri kliničnem delu. Glede na rezultate študije menimo, da je spremljanje frekvence dihanja ključnega pomena pri zgodnjem odkrivanju bolezni in napredovanju zdravstvenega stanja pacientov. Zato si želimo, da bi se zdravstveni delavci lahko zanesli na aparate, ki omogočajo natančno in zanesljivo merjenje frekvence dihanja.
Ključne besede: dihanje, frekvenca dihanja, EKG, monitoring
Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.12.2023; Ogledov: 418; Prenosov: 40
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