1. Ali so pogosti obiskovalci za zdravnika tudi težavni bolniki?Janko Kersnik, Marija Kuralt, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: osnovno zdravstvo, družinska medicina, odnos zdravnik-bolnik, obiski, stres, konzultacija, težaven bolnik, pogosti obiskovalci Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.04.2024; Ogledov: 202; Prenosov: 11 Celotno besedilo (123,10 KB) Gradivo je zbirka in zajema 1 gradivo! |
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4. Pogostnost etičnih dilem med zdravniki družinske medicine v SlovenijiZalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Janko Kersnik, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Purpose: To de termine the per~ ceived prevalence of ethical dilem~ mas in family practice.Methods: Selfadministered ques~ tionnaire sent to a random sample of 259 Slovenian family physicians.The main outcome measure was the percentage of doctors reporting the frequency of ethical dilemmas on a 5 ~point scale.Results: Ethical dilemmas were common ( mean score standard de~viation, 36.2 12.5, out of a maxi~ mum of 100). The most common dilemmas involved decision~making regarding use of limited resources (23.9%), patient attempts to abuse the health care service (20.4%) and interfacing with the rest of the health care system (20.4%). Dealing with patients suspected of being physically abused, sexually abused, or involved in other violent acts was the least common ethical dilemma 0.1 %), followed by issues involving breaking bad news 0.1 %) and special situations regarding adolescents (0.7%).Older physicians and those with more experience reported ethical dilemmas less commonly (32.3 11.9 vs.40.1 11.9, P < 0.001; 32.4 11.8 vs. 39.5 12.2, P = O. OO 1 , respectively) . Specialists in family medicine and family medicine residents reported ethical dilemmas more commonly than general practitioners without specialist training (37.0 12.6 vs. 30.7 1O.8, P = 0.05 and 39.5 12.5 vs. 30.7 1O.8, P = 0.04, respectively).Conclusions: Ethical issues are common in Slovenian family practice and are most of ten reported byresidents in specialist training. This supports the need to continue and even improve specialist training in recognizing and comprehending ethical dilemmas. Ključne besede: bioetika, pogostnost, družinska medicina, odnos med zdravnikom in bolnikom, presečna študija Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.04.2024; Ogledov: 163; Prenosov: 2 Celotno besedilo (505,58 KB) Gradivo je zbirka in zajema 1 gradivo! |
5. Stališča zdravnikov družinske medicine in njihovih bolnikov do izvajanja 24-urnega neinvazivnega merjenja krvnega tlaka v ambulanti družinske medicineMarija Petek Šter, Janko Kersnik, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Purpose: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is increasingly being used in general practice, but there is a lack of information about the attitudes of general practitioners and their patients about the use of ABPM inprimary care in Europe. Methods: Cross sectional survey performed on consecutive patients with uncontrolled hypertension treated by at least two different antihypertensive drugs and referred for ABPM in 38 general practicesin Slovenia. Patients and physicians completed a questionnaire about their satisfaction with, attitudes about and acceptance of ABPM in general practice; the latter two were assessed using 5 point Likert scales. Results: We obtained complete data for 185 patients; 95 female (51.4%) and 90 (48.6%) male, aged 37 to 79 years (mean 59.5, SD 9.5 years). 106 (67.3 %) patients were completely satisfied with the instructions given before ABPM. Patients found ABPM an acceptable method of blood pressure control. They believed that ABMP helped to reach better blood pressure control (Likert scale: 4.46, SD 1.03) and valued having access to ABPM in general practice (Likert scale: 4.65, SD 1.01). General practitioners strongly believed that ABPM was acceptable to patients, improved patient and physician interest in blood pressure control, improved compliance with treatment and reduced prescription of antihypertensive drugs. They recognised ABPM as being most valuable in cases of patients with suspected white-coat hypertension (Likert scale: 4.79, SD 0.49). Conclusions: Patients and general practitioners find ABPM to be an acceptable method for investigating blood pressure. Patients value being able to access ABPM in general practice rather than in a specialist setting. Ključne besede: arterijska hipertenzija, 24-NMKT, stališča, sprejem, družinska medicina Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.04.2024; Ogledov: 165; Prenosov: 5 Celotno besedilo (115,71 KB) Gradivo je zbirka in zajema 1 gradivo! |
6. Učinkovitost zdravljenja sindroma policističnih jajčnikov z metforminomKatja Jerenec, Maša Samojlenko, Ksenija Geršak, Polonca Ferk, 2013, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: Metformin is an oral antidiabetic drug with potentially beneficial effects in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Different pharmacological responses to metformin have been reported in PCOS patients, which may be attribut able to various clinical, biochemical, genetic and other factors. Here, we have outlined a short review of the results from current clinical studies on metformin efficacy in PCOS patients. Additionally, preliminary results from a retrospective pharmacogenetic study by our group on a sample of Slovene PCOS patients are presented. Pharmacogenetics is an emerging science that should provide options for individualized medicine, the future of healthcare. Ključne besede: sindrom policističnih jajčnikov, metformin, farmakogenetika, osebna medicina Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.04.2024; Ogledov: 159; Prenosov: 4 Celotno besedilo (400,88 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... Gradivo je zbirka in zajema 1 gradivo! |
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8. Beliefs and viewpoints of family medicine physicians on approaches to identify and treat medically unexplained symptomsVojislav Ivetić, Tonka Poplas-Susič, Klemen Pašić, Polona Selič-Zupančič, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: medicinsko nepojasnjena stanja, stres, družinska medicina, odnos zdravnik – bolnik, somatizacija Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.04.2024; Ogledov: 197; Prenosov: 10 Celotno besedilo (141,15 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... Gradivo je zbirka in zajema 1 gradivo! |
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10. First treatment with venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in MariborKristijan Skok, Andrej Markota, Franc Svenšek, Andreja Sinkovič, 2019, drugi znanstveni članki Ključne besede: zunajtelesni krvni obtok, VV ECMO, refraktarna hipoksemija, akutna dihalna odpoved, intenzivna medicina, enota za intenzivno terapijo Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.04.2024; Ogledov: 177; Prenosov: 10 Celotno besedilo (76,84 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... Gradivo je zbirka in zajema 1 gradivo! |