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Integrirani molekularni tkivni označevalci : matematični model v pristopu k oceni in predvidevanju raka prostate s tkivnimi molekularnimi označevalci
Miha Munda, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Standardni kriteriji za diagnozo raka prostate mnogokrat niso zadostni, da bi predvideli potek in izhod te pogoste bolezni. Vrednotenje molekularnih tkivnih označevalcev, še posebej tistih, ki označujejo apoptozo in proliferacijo, integrirani v matematični model, lahko pridonese k boljšemu razumevanju razvoja in patogeneze te bolezni; nadalje tudi k izboru oz. določitvi adekvatne terapije in bi odprlo tudi nove perspektive v iskanju novih terapij.
Ključne besede: matematični model, rak prostate, tkivni označevalec, p53, bcl-2, CD105, mathematical model, prostate cancer, tissue marker, p53, bcl-2, CD105
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 15
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Mathematical modeling of the floating sleeper phenomenon supported by field measurements : Mojmir Uranjek, Denis Imamović and Iztok Peruš
Mojmir Uranjek, Denis Imamović, Iztok Peruš, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This article aims to provide an accurate mathematical model with the minimum number of degrees of freedom for describing the floating sleeper phenomenon. This was accomplished using mathematical modeling supported by extensive field measurements of the railway track. Although the observed phenomenon is very complex, the simplified single degree of freedom (SDOF) mathematical model proved accurate enough for its characterization. The progression of the deterioration of the railway track was successfully correlated to changes in the maximal dynamic factor for different types of pulse loading. The results of the presented study might enable the enhanced construction and maintenance of railroads, particularly in karst areas.
Ključne besede: floating sleepers, dynamic factor, pulse loading, field measurements, SDOF mathematical model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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Mitochondrial dysfunction in pancreatic alpha and beta cells associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Vladimir Grubelnik, Jan Zmazek, Rene Markovič, Marko Gosak, Marko Marhl, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a complex multifactorial disease of epidemic proportions. It involves genetic and lifestyle factors that lead to dysregulations in hormone secretion and metabolic homeostasis. Accumulating evidence indicates that altered mitochondrial structure, function, and particularly bioenergetics of cells in different tissues have a central role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In the present study, we explore how mitochondrial dysfunction impairs the coupling between metabolism and exocytosis in the pancreatic alpha and beta cells. We demonstrate that reduced mitochondrial ATP production is linked with the observed defects in insulin and glucagon secretion by utilizing computational modeling approach. Specifically, a 30-40% reduction in alpha cells' mitochondrial function leads to a pathological shift of glucagon secretion, characterized by oversecretion at high glucose concentrations and insufficient secretion in hypoglycemia. In beta cells, the impaired mitochondrial energy metabolism is accompanied by reduced insulin secretion at all glucose levels, but the differences, compared to a normal beta cell, are the most pronounced in hyperglycemia. These findings improve our understanding of metabolic pathways and mitochondrial bioenergetics in the pathology of type 2 diabetes mellitus and might help drive the development of innovative therapies to treat various metabolic diseases.
Ključne besede: pancreatic endocrine cells, mathematical model, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular bioenergetics, diabetes, glucagon, insulin
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 47; Prenosov: 16
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Role of cAMP in double switch of glucagon secretion
Jan Zmazek, Vladimir Grubelnik, Rene Markovič, Marko Marhl, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Glucose metabolism plays a crucial role in modulating glucagon secretion in pancreatic alpha cells. However, the downstream effects of glucose metabolism and the activated signaling pathways influencing glucagon granule exocytosis are still obscure. We developed a computational alpha cell model, implementing metabolic pathways of glucose and free fatty acids (FFA) catabolism and an intrinsically activated cAMP signaling pathway. According to the model predictions, increased catabolic activity is able to suppress the cAMP signaling pathway, reducing exocytosis in a Ca2+ -dependent and Ca2+ independent manner. The effect is synergistic to the pathway involving ATPdependent closure of KATP channels and consequent reduction of Ca2+. We analyze the contribution of each pathway to glucagon secretion and show that both play decisive roles, providing a kind of "secure double switch". The cAMP-driven signaling switch plays a dominant role, while the ATP-driven metabolic switch is less favored. The ratio is approximately 60:40, according to the most recent experimental evidence.
Ključne besede: pancreatic alpha cell, glucagon, cAMP, mathematical model, diabetes, cellular bioenergetics
Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.06.2024; Ogledov: 107; Prenosov: 11
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A game theoretical model for the stimulation of public cooperation in environmental collaborative governance
Yinhai Fang, Matjaž Perc, Hui Zhang, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Digital technologies provide a convenient way for the public to participate in environmental governance. Therefore, by means of a two-stage evolutionary model, a new mechanism for promoting public cooperation is proposed to accomplish environmental collaborative governance. Interactive effects of government-enterprise environmental governance are firstly explored, which is the external atmosphere for public behaviour. Second, the evolutionary dynamics of public behaviour is analysed to reveal the internal mechanism of the emergence of public cooperation in environmental collaborative governance projects. Simulations reveal that the interaction of resource elements between government and enterprise is an important basis for environmental governance performance, and that governments can improve this as well as public cooperation by increasing the marginal governance propensity. Similarly, an increase in the government's fixed expenditure item of environmental governance can also significantly improve government-enterprise performance and public cooperation. And finally, the effect of government's marginal incentive propensity on public environmental governance is moderated by enterprises' marginal environmental governance propensity, so that simply increasing the government's marginal incentive propensity cannot improve the evolutionary stable state of public behaviour under the scenario where enterprises’ marginal environmental governance propensity is low.
Ključne besede: game theory, human behaviour, cooperation, mathematical model, common goods
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.05.2024; Ogledov: 219; Prenosov: 9
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Modelling of unit differential reversal curves in the G2E hysteresis model
Ermin Rahmanović, Martin Petrun, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Iron losses represent a crucial factor in the design process of electrical machines. For this reason, it is important to consider adequate hysteresis behavior within models which predict iron losses. A promising hysteresis description is the static hysteresis model developed by the G2Elab research group. It proposes a unique approach of modelling magnetization curves inside the major loop based on the so-called unit differential reversal curves (uDRCs). This work focuses on modelling of the uDRCs. We analyzed the accuracy and identification approaches of several uDRC models, where we compared the established model with simplified solutions with less parameters. Further, we analyzed the impact of individual models regarding identification convergence. Finally, we highlighted which simplified models give the best trade-off between the ease and stability of identification process of parameters, and the accuracy of the hysteresis model.
Ključne besede: static hysteresis model, iron loss, loss surface model, magnetic material, mathematical modelling
Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.01.2024; Ogledov: 214; Prenosov: 23
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An analysis of the geomechanical processes in coal mining using the Velenje mining method
Gregor Jeromel, Milan Medved, Jakob Likar, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: With in-depth geomechanical analyses of sub-level mining using the longwall mining method we can identify the relationships between the physical and mechanical parameters of geological materials, depending on the intensity of the coal extraction. The extent and the intensity of the mining operations impose impacts on the stresses and cause deformation changes in the rocks and in the coal seams on a broader area of excavations. The method of sub-level coal extraction requires multi-caving of the hanging-wall layers, which are recompressed, and in sub-level stoping each represents a hanging wall. The repeating processes of caving-in and compression, from the aspect of the theory of plasticity, have been relatively little researched because every such process brings about structural changes in natural, multi-caved and recompressed materials in the hanging wall. The intensity of the coal extraction has direct impacts on the surrounding and distant mining areas. Extensive stress and deformation changes in the surrounding area, and in the mine, represent a safety hazard for the employees, since the supporting system in the mine roadway could collapse. Therefore, a controlled excavation of the coal, and a good understanding of the geomechanical properties of all the materials and processes involved, is extremely important for planning and managing economic production, while also ensuring safe mining operations. A numerical model that allows for in-depth analyses of the geomechanical processes that occur in the hanging wall, the footwall and in the coal seam during sub-level coal excavation, is broadly applicable and highly relevant for analysing the intensity and the level of the caving processes in sub-level coal mining, and for making realistic plans for coal excavation with workers’ safety in mind.
Ključne besede: coal mining, sub-level mining method, longwall coal mining method, carving processes, finite-difference method, FLAC, mathematical model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.06.2018; Ogledov: 1117; Prenosov: 99
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The costs of container transport flow between Far East and Serbia using different liner shipping services
Vladislav Rajkovič, Nenad Đ. Zrnić, Đorđe Stakić, Borut Mahnič, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Liner shipping is the most efficient mode of transport for goods. International liner shipping is a sophisticated network of regularly scheduled services that transports goods from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world at low cost and with greater energy efficiency than any other form of international transportation. Liner shipping connects countries, markets, businesses and people, allowing them to buy and sell goods on a scale not previously possible. Today, the liner shipping industry transports goods representing approximately one-third of the total value of global trade. Ocean shipping contributes significantly to international stability and security. Considering the large and constant struggle in the market in terms of competitive pricing of products, a very important and indispensable role represents the container transport with a clear task to define the final price of the product. This paper analyzes the costs of container transport flow between Far East and Serbia, using different liner shipping services, observing the six world’s largest container operators (Maersk Line, Mediterranean Shipping Company, CMA CGM, Evergreen Line, China Ocean Shipping Company and Hapag-Lloyd) and inland (truck-rail-river) transport corridors. These corridors include distance between selected Mediterranean ports (Koper, Rijeka, Bar, Thessaloniki, Constanta) and Serbia. As a result, in this paper is considered a mathematical model that provides a comparative analysis of transportation costs on the different routes. It is observed already existing transport routes and it is also given hypothetical review to the development of new transport routes. The main goal of this research is to provide an optimal route with lowest transportation cost during container transport. Selection of the best route in the intermodal network is a very difficult and complex task. The costs in all modes of transport and the quality of their services are not constant parameters and changes depending on a number of conditions and characteristics. The analysis of this model within combined maritime and land-based networks would prove helpful for the study of logistics chains, the hinterland-foreland continuum, intermodal transport systems, and market competitiveness.
Ključne besede: costs, container transport, liner shipping, mathematical model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.11.2017; Ogledov: 1983; Prenosov: 454
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Probabilistic behaviour of joints on joint forces in mechanisms
Boštjan Harl, Nenad Gubeljak, Marko Kegl, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper discusses the influence of the clearance in joints on the joint reaction forces in mechanisms. By using mathematical programming, the optimal parameters of kinematic chains can be efficiently obtained by using the deterministic approach. However, the situation becomes more sophisticated if random effects of tolerances of the arm lengths and the random pin positions have to be considered. In this work the influence of clearances on joint forces is calculated by using the Taylor approximation and the Monte Carlo method. The implementation of the model is illustrated with two examples. The first example considers a closed loop chain, representing a four-bar mechanism being an actual part of a hydraulic support, employed in mining industry. The second example considers joint reaction forces of car wiper mechanism.
Ključne besede: joint forces, kinematic chain, mathematical programming, stochastic model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 1024; Prenosov: 438
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Casting process optimization by the regression analysis applied on the wear resistant parts molding
Radomir Slavković, Slavko Arsovski, Aleksandar Veg, Zvonimir Jugović, Aleksandar Jovićić, Nedeljko Dučić, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Conducting a comprehensive research of the casting process of wear resistant parts (white hard casting), a significant correlation is established between the technological parameters (temperature, aging time in the mold and coolant flow) and the final product hardness. The fundamental theory of Box-Wilson's gradient method marked the baseline for the foreseen researches. The method defines the coherence of the process parameters, since their dispersion in the examined process is relatively small. Main target of the experiment was a definition of the optimal casting conditions. Therefore the different technological routes are identified and the casting process is modified until the best outcome is achieved. Target function was initially in a hypothesized form, while later on evolved into a consistent form due to the application of experiment-statistics, process optimization and process management based on empirical feedback.
Ključne besede: casting, mathematical model, quality management, wear resistance
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.07.2017; Ogledov: 1231; Prenosov: 123
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