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Improved formal verification of SDN-based firewalls by using TLA+
Tatjana Kapus, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In an article published in IEEE Access in 2020, researchers present an approach to using TLA + for the formal verification of whether a network of SDN (Software-Defined Networking) switches implements the filtering rules of a given monolithic firewall. The distributed as well as monolithic firewalls are specified with TLA + . It is shown that the correctness of the former with respect to the latter can be verified automatically by using the TLC model checker. The main contributions of this paper are the following improvements of that approach. Firstly, by specifying switches without using any variables, the time needed for the model checking is reduced significantly. For example, the verification of the same networks takes a few seconds with the new approach and does not end after several hours with the previous one. Secondly, the following problem is solved. With the latter, if a monolithic firewall allows a packet to pass through, all the paths in the distributed firewall which the packet is routed on must allow the same. Otherwise, the model checker proclaims the distributed firewall to be in error. We present an additional approach to the verification, which gives a positive answer if at least one of the paths allows the packet to pass through.
Ključne besede: firewalls, formal specification, formal verification, logic, model checking, software defined networking
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.12.2023; Ogledov: 285; Prenosov: 30
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Terrorism : social causes and perspectives
Renato Matić, Anita Dremel, Mateja Šakić, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyze the origin of different interpretations of the events connected with terrorism, with special emphasis put on different interpretations of causes and consequences of terrorism. The objective is to show that the same logic has perpetrated the causes of the problem and is being used to solve it. Design/Methods/Approach: This research into the social causes of terrorism leans against a critical theoretical perspective and uses a historical comparative method aimed at deconstructing some taken-for-granted perspectives regarding terrorism and its actors. It brings the understanding of the causes of terrorism into connection with the history of mutual relationships between today's main actors of global terrorism and anti-terrorism in the wish to explain the consequences of terrorism as resulting from the stable and continued relationship between the main actors. Findings: The analysis has shown that current approaches to dealing with the problem of terrorism are so strikingly unsuccessful because, among other reasons, they rely on the same logic that led to the problem in the first place and thus cannot be used to solve the problem. Current power relations between the actors of “terrorism” and “anti-terrorism” point to the need for a possible alternative approach to preventing the mutually complementing “terrorist” and “anti-terrorism” violence. Originality/Value: The greatest value of this analysis is that it offers a view of the problem of terrorism based in the tradition of sociological theory, particularly that of deviance, serving thus as an important complement to more customary criminalist, criminological, psychological and legal perspectives. Without such historically grounded and sociologically informed approach, critical perspective would not be possible.
Ključne besede: terrorism, colonialism, center, periphery, the logic of power, power relations
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.04.2020; Ogledov: 899; Prenosov: 41
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Representation of Boolean functions with ROBDDs
Aleš Časar, Robert Meolic, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Opis: This paper describes data structures and algorithms for representation of Boolean functions with reduced ordered binary decision diagrams (ROBDDs). A hash table is used for quick search. Additional information about variables and functions is stored in binary trees. Manipulations on functions are based on a recursive algorithm of ITE operation. The primary goal of this article is describe programming technics needed to realize the idea. For the first time here recursive algorithms for composing functions and garbage collection with a formulae counter are presented. This is better than garbage collection in other known implementations. The results of the tests show that the described representation is very efficient in applications which operate with Boolean functions.
Ključne besede: Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram, Boolean function, logic functions, logic design verification, hash table
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.02.2018; Ogledov: 2539; Prenosov: 56
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Luka Kumer, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: V diplomskem delu je predstavljena simulacija proizvodnega sistema robotske roke v povezavi z DOOSAN CNC strojem. Ideja je nastala zaradi želje po avtomatizirani proizvodnji. Za izdelavo simulacijskega modela avtomatizirane proizvodne celice se je uporabilo programsko orodje RobotStudio ABB. Treba je bilo vzpostaviti komunikacijo med DOOSAN CNC strojem in ABB robotom. To se naredi s pomočjo Station Logic, katerega naloga je, da povezuje signale virtualnega krmilnika s signali, ustvarjenimi v pametni komponenti. Virtualni krmilnik je povezan s programsko kodo (RAPID). Tako se lahko npr. senzorji, ustvarjeni v pametni komponenti, povežejo z delovanjem ABB robota in DOOSAN CNC stroja.
Ključne besede: RobotStudio ABB, DOOSAN CNC, Station Logic, RAPID, Smart Component.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.09.2016; Ogledov: 1584; Prenosov: 972
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A fuzzy model of power supply system control
Janez Usenik, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this article, a mathematical model of control of a dynamic system is described; one such system could be a power supply system. Analytical approaches that have been developed to describe the influence of production and stock, i.e. additional capacities, require a hierarchical spatial pattern and demand. Demand is usually an inherently stochastic process, but in this article we simulate it as an output fuzzy variable in a fuzzy system, in which all the input variables are also fuzzy. Furthermore, an interesting use of neural sets is shown, which is presented as an efficient method for the optimisation of the fuzzy system. At the end, a numerical example is given.
Ključne besede: power supply system, energy capacities, demand, fuzzy logic, neural net
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 2472; Prenosov: 32
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Mathematical model of the power supply system control
Janez Usenik, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: power supply system, control, optimal energy capacities, Laplace transform, fuzzy logic
Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.06.2012; Ogledov: 2713; Prenosov: 51
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