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Internetni memes kot nova oblika komuniciranja : diplomsko delo
Atena Bošnjak, 2020, diplomsko delo

Opis: The diploma thesis is theoretical and empirical research on Internet memes as a new form of communication. In the beginning, viral communication and the concept of a meme, which originally comes from genetics, are presented. The thesis presents a new communication model, designed to understand the spread of virus information on social networks, and can also be connected to Internet memes. For a better knowledge of the channels through which memes are spread, some websites that are partly or entirely dedicated to such humorous content are presented in the diploma work. The empirical part consists of the methodology and course of the research and later, the results obtained during the analysis. The thesis includes a causal - non - experimental method by which the research questions are answered. The concluding chapter closes with a presentation on the finding.
Ključne besede: internet, memes, information, humour, communication
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.11.2020; Ogledov: 1682; Prenosov: 328
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,31 MB)

Aja Lovrec, 2014, magistrsko delo

Opis: There are different ways of perceiving and understanding humour. Some people comprehend the content on the internet social sites as humorous, others as hateful. The aim of this master’s thesis is to raise awareness of hate speech on the internet. The survey was designed for the purpose of highlighting the difference between hate speech and humour in the example of internet memes. There were 513 Slovene participants answering the questionnaire on how they understand selected internet memes – as humour or as hate speech. The sample of English native speakers was smaller (57 respondents), yet enough to compare the results based on different independent variables (English language proficiency and gender). It was confirmed that there is a thin line between hate speech and humour. Some memes that were considered humorous for Slovene respondents were understood as offensive for English native speakers. We concluded that the level of English proficiency does not significantly influence considering memes as humorous or hate speech. The independent variable of gender has some influence on the respondens perception of a meme as humorous or hateful. Based on the survey analysis, it is concluded that memes which might be perceived as hate speech could also be understood as humorous due to the general purpose of a meme (memes are meant to be humorous and funny).
Ključne besede: hate speech, humour, internet memes, human rights, free speech
Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.10.2014; Ogledov: 3864; Prenosov: 370
.pdf Celotno besedilo (5,17 MB)

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