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Differences in personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology among university students and teachers
Andrej Šorgo, Mateja Ploj Virtič, Kosta Dolenc, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Two online surveys among 1105 university students and 656 employees were conducted with the inclusion of the construct Personal Innovativeness in the domain of Information Technologies (PIIT). After calculating descriptive statistics, statistically significant differences between personal innovativeness of university students and teachers were sought by the application of one-way ANOVA. The first and most important finding was that average perceived PIIT of teachers and students falls around the middle of the seven-point scale, which cannot be regarded as a plausible predictor of upgrading the University as an Innovative Ecosystem. The second was that university teachers scored higher than their students, a situation that could produce an expectancy conflict between those who want to work in an innovative way and those who would prefer study by the book. Teaching assistants, who should belong to the generation of digital natives, are only slightly more innovative than university teachers, who can be regarded as digital immigrants. Assuming that innovativeness can be upgraded by learning, means that efforts should be made by University Management to encourage and support Personal Innovativeness (and other creativities, as well) as a preferred teaching practice.
Ključne besede: personal innovativeness, information technologies, university students, university teachers, online education
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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Perception of cyber crime in Slovenia
Maja Dimc, Bojan Dobovšek, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present the results of the pilot research regarding the perception of cybercrime in Slovenia. Design/Methods/Approach: The study focused on the research of the perception of cybercrime among the general public, as well as the members of the law enforcement agencies. Findings: The development of information and communication technologies critically influences all aspects of our lives, and consequently the characteristics of crime have adapted to the new form of operation in the virtual world. Cybercrime is the new way of breaking the law, and in order to implement successful preventive strategies it is of crucial importance to understand the perception of the general public, as well as the perception of the members of law enforcement agencies regarding cybercrime. The pilot study was performed on a smaller group of individuals (approximately half were the representatives of the general public, while the rest were the representatives of law enforcement agencies) in the form of in-depth interviews. The findings of the pilot research were alarming, since the majority of the interviewees greatly differentiate between certain forms of crime performed in the cyberspace as opposed to the same form of crime performed in real life i.e. the act of stealing, piracy in particular, is unacceptable in the real world and at the same time only natural in the virtual world. Furthermore, the pilot research displayed serious lack of awareness regarding different forms of cybercrime among the general public, as well as the members of law enforcement agencies, and consequently also poor understanding of legislation pertinent to cybercrime. Based on the results of the pilot research it is evident that it is of crucial importance to raise the awareness and understanding among the general public and increase the knowledge of the members of law enforcement agencies regarding cybercrime and its consequences in our everyday life. Research limitations/implications: The results are not generalizable due to the small group of interviewees. Consequently, future research will include a larger group of interviewees and will combine both in-depth interviews as well as questionnaires. Practical implications: The article represents a useful source of information for individuals working in this field as well as the general public. Furthermore, it represents the basis for further research of the field. Originality/Value: The article deals with the issue of the perception of cybercrime in Slovenia and exposes the critical issues related to the difference in the perception of a similar act of crime in the real life as opposed to the virtual world.
Ključne besede: computer-related crime, cybercrime, information and communication technologies, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.05.2020; Ogledov: 1517; Prenosov: 68
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30th Bled eConference: Digital transformation - from connecting things to transforming our lives : (June 18 – 21, 2017, Bled, Slovenia) (conference proceedings)
2017, zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih prispevkov na mednarodni ali tuji konferenci

Opis: Bled eConference, organized by University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interactions since 1988 and is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2017. Bled eConference is the oldest, most traditional and well renowned conference in the field. It attracts speakers and delegates from business, government, information technology providers and universities and is the major venue for researchers working in all aspects of “e”. The theme of this year’s conference is dedicated to “Digital Transformation – From Connecting Things to Transforming Our Lives”. The evolution of digital technologies and solutions (e.g. Internet of things, mobile technology, social media, cloud and high performance computing, artificial intelligence and advanced machine learning, virtual and augmented reality, big data & big data analytics, service architecture, digital technology platforms, 3D printing, robotics etc. …) has significantly impacted on the way how business is conducted and had big implications on our lives. The nowadays digital economy calls for transformation of businesses, governments, education and societies as whole. It also calls for enabling policies and politics for cross border and global digital business. Digital transformation is reflected in the organizations’ ability of comprehensive transformation of business activities, processes, competencies and business models in order to take advantage of digital technologies. Digital technologies require changes in our mind set, culture and functioning and have strategic impact on both the organization itself and its business ecosystems. In this year’s conference, we address various aspects of digital transformation and provide directions and guidelines for organizations to overcome challenges on their way of successful digital transformation. Themes covered in the papers of these proceedings are focused to digital transformation challenges, opportunities and cesses, furthermore to business model innovation, social media and big data analytics implementation, e-health, digital wellness and wellbeing experiences, new applications and organizational models, and novel approaches and cases in education in digital economy.
Ključne besede: business, information technology, electronic interactions, government, digital technologies
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.07.2017; Ogledov: 2033; Prenosov: 278
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Logistic operator - fundamental factor in rational production of services in multimodal transport
Ratko Zelenika, Drago Sever, Sabina Kamnik Zebec, Bojan Pirš, 2005, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: From its theoretical and practical point of view, traffic is one of the fundamental factors of the economy in a state. In the developed European countries, a rational production of transport services is presented by multimodal transport and the correct selection of a logistic operator. The aim of multimodal transport is to link together different forms of traffic in the most effective way, as well as all operations considering transport. The logistic operator is the only professional to perform complete services in multimodal transport, therefore it was necesarry to enable its further development and, in accordance with that, to suggest suitable solutions. An increase of the existing and the creation of new traffic currents can only be achieved with the development of multimodal transport, the correct selection of logistic operator and better organisation of the traffic system. In the future, the Republic of Slovenia should continue developing multimodal transport in order to decrease the differences in forms of transport in the developed European countries in the shortest time possible.The main task of the Republic of Slovenia is to integrate into the European flows as soon as possible, engage in a reciprocal cooperation by liberalization of flows of commodities and services, and create conditions for the inflow of foreign capital where all advantages of multimodal transport come into consideration. The result of the research is a model of multimodal transport logistic operator connecting the basic elements of that transport.
Ključne besede: logistical operator, rationalization, multimodal infrastructure, multimodal suprastructure, multimodal technologies, multimodal movement of goods, logistical information systems
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.06.2017; Ogledov: 1408; Prenosov: 134
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E-learning within the framework of the Czech university system
Milan Klement, Jiří Dostál, 2013, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: During the last few years, e-learning has become an integral part of tertiary education systems, not only within the framework of blended, but, to an increasingly larger extent, also of full-time study modes, accredited and implemented at Czech universities. However, along with its large-scale deployment, a number of problems have emerged, which resulted in the formulation of new research hypotheses. Among the most important ones are those regarding the influence of e-learning on the quality of education, the efficient ways of motivating and mobilizing students, and the creation and development of particular competences. There are many external, as well as internal influencing factors, acting more or less covertly, to a greater or lesser intensity. It is highly desirable to identify, describe, analyze, and minimize or maximize their influence in order to prevent them from having a massive negative impact, conditioned by fashion trends, on the quality of tertiary education.
Ključne besede: e-learning, e-learning development, learning theories, information and communication technologies, Bologna declaration
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.12.2015; Ogledov: 1432; Prenosov: 107
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The influence of the field of study on the use of modern information and communication technologies among student and teachers
Mateja Pšunder, Mateja Ploj Virtič, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Being a teacher is becoming a growingly demanding job, as the swift development of modern technologies is undoubtedly expanding the required competence framework. Different information and communication technologies have become part of the necessary competencies, as teachers are educators of the Y generation, which is characterised by its members using the computer in each aspect of their lives. The use of the computer is specific for each individual field of instruction and as such cannot be directly compared. This article presents the results of a survey into how the field of study influences the use of ICT and the computer in student teachers. The sample covered fourth grade students of diff erent fields of study (teacher training programmes): students of natural, technical and computer sciences, students of social sciences and humanities and students of the department of elementary education. Our research has shown that students of all three training programmes often use the computer in their everyday life but slightly less often for study purposes. Students of natural, technical and computer science reported about the use of educational portals more often than students of the other two fields of study did, while there were also differences in the use of individual portals among students of individual fields of study. Our research has further shown that students of natural, technical and computer science provided the most positive feedback about the availability of computers at the faculty, their performance, software, internet access at the faculty and internet access in their town of study.
Ključne besede: vzgoja in izobraževanje, informacijska tehnologija, komunikacijska tehnologija, kompetence, IKT, education, information technologies, communication technologies, ICT, competences
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1226; Prenosov: 43
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Advantages and disadvantages of information-communication technology usage for four-year-old children, and the concequences of its usage for the childrens' development
Jurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec, Pija Samec, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Information-communication technologies (ICT) are a part of our world and we use them every day. They represent an important source of information about us and others, as well as about local and world events. Besides that, ICT can also be very attractive for pre-school children, who acquaint with them very quickly. This article presents advantages and disadvantages of ICT usage for a four-year-old pre-school child and its potential consequences for the child's development. The data was collected with the help of 130 parents. They were asked to fill out a questionnaire and share their opinions about their four-year-old children's usage of ICT at home. We found out that in the case of four-year-old children the usage of ICT has its advantages and disadvantages, and that the consequences of its usage (positive and negative) would be approximately the same.
Ključne besede: preschool education, information and communication technologies, ICT, child development
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 7352; Prenosov: 215
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