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The role of humour in tourism discourse : the case of Montenegro
Jasna Potočnik Topler, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper focuses on the role of humour as a persuasive tool of tourism destinations’ communication and as a means of creating the destination’s image and uniqueness in tourism discourse. According to Aristotle’s appeals, humour belongs to pathos, which is – besides ethos and logos – an essential means of persuasion in successful communication. In the introductory part, the paper offers a short theoretical insight into the functions of tourism discourse and the role of humour in it, further on examples of online promotional texts about Montenegro are analysed and discussed using discourse analysis. The findings confirm that successful promotion can only occur through the efficient use of tourism discourse which addresses the needs of potential tourists and that humorous texts about destinations are appealing to readers. Based on the analysis, it can be established that branding of tourism destinations, products and services with elements of humour may be outstanding in positive ways, and consequently employed in promotional texts as a successful means of communication.
Ključne besede: tourism, discourse, branding, humour, Montenegro
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.01.2024; Ogledov: 305; Prenosov: 22
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Humour in Animated Movies: Shrek
Anja Janžekovič, 2021, magistrsko delo

Opis: This Master's thesis uses the theories of psychology and linguistics to analyse the animated movie Shrek. I wanted to show how much knowledge one has to attain to appreciate an educational and compelling animated movie that interests both adults and children. I was also interested in finding out what theory has to say about how the understanding of children and adults differs in understanding the same joke. Although cartoons and animated movies look simple at first glance, they are layered and at the very root carry an important role in socialisation of young children, and the realisation of adults that there is knowledge hidden in the leisure of watching an animated movie. Humour is a broad term that connects many different theories from different fields. It is important no know at least the basis of these theories to then peel back the layers and see the essence. The creators used an extensive vocabulary to write Shrek, not just the simple language most often used in many traditional fairy tales. This vocabulary with the connection of the use of dialect enhances the humour in this film.
Ključne besede: Animated movie, language, Shrek, humour
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.10.2021; Ogledov: 932; Prenosov: 86
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Internetni memes kot nova oblika komuniciranja : diplomsko delo
Atena Bošnjak, 2020, diplomsko delo

Opis: The diploma thesis is theoretical and empirical research on Internet memes as a new form of communication. In the beginning, viral communication and the concept of a meme, which originally comes from genetics, are presented. The thesis presents a new communication model, designed to understand the spread of virus information on social networks, and can also be connected to Internet memes. For a better knowledge of the channels through which memes are spread, some websites that are partly or entirely dedicated to such humorous content are presented in the diploma work. The empirical part consists of the methodology and course of the research and later, the results obtained during the analysis. The thesis includes a causal - non - experimental method by which the research questions are answered. The concluding chapter closes with a presentation on the finding.
Ključne besede: internet, memes, information, humour, communication
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.11.2020; Ogledov: 1682; Prenosov: 330
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Is education for using humour in nursing needed? : (Slovenian case study on sociological and ergonomic aspects of the impact of humour on nursing professionals)
Jana Goriup, Jadranka Stričević, Vida Sruk, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Introduction: Although there has been considerable discussion regarding the presence of therapeutic aspects of humour in the nurse educational programme and syllabus, little is known about the use of humour in the nurse - patient relationship and the needed topics in the Slovene educational system for nurses. From educational and medical perspectives, humour is anything that evokes laughter and it has been proven that laughter contributes to physical health. A sense of humour in nursing has a conformist, quantitative and productive importance which is manifested through the essential elements of humour: meta-communication sensitivity, personal affection for humour and emotional admissibility. As nurses spend a lot of time with patients, humour adds to the quality of their work as well as to the nurses’ satisfaction with their work with patients. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the significance of humour in nursing both for the employees and for the patients and to discuss humour within the framework of nursing profession in Slovenia. The specific objective of our study is to explore the attitudes of Slovenian nurses towards humour and their actual use of humour during their interaction with patients. Methods: For the purpose of this study, a quantitative research methodology was adopted. A questionnaire was used to collect data on the topic and a set of statistical analyses (frequency distribution method, the χ2 and Spearman rank correlation test) was performed on the data obtained. Results: Our study shows that Slovenian nurses are prone to the use of humour in their work and they welcome it as an integral part of their work with patients. We found that humour also enhances their sense of belonging to the nursing profession and serves as a tool for socialization. Discussion: Humour, employed in nursing can help overcome certain difficulties which nurses face in the workplace as they also try to fulfil some social objectives and get socialized via humour. These psychological-sociological features of humour stand out as cognitive and social benefits of the positive emotions of joy, the use of humour for social communication and their influence on the release of stress and coping, which draws from the ergonomics of humour as social interaction. Therefore, topics of humour in nurse education are required. Limitations: 279 Slovenian nurses with different levels of education participated in the study. Conclusions: Humour should be used by nurses since it is important in their professional interaction with patients. It can be used as a bridge between individuals and can serve as a means of individual's integration into groups, cultures and, consequently, into the society as a whole.
Ključne besede: education, humour, nurses, nursing, patients
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.01.2018; Ogledov: 2272; Prenosov: 176
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Tjaša Rajzer, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: V The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time nam avtor skozi prvoosebnega pripovedovalca naslika portret petnajstletnika z Aspergerjevim sindromom, obliko avtistične motnje. Medtem, ko Christopher razrešuje uganko misterioznega umora psa v soseščini, bralcem nehote razkrije podrobnosti iz lastnega življenja, razloge za razhod staršev, odnose v šoli, manjše in večje osebne bitke, ki vodijo v manjše ali večje, enkrat zmage, spet drugič poraze. Vseskozi pa doživljamo pripoved drugače, kakor svoje življenje doživlja on, saj zaradi bolezenskega stanja ni sposoben socialne interakcije. A Spot of Bother prikazuje padec še ne dolgo tega uspešnega človeka na vodilnem položaju, ki pa ob upokojitvi začne razmišljati o smrti, bolezni in najmračnejših straneh življenja. Medtem opazi spremenjeno tkivo na boku, za katero smatra, da je rakasto in usodno zanj, izve za ženino nezvestobo s svojim nekdanjim sodelavcem, sinove težave v istospolni zvezi in hčerino poroko z moškim, ki ga nihče ne mara, a je prijazen do njenega otroka iz prejšnje zveze. Vse to je za Georgea preveč in prične izgubljati razum. Obe fiktivni zgodbi izpod peresa Marka Haddona, ki obravnavata težki življenjski situaciji posameznikov, sta predstavljeni z obilico humorja in ironije v zanj značilnem slogu.
Ključne besede: Mark Haddon, adult novels, Curious Incident, A Spot of Bother, irony, humour, theories of irony, theories of humour.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.08.2016; Ogledov: 1598; Prenosov: 110
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Aja Lovrec, 2014, magistrsko delo

Opis: There are different ways of perceiving and understanding humour. Some people comprehend the content on the internet social sites as humorous, others as hateful. The aim of this master’s thesis is to raise awareness of hate speech on the internet. The survey was designed for the purpose of highlighting the difference between hate speech and humour in the example of internet memes. There were 513 Slovene participants answering the questionnaire on how they understand selected internet memes – as humour or as hate speech. The sample of English native speakers was smaller (57 respondents), yet enough to compare the results based on different independent variables (English language proficiency and gender). It was confirmed that there is a thin line between hate speech and humour. Some memes that were considered humorous for Slovene respondents were understood as offensive for English native speakers. We concluded that the level of English proficiency does not significantly influence considering memes as humorous or hate speech. The independent variable of gender has some influence on the respondens perception of a meme as humorous or hateful. Based on the survey analysis, it is concluded that memes which might be perceived as hate speech could also be understood as humorous due to the general purpose of a meme (memes are meant to be humorous and funny).
Ključne besede: hate speech, humour, internet memes, human rights, free speech
Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.10.2014; Ogledov: 3864; Prenosov: 371
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Satirical speech and writing in Orwell's Animal farm
Ženja Hotko, 2011, diplomsko delo

Opis: The diploma thesis Satirical Speech and Writing in Orwell’s Animal Farm is a presentation of George Orwell’s life and how it affected his literary work. It dealt with and presented the reasons for the creation of the novel, Animal Farm. The aim was to present Orwell’s veiled criticism of the Soviet Union, especially the indirect attack on Stalinist communism. Speciality of the novel is that the characters are symbolically represented by the animals. The novel faced many rejections before it was published, therefore the aim was to present the reasons for its rejection and how it became successful. Orwell’s writing style is simple and the use of language is unsentimental. He developed the rules for writing which were applied in his work. The last chapter represents satire, where Orwell’s political satire is described. The chapter also deals with the examples and analysis of satirical speech and writing in Animal Farm.
Ključne besede: George Orwell, Animal Farm, animalism, Socialism, Russian Revolution, satire, satirical speech, political satire, irony, humour, bathos
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.01.2012; Ogledov: 3090; Prenosov: 228
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