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The human capital of the freelancers and their satisfaction with the quality of life
Ivona Huđek, Polona Tominc, Karin Širec, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Digital technologies are underpinning a wide range of products, services, processes, and business model innovations that are significantly transforming industries, organizations, and society. They are increasingly permeating every aspect of our daily lives. In this paper, we looked at the challenges of digitalization, leading to a new way of working in the market and new business models, such as the gig economy. Individuals are becoming more mobile and self-directed in their careers, as opposed to traditional careers. We investigated the demographic characteristics of the new, growing group of self-employed, so-called freelancers, at the national level in Slovenia and investigated the relationships between human capital and their subjective (job and career satisfaction, life satisfaction) and objective success (income satisfaction). The survey was conducted among 200 freelancers (respondents). The empirical results show that most Slovenian freelancers working from home work in professional, scientific, and technical occupations; are between 35 and 44 years old; have completed the second level of tertiary education; work more than 40 hours per week; and have 16 years or more of work experience. To explore the quality of life of freelancers, empirical analysis showed that human capital factors are important for the success of a new career as a freelancer. The results show that freelancers’ human capital factors (education and experience, skills, and training) positively influence subjective and objective success. Using structural equation modeling, we also confirmed that human capital has a greater impact on freelancers’ subjective success (life satisfaction, career satisfaction) than on objective success (income satisfaction), suggesting that job and life satisfaction should be considered an important resource that freelancers rely on to determine their quality of life.
Ključne besede: digitalization, work engagement, freelancers' human capital, quality of life, subjective success, objective success
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.08.2024; Ogledov: 137; Prenosov: 13
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Prisoner rehabilitation in Romania
Ioan Durnescu, Petronel Mirel Dobrica, Catalin Bejan, 2010, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: This paper examines the construction and the reconstruction of the concept of prisoner rehabilitation in the prison context since 1874 until today taking into account the way this concept was reflected in the law or the subsequent official documents. Some figures and trends are introduced into the discussion to help a better understanding of the concept. Rehabilitation is analyzed using a three pillars model: human capital, social capital and legitimate opportunities. Design/Methodology/Approach: The analysis mainly takes into account the primary and the secondary legislation although in order to illustrate different points statistical figures and research reports are also used. The article starts with the legislation adopted in 1874 and examines all prison legislation up to 2006, focusing particularly on prisoner rehabilitation. Findings: The article concludes that although a lot of progress took place in understanding rehabilitation from all three perspectives (human capital, social capital and legitimate opportunities) there is still room for improvement in developing legitimate opportunities for ex-prisoners. Research limitations: Although the difference between “law in theory” and “law in action” is acknowledged this articles looks mainly to the law texts. This might create a different picture of reality but nevertheless reflects the general perspective used in approaching prisoner rehabilitation. Somehow surprisingly, the subject of prisoner rehabilitation was central in almost all prison legislation although it was not always in line with the prevailing ideology. Practical implications: >As stated above, good and bad examples of behaviour transformation may be observed in the past legislation. The main policy implication is that there was a time when the issue of resettlement or aftercare was considered a penal policy issue. The current legislation is completely silent in this respect. Originality/Value: Prisoner rehabilitation is scrutinized from the historical perspective using a relatively new theoretical framework.
Ključne besede: prisoner, rehabilitation, social capital, human capital, opportunity system, Romania
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.05.2020; Ogledov: 987; Prenosov: 51
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Employees: invisible added value of a company
Magda Zupančič, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In developed economies, where the work input exceeds the physical input, the lack of harmonised and standardised rules of human capital assessment is visible. The mentioned indicates the deficit of an important part of the comprehensive value-added assessment. What do we lose by ignoring the important part of the employee’s value added in the working process? Companies underestimate the employee’s human capital input. Consequently, society typically does not recognize invisible sources of value added in companies. The goals of this article are to highlight the missing human capital (HC) element at the company level assessment and to raise the awareness about its importance. By analysing existing methods of coping with the mentioned challenge, no harmonised solution is evident. By the increasing share of the service sector, emphasis on the HC element should be monitored more closely. The article focuses on the missing and invisible human capital elements in the framework of the value added; it offers suggestions for inclusion of the human capital factor in the process of company’s value added assessment as well as reflections on further steps in this direction.
Ključne besede: employee, value added, human capital, assessment
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.10.2018; Ogledov: 1660; Prenosov: 368
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Model of knowledge management factors and their impact on the organizations' success
Domen Kozjek, Marija Ovsenik, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify the factors of knowledge which have a significant impact on the outcome (measured as value added per employee) of the company. The existence, long-term survival, profitability, etc. of the company depends on the competitiveness of the products and services (regardless of industry or economic branch). Transformation of “raw materials” into competitive products is possible only with the knowledge of employees. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the factors of knowledge which can influence a positive result of the company. Methodology: We reviewed the relevant literature in the field of knowledge management. On this basis, we summarized the factors of knowledge. We performed a survey among the 69 largest Slovenian commercial companies (public and banking sectors excluded). Based on the research, we developed a regression model of value added per employee in euros. Results: The study showed that, of all factors studied, motivation in the form of assessing employees’ performance has the largest positive correlation with the value added per employee. Furthemore, training for the performance, the use of technological tools and organizational climate can bring significant value added per employee. The most important factor that affects the value added per employee is the industry branch which the company deals with. The factors which follow are the simplicity of using IT tools and the example that the managers give to the employees. Conclusion: A model of knowledge management factors helps to identify which knowledge factors should be given priority to for increasing the company’s performance. The model also considers the industry in which the company operates.
Ključne besede: knowledge management, knowledge factors, human capital
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.12.2017; Ogledov: 1588; Prenosov: 398
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Higher education demand factors and the demand for tourism education in Slovenia
Žiga Čepar, Štefan Bojnec, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper investigates the higher education demand in Slovenia, which is investigated in general and in the field of tourism, using regression analysis on selected time-series data. We find a positive and significant association between the higher education demand in general and the demographic and socio-economic circumstances. Demographic trends in general slow down or even decrease the demand for higher education, while socio-economic factors mostly encourage the demand for higher education. However, unfavourable demographic factors are already prevailing over the favourable socio-economic factors, meaning that growth rates of absolute demand for higher education are starting to decline. We analyze the movements of demand for higher education in the field of tourism in recent years and compare them to the movements of the demand for higher education in general and to the movements of the demand for tourism in Slovenia. The demand for tourist services is a factor that encourages demands for higher education in the field of tourism. Finally, we derive some conclusions about higher education demand determinants in Slovenia in general and in the field of tourism, and propose some recommendations for national educational policy.
Ključne besede: higher education, demand model, demography, tourism, human capital, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.11.2017; Ogledov: 1444; Prenosov: 369
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Effect of rurality and of human capital resources in the entrepreneurial opportunity identification process
Irena Kedmenec, Urban Šebjan, Polona Tominc, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this paper, that is a country study of Slovenia, we tried to determine why individuals in rural residential areas are less likely to recognize entrepreneurial opportunities. Our results show that the increase in resources in human capital, consisting of education, skills, knowledge, and experiences in entrepreneurship, has a significant and positive effect on opportunity identification. For policy creators, our results suggest that policies focused on entrepreneurial education— especially education that would enable the acquisition of real-life entrepreneurial experiences and skills—are useful, especially in rural areas.
Ključne besede: entrepreneurship, human capital, opportunity identification, rural areas
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.04.2017; Ogledov: 1363; Prenosov: 160
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Danube Region Entrepreneurship Observatory : Diversity and Potential
Polona Tominc, Miroslav Rebernik, Barbara Bradač Hojnik, Karin Širec, znanstvena monografija

Opis: There is no doubt about the importance of multi-country studies of entrepreneurial activity in enabling the comparison and replication of research and generating meaningful contributions to scholarship, practice and policy. This international comparison perspective is especially important when processes in each single economy are analysed against the broader global, European or regional environment. Since entrepreneurship is a complex social phenomenon, several dependencies can be understood only with comprehensive research that includes continuous positioning of national entrepreneurship in the European and global perspectives. Within Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) it is possible to compare data for more than 100 countries not only in the field of early-stage entrepreneurial activity but also in areas such as general attitudes of the adult population towards entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial intentions, etc. In this scientific monograph publication, we analyse the entrepreneurial profiles of Danube region countries, entrepreneurial intentions in the region and investigate the competition and aspirations of early-stage entrepreneurs in these countries.
Ključne besede: enterprises, entrepreneurship, business environment, characteristics, activities, economic development, human capital, competitivity, international comparisons, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Danube Region, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Entrepreneurial Growth Aspirations
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.01.2017; Ogledov: 2236; Prenosov: 160
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