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Optimization of embedded retaining walls under the effects of groundwater seepage using a reliability-based and partial factor design approach
Rok Varga, Bojan Žlender, Primož Jelušič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this paper, a comparative analysis of the effects of groundwater, seepage and hydraulic heave on the optimal design of embedded retaining walls is carried out. The optimization model for an optimal retaining wall (ORW) minimizes the total length of the retaining wall considering design constraints. The model is extended to include the probability of failure as an additional constraint. This overcomes the limitations of the partial safety factor approach, which does not fully account for uncertainties in the soil. In contrast, the reliability-based design (RBD) approach integrates these uncertainties and enables an assessment of the impact of seepage and hydraulic heave on the reliability of the structure. A real-coded genetic algorithm was used to determine optimal designs for both optimization methods. The results of the case study show that the addition of seepage (groundwater flow) to the hydrostatic conditions has a modest effect on the embedment depth. The design based on partial safety factors, which takes seepage into account, leads to a slight increase in the embedment depth of 0.94% compared to a retaining wall design that only takes the hydrostatic conditions of the groundwater into account. When designing on the basis of probability failure, the percentage increase in embedment depth due to seepage is between 2.19% and 6.41%, depending on the target probability of failure. Furthermore, the hydraulic heave failure mechanism did not increase the required embedment depth of the retaining wall, which means that the failure mechanism of rotation near the base was decisive for the design.
Ključne besede: embedded retaining wall, reliability-based design, partial safety factor design, optimization, genetic algorithm
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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Optimization of a circular planar spiral wireless power transfer coil using a genetic algorithm
Nataša Prosen, Jure Domajnko, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Circular planar spiral coils are the most important parts of wireless power transfer systems. This paper presents the optimization of wireless power transfer coils used for wireless power transfer, which is a problem when designing wireless power transfer systems. A single transmitter coil transfers power to a single receiving side. The performance of the wireless power transfer system depends greatly on the size and shape of the wireless power transfer system. Therefore, the optimization of the coils is of the utmost importance. The main optimization parameter was the coupling coefficient between the transmitter and the receiver coil in the horizontally aligned and misaligned position. A genetic evolutionary algorithm was used to optimize the coil, according to the developed cost function. The algorithm was implemented using the MATLAB programming language. The constraints regarding the design of the coils are also presented for the problem to be analyzed correctly. The results obtained using the genetic algorithm were first verified using FEM simulations. The optimized coils were later fabricated and measured to confirm the theory.
Ključne besede: wireless power transfer, coil optimization, genetic algorithm, coupling coefficient measurement
Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.08.2024; Ogledov: 77; Prenosov: 9
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Sustainable design of circular reinforced concrete column sections via multi-objective optimization
Primož Jelušič, Tomaž Žula, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: An optimization model for reinforced concrete circular columns based on the Eurocodes is presented. With the developed optimization model, which takes into account the exact distribution of the steel reinforcement, which is not the case when designing with conventional column design charts, an optimal design for the reinforced concrete cross section is determined. The optimization model uses discrete variables, which makes the results more suitable for actual construction practice and fully exploits the structural capacity of the structure. A parametric study of the applied axial load and bending moment was performed for material cost and CO2 emissions. The results based on a single objective function show that the optimal design of the reinforced concrete column cross section obtained for the material cost objective function contains a larger cross-sectional area of concrete and a smaller area of steel compared with the optimization results when CO2 emissions are determined as the objective function. However, the optimal solution in the case where the material cost was assigned as the objective function has much more reserve in axial load capacity than in the optimal design where CO2 was chosen as the objective function. In addition, the multi-objective optimization was performed to find a set of solutions that provide the best trade-offs between the material cost and CO2 emission objectives.
Ključne besede: reinforced concrete columns, circular cross section, costs, CO2 emissions, multi-objective optimization, genetic algorithm
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.04.2024; Ogledov: 338; Prenosov: 209
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Optimization of chaboche material parameters with a genetic algorithm
Nejc Dvoršek, Iztok Stopeinig, Simon Klančnik, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: Chaboche material model, parameter optimization, genetic algorithm, finite element method
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.04.2024; Ogledov: 168; Prenosov: 17
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Optimizacija Chaboche materialnih parametrov z genetskim algoritmom : magistrsko delo
Nejc Dvoršek, 2022, magistrsko delo

Opis: The basis of this thesis is research and development of a genetic algorithm for material parameters optimization. It is written in collaboration with AVL, which already has a solution for this problem, but is looking into better alternatives. Chaboche material model is a nonlinear isotropic and kinematic hardening model which can describe elasto-viscoplastic constitutive relations. Parameters of such complex nature do not have a physical interpretation in the real-world and must be defined with inverse analysis. Genetic algorithms (GA) are a promising tool to help with such tasks. They have been widely used and recognized for various optimization problems. Material data available are low cycle fatigue (LCF), creep, and tensile experiments. For each experiment a corresponding finite element model in Abaqus is prepared. Comparing experimental and simulation data is the objective function GA will try to minimize. For this reason, a corresponding fitness function was developed to score each individual. It makes use of similarity measure algorithm proposed in this paper [10]. GA was implemented in Python with Pygad library. Instead of bits, genes are represented with real-valued numbers with defined limits. Performance of developed GA was tested based on various population sizes, mutation probabilities, and crossover operators. The main parameter that impacts algorithms performance is population size. Paired with right mutation probability the algorithm can find a global minimum of described optimization problem. Making it a viable alternative to existing approach used at AVL.
Ključne besede: Chaboche material model, parameter optimization, genetic algorithm, finite element method
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.12.2022; Ogledov: 872; Prenosov: 0
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Automatic compiler/interpreter generation from programs for domain-specific languages using semantic inference : doktorska disertacija
Željko Kovačević, 2022, doktorska disertacija

Opis: Presented doctoral dissertation describes a research work on Semantic Inference, which can be regarded as an extension of Grammar Inference. The main task of Grammar Inference is to induce a grammatical structure from a set of positive samples (programs), which can sometimes also be accompanied by a set of negative samples. Successfully applying Grammar Inference can result only in identifying the correct syntax of a language. But, when valid syntactical structures are additionally constrained with context-sensitive information the Grammar Inference needs to be extended to the Semantic Inference. With the Semantic Inference a further step is realised, namely, towards inducing language semantics. In this doctoral dissertation it is shown that a complete compiler/interpreter for small Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) can be generated automatically solely from given programs and their associated meanings using Semantic Inference. For the purpose of this research work the tool LISA.SI has been developed on the top of the compiler/interpreter generator tool LISA that uses Evolutionary Computations to explore and exploit the enormous search space that appears in Semantic Inference. A wide class of Attribute Grammars has been learned. Using Genetic Programming approach S-attributed and L-attributed have been inferred successfully, while inferring Absolutely Non-Circular Attribute Grammars (ANC-AG) with complex dependencies among attributes has been achieved by integrating a Memetic Algorithm (MA) into the LISA.SI tool.
Ključne besede: Grammatical Inference, Semantic Inference, Genetic Programming, Attribute Grammars, Memetic Algorithm, Domain-Specific Languages
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.02.2022; Ogledov: 1278; Prenosov: 130
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Parameter optimization of tube hydroforming
Edina Karabegović, Miran Brezočnik, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Tube hydroforming is mostly applied in automotive industry. In this respect, necessity for the procedure improvement of fluid forming is constant. One of the reasons of its improvement is the procedure performance in optimal conditions. The process parameters have the direct influence on quality and optimal of forming procedure. This paper provides an example of the fluid pressure optimization in T-shape tube hydroforming. Three types of material have been analysed, with three wall thickness and three course levels of axial printers. For the optimization, the evolutional method with applied genetic algorithm (GA) was utilized. The application of GA is significant in solving of many problems in engineering practice. The simplicity and adaptability of the genetic algorithm to the engineering problem results with the increasing volume of applications in a research work. In this paper we investigated interactions of the internal parameters of the T tube hydroforming process, towards achieving the GA model for the optimal internal pressure, necessary for hydroforming.
Ključne besede: hydroforming, tube, modelling, optimization, parameter, genetic algorithm, T-shape
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 2651; Prenosov: 62
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Automated and intelligent programming of cnc machine tools : doctoral thesis
Afrim Gjelaj, 2014, doktorska disertacija

Opis: Nowadays, many scientists focus on increasing the level of automation, respectively flexibility in manufacturing systems. In addition, automated programming of CNC machine tools has reached a high level of machining operations. However, it is still impossible for a machine to manipulate completely in an autonomous way. Special attention in this doctoral thesis is focused on the automated programming of CNC machine tools regarding artificial intelligence. The purpose of automated programming is to improve quality and to fulfil the requirements of manufacturing industry and provide commercial solutions. This thesis also provides a description of artificial intelligence usage in order to solve optimal tool path-length and tool selection, as well as the preparation of planned technology. Firstly, the automated programming of CNC machine tools enjoys great success when applying artificial intelligence in regard to the machining processes. Choices of path length and tool selection are analysed in great detail in order to ascertain the optimal problems of tool path- length and tool selection. However, in order to achieve automated and intelligent CNC programming of machine tools, their flexibilities are of major importance. Automation today tends to improve and implement manufacturing flexibility at a strategic level. This means increasing the degree of flexibility whilst at the same time increasing the degree of automation regarding CNC machine tools. In addition to the above-mentioned investigated problems, the influences of cutting force (Fc), power cutting (Pc), tool life (T) and surface roughness (Ra) as functions of tool path- length are also analysed. Analytical and mathematical models are optimised using a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA). MOGA enables optimisation by employing two or more equations simultaneously. Another problem for the automated and intelligent CNC programming of machine tools focuses on the application of Discrete Systems (DS). The discrete system in our work focuses on analysing cutting force (Fc) in regard to the turning operation.
Ključne besede: inteligent CNC programming, intelligent manufacturing, discrete system, automated programming, multiobjective genetic algorithm MOGA
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.01.2015; Ogledov: 3247; Prenosov: 413
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Modeling of forming efficiency using genetic programming
Miran Brezočnik, Jože Balič, Zlatko Kampuš, 2001, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper proposes new approach for modeling of various processes in metal-forming industry. As an example, we demonstrate the use of genetic programming (GP) for modeling of forming efficiency. The forming efficiency is a basis for determination of yield stress which is the fundamental characteristic of metallic materials. Several different genetically evolved models for forming efficiency on the basis of experimental data for learning were discovered. The obtained models (equations) differ in size, shape, complexity and precision of solutions. In one run out of many runs of our GP system the well-known equation of Siebel was obtained. This fact leads us to opinion that GP is a very powerful evolutionary optimization method appropriate not only for modeling of forming efficiency but also for modeling of many other processes in metal-forming industry.
Ključne besede: metal forming, yield stress, forming efficiency, mathematical modeling, adaptation, genetic methods, genetic algorithm, genetic programming, artificial intelligence, process optimisation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2212; Prenosov: 123
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Use of genetic algorithm for fitting Sovova's mass transfer model
Dejan Hrnčič, Marjan Mernik, Maša Knez Marevci, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: A genetic algorithm with resizable population has been applied to the estimation of parameters for Sovovaćs mass transfer model. The comparison of results between a genetic algorithm and a global optimizer from the literatureshows that a genetic algorithm performs as good as or better than a global optimizer on a given set of problems. Other benefits of the genetic algorithm, for mass transfer modeling, are simplicity, robustness and efficiency.
Ključne besede: Sovova's mass transfer model, genetic algorithm, parameter estimation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.05.2012; Ogledov: 1902; Prenosov: 90
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