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COLOSS survey: global impact of COVID-19 on bee research
Raffaele Dall’Olio, Tjeerd Blacquiere, Maria Bouga, Robert Brodschneider, Norman L Carreck, Panuwan Chantawannakul, Vincent Dietemann, Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen, Anna M. Gajda, Aleš Gregorc, Asli Ozkirim, Christian Pirk, Victoria Soroker, Geoffrey R. Williams, Peter Neumann, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: The socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on society have yet to be truly revealed; there is no doubt that the pandemic has severely affected the daily lives of most of humanity. It is to be expected that the research activities of scientists could be impacted to varying degrees, but no data exist on how COVID-19 has affected research specifically. Here, we show that the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has already diversely and negatively affected bee research at a global level. An online survey disseminated through the global COLOSS honey bee research association showed that every participant (n = 230 from 56 countries) reported an impact on one or more of their activities. Activities that require travelling or the physical presence of people (meetings and conferences, teaching and extension) were affected the most, but also laboratory and field activities, daily operations, supervision and other activities were affected to varying degrees. Since the basic activities are very similar for many research fields, it appears as if our findings for bee research can be extrapolated to other fields. In the light of our data, we recommend that stakeholders such as governments and funding bodies who support research should facilitate the wide implementation of web-based information technology required for efficient online communication for research and education, as well as adequately loosened restriction measures with respect to field and laboratory work. Finally, increased flexibility in administration and extension of research grants and fellowships seem to be needed. It is apparent that adequate responses by all stakeholders are required to limit the impact of COVID-19 and future pandemics on bee science and other research fields.
Ključne besede: COLOSS, Apis mellifera, coronavirus, COVID-19, honey bee, pandemic, research, extension
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.11.2020; Ogledov: 1029; Prenosov: 212
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,26 MB)
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Closed embeddings into Lipscomb's universal space
Ivan Ivanšić, Uroš Milutinović, 2006

Opis: Naj bo ▫${mathcal{J}}(tau)$▫ Lipscombov enodimenzionalni prostor in ▫$L_n(tau) = {x in {mathcal{J}}(tau)^{n+1}|$▫ vsaj ena koordinata od ▫{sl x}▫ je iracionalna ▫$} subseteq {mathcal{J}}(tau)^{n+1}$▫ Lipscombov ▫$n$▫-dimenzionalni univerzalni prostor s težo ▫$tau ge aleph_0$▫. V tem članku dokazujemo, da če je ▫$X$▫ poln metrizabilni prostor in velja ▫$dim X le n$▫, ▫$wX le tau$▫, tedaj obstaja zaprta vložitev prostora ▫$X$▫ v ▫$L_n(tau)$▫. Še več, vsako zvezno funkcijo ▫$f: X to {mathcal{J}}(tau)^{n+1}$▫ lahko poljubno natančno aproksimiramo z zaprto vložitvijo ▫$psi: X to L_n(tau)$▫. Razen tega sta dokazani relativna verzija in punktirana verzija. V primeru separabilnosti je dokazan analogni rezultat, v katerem je klasična trikotna krivulja Sierpińskega (ki je homeomorfna ▫${mathcal{J}}(3)$▫) nadomestila ▫${mathcal{J}(aleph_0)}$▫.
Ključne besede: matematika, topologija, dimenzija pokrivanja, posplošena krivulja Sierpińskega, univerzalni prostor, Lipscombov univerzalni prostor, vložitev, razširitev, poln metrični prostor, zaprta vložitev, mathematics, topology, covering dimension, embedding, closed embedding, generalized Sierpiński curve, universal space, Lipscomb universal space, complete metric space, extension
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1098; Prenosov: 90
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The pointed version of Lipscomb's embedding theorem
Ivan Ivanšić, Uroš Milutinović, 2002

Opis: Naj bo ▫$Sigma(tau)$▫ posplošena krivulja Sierpińskega. Le-ta se lahko na naraven način identificira z Lipscombovim prostorom ▫${cal J}(tau)$▫. Tedaj za poljuben ▫$n$▫-dimenzionalni metrični prostor ▫$X$▫ s težo ▫$tau$▫ obstaja vložitev prostora ▫$X$▫ v ▫$L_n(tau) subseteq Sigma(tau)^{n+1}$▫, kjer je ▫$L_n(tau)$▫ množica vseh točk z vsaj eno iracionalno koordinato. Tu dokažemo, da to vložitev lahko izberemo tako, da v določeni točki zavzema vnaprej podano vrednost. Pravzaprav je dokazan močnejši izrek, da so vrednosti vložitve lahko vnaprej podane v točkah poljubne končne množice.
Ključne besede: matematika, topologija, dimenzija pokrivanja, posplošena krivulja Sierpińskega, univerzalni prostor, Lipscombov univerzalni prostor, vložitev, razširitev, mathematics, topology, covering dimension, generalized Sierpiński curve, universal space, Lipscomb universal space, embedding, extension
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1131; Prenosov: 48
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Evaluation of stress intensity factors using finite elements
Boštjan Zafošnik, Zoran Ren, Miran Ulbin, Jože Flašker, 2002, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: The paper describes a suitability of Virtual Crack Extension (VCE) method for numerical simulation of crack propagation under mixed mode loading. The suitability of VCE method was determined using The Compact-Tension-Shear (CTS), which is subjected to fracture Mode I, Mode II or mixed mode (Mode I + Mode II) loading. In mixed mode the crack kinks when fracture crack growth occurs. Kink angle is determined with VCE method, which is an energy method, maximum tangential stress (MTS) criterion, strain energy density (SED) criterion and experimental results. Determination of crack propagation angle using MTS and SED criterion is based in regard to the stress intensity factors KI and KII. Stress intensity factors are determined using the maximum energy release rate theory using complex J integral, crack opening displacement method and method of stresses extrapolation. Bigger is the rate between KII and KI, crack path, determined with VCE method, propagates more slowly to the kink angle, determined with experiment. The computational results show that the VCE method is suitable for crack propagation, when KI around the crack tip is dominant. In case where KII is dominant, crack does not kink immediately as in other two criteria. When KII dominates around a crack tip, MTS criterion is the most appropriate for determination of kink angle.
Ključne besede: fracture mechanics, stress intensity factors, CTS specimen, crack propagation, virtual crack extension method, strain energy density criterion, maximum tangential stress criterion
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2556; Prenosov: 44
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