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Testing the sustainability of growth of the LJSEX in the January 2000 to May 2010 period
Aleš Ahčan, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this paper we analyse the behaviour of the LJSEX, the main index of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, in the period from January 2000 till May 2010. More precisely, we test for the presence of bubbles and antibubbles and try to determine whether or not a bubble could have been predicted (both the formation and the date of the bubble burst). Second, we also employ techniques used to model antibubbles to forecast the future behaviour of the LJSE index. Besides modelling index dynamics for the aforementioned period, we also seek to determine the factors that led to the bubble forming and later bursting. We find that the bubble could have been forecasted at least several months in advance. On the other hand, a very precise date of the crash seems harder to identify. By more closely analysing the interplay between interest rates, credit activity and the LJSEX, we conclude that there is a clear connection between decreasing interest rates, increased credit activity and the formation of a stock bubble. If there is a clear correlation between the early phase of a bubble and increased credit activity of the banking sector, the link between the end of the bubble and the restriction of credit activity is less pronounced. By fitting the extended antibubble model from (Johansen 1999a) we obtain the values of parameters that give us some indication of the future behaviour of the LJSEX. Based on these results we conclude that in the next few years we are likely to experience a period of increased volatility with no clear increasing or decreasing growth pattern.
Ključne besede: exchange, interest rate, business mathematics, calculations, models
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.01.2018; Ogledov: 1237; Prenosov: 368
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Re-examination of the purchasing power parity in Central and Eastern European economies
Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Jani Bekő, Darja Boršič, 2011, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: The empirical record on PPP tests for transition economies is far from being so opulent as it is for the developed market economies. This paper attempts to fill this gap by scrutinizing the theory of PPP on a sample of Central and Eastern European economies. The paper has two main advances with respect to previous PPP studies. First, it employs a monthly data base on real exchange rates for a panel of 12 Central and Eastern European economies by testing the theory separately with respect to US dollar and with respect to Euro. Second, we utilise a panel unit root test that involves the estimation of the ADF regression in a SUR framework. Since our study found support for the validity of PPP in some reforming European economies, special attention should be devoted to individual country-specific factors that cause PPP deviations.
Ključne besede: purchasing power parity, real exchange rates, stationarity test, exchange rate, currency, exchange rates, macroeconomics, parity, purchasing power of money, purchasing power
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.07.2017; Ogledov: 1479; Prenosov: 183
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Exchange rate regime and bahaviour of economic participants
Neven Vidaković, 2012, doktorska disertacija

Opis: This thesis investigates the impact of the exchange rate regime choice on participants in the economy. The usual approach to the investigate the impact of the exchange rate changes in the economy is to investigate how do the changes in the exchange rate value impact the changes in the inflation rate. In order to stabilize inflation many central banks often adopt fixed or very stable exchange rates. This thesis takes another approach entirely and contests the narrow view of the exchange rate to just inflation. This thesis postulates that the choices of the exchange rate regime in itself dictates the behavior of economic agents. Under different exchange rate regimes the economic participants will make different choices and the difference in choices will be exhibited in the economic data. So economies with different exchange rate regimes will have different data properties for same economic variables. The focus of analysis is the transition small open economies which have to make a choice between stable and variable exchange rate regime. The interaction between participants in the economy is investigated through a dynamic model with optimizing agents under two states: stable and variable exchange rate regime. The participants analyzed in the thesis are: central bank, banks, households, firms and governments. Each participant makes optimal choices under each state of the exchange rate regime. Once the model is implemented interactions between the participants is investigated and how different choices change the data behavior. The model created is heavily skewed towards the impact of the monetary policy on the economy and does not investigate deeply into the fiscal policies. The predictions from the model are compared to the actual data on a sample of 10 transition economies: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia. The model does very well in terms of the monetary variables like foreign debt, household debt. From the data it is clear there are possible fiscal policies which could offset the effects of a particular exchange rate regime, but on the data set this was only done in Czech Republic. Comparing the model and the data it is clear the choice of the exchange rate regime and the change of the exchange rate regime (switch in the regime) does cause different economic behavior of economic participants. This brings another light to the influence of the monetary policy on the economy since from the model and the data it is clear the choice of the exchange rate regime play a significant role in the process of decision making of economic participants. The model predicts and the data confirms there is a considerable differences in the economic variables between the two regimes. The most striking differences are in: household debt and foreign debt. The model and the data both show the variable exchange rate is superior to stable exchange rate regime
Ključne besede: exchange rate regime, dynamic optimization, economic participants, monetary policy
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.07.2014; Ogledov: 1763; Prenosov: 132
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