1. Impact analysis of the young farmers' support program on Slovenian dairy sector development using econometric modeling approachLazar Pavić, Jernej Turk, Ivo Grgić, Jernej Prišenk, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This study analyzes the effects that action 112 of the Rural Development Policy had on the socioeconomic status of Slovenian dairy farms. The data used in this paper were collected from Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), a database for applicants in action 112 (young farms transferees), from whose applications for participation in this action the data were obtained. Twenty-eight different econometric models were developed during the first stage of the research. The evaluation of the models was subsequently performed by applying valid statistical and econometric criteria. The results reveal the main positive effects that action 112 had on socioeconomic indicators of the dairy farms: number of full-time labor power, number of head of large livestock, total revenue (in euros) and net value added. Statistically significant differences in benefits from action 112 among dairy farms were determined by using two sets of dummy variables: region and level of education. The research in the field of the effect of the rural development policy action support of young farmers on socioeconomics performance of milk farms can make a significant contribution to developing the researchers' work and policy makers' decisions. Furthermore, this research is important from the agronomic point of view, since its results support two of the basic goals of Common agricultural policy after 2020: environmental care and conservation of landscape and biodiversity. Ključne besede: dairy farmers, econometric analysis, rural development, socio-economic situation Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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2. Economic growth and environmental sustainability determinants : a panel ARDL evidence for EU CountriesArdita Bytyqi, Hyrije Abazi-Alili, Shenaj Hadzimustafa, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Economic growth and environmental sustainability nowadays are considered to be of particular importance, so understanding the main contributing factors is very important as well. This paper aims to examine the common determinants of economic growth and environmental sustainability, inspect the relationship between these key elements, and check their significance in economic growth and environmental sustainability. With data from EU member states for a period of ten years (2011-2020) the panel autoregressive distributed lag technique (ARDL) is used for the aim of this paper. Common determinants such as recycling and environmental taxes were found to be the major contributors to economic growth in the long run. Recycling is found to be a major contributor to environmental sustainability as well, however, environmental taxes are detected to have a negative impact on environmental sustainability in the long run, but none of these determinants have any impact in the short run. Ključne besede: economic growth, environmental sustainability, ARDL, sustainable development Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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3. 8th FEB International Scientific Conference : Challenges in the Turbulent Economic Environment and Organizations’ Sustainable Development2024, zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih prispevkov na mednarodni ali tuji konferenci Opis: The proceedings of the 8th scientific conference, organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, titled "Challenges in the turbulent economic environment and organizations’ sustainable development," present research and findings on the challenges that companies as well as other organizations face in unpredictable economic environments and efforts towards sustainable development. Various distinguished European authors address the impacts of global economic fluctuations on business operations and emphasize the importance of adaptability and innovation in tackling these challenges. Additionally, they underscore the significance of sustainable development as a crucial factor for the long-term success of companies and present strategies for its effective implementation. Through analyses and case studies, authors reveal key factors influencing the success of organizations in turbulent economic environments and offer guidelines for designing responsive and sustainability-focused business models. Ključne besede: sustainability, economic environment, sustainable development, business challenges, competitiveness, turbolent environment Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.05.2024; Ogledov: 314; Prenosov: 39
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4. Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Future : GEM Slovenia 2023, Executive SummaryKarin Širec, Polona Tominc, Katja Crnogaj, Matej Rus, Barbara Bradač Hojnik, 2024, učbenik za višje in visoke šole Opis: The GEM survey offers an in-depth analysis of the various social, cultural, political, and economic factors that impact the entrepreneurial landscape and activities, serving as a comprehensive framework for understanding national and entrepreneurial conditions. These factors play a crucial role in shaping individuals' entrepreneurial decisions and the success of starting and operating businesses. Survey delivers unparalleled insights into a nation's entrepreneurial characteristics, surpassing the information available from traditional statistical sources. The study also explores individuals' and societies' attitudes towards entrepreneurship, alongside the aspirations and qualifications of people at different entrepreneurial stages. By examining these aspects across countries, GEM identifies key drivers and obstacles for entrepreneurship, enabling stakeholders to cultivate a supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem. The monograph also addresses the growing link between entrepreneurial endeavors and sustainable development. The research emphasizes the importance of sustainable development as an integral part of entrepreneurial thinking and action in Slovenia, which is key to promoting innovation, competitiveness and long-term prosperity in Ključne besede: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, entrepreneurship, early-stage entrepreneurial activity, economic development, entrepreneurship ecosystem, entrepreneurship policy, sustainable development Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.05.2024; Ogledov: 191; Prenosov: 27
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5. Growth of entrepreneurial opportunities : GEM Slovenia 2017Miroslav Rebernik, Polona Tominc, Katja Crnogaj, Barbara Bradač Hojnik, Matej Rus, Karin Širec, 2018, znanstvena monografija Opis: The scientific monograph comprises results of the Slovenian part of the largest global research project on entrepreneurship Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – GEM, which has completed its 19th cycle in 2017. GEM was established in order to (1) measure the differences regarding the relationship towards entrepreneurship, activities and aspirations of individuals in as many countries as possible, (2) uncover factors that encourage or hinder entrepreneurial activities, especially related to societal values, personal attributes and the entrepreneurship ecosystem, (3) provide a platform for assessing the extent to which entrepreneurial activity influences economic growth within individual economies and (4) uncover policy measures for the purpose of enhancing entrepreneurial capacity in an economy. The research helps to better understand the attitude of the society towards entrepreneurship and individual capabilities, among which are the perception of their own abilities for entrepreneurial activities, the ability to perceive opportunities, entrepreneurial intentions and fear of failure. As GEM monitors entrepreneurial activity throughout the phases of the life cycle (nascent, new businesses and established businesses, discontinuation), according to impact (high growth, innovation, internationalization) and by type (early-stage entrepreneurship activity, employee entrepreneurship activity), the picture is much richer than the one that is based only on data gathered from ordinary statistical databases.
Ključne besede: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, entrepreneurship, early-stage entrepreneurial activity, economic development, entrepreneurship ecosystem Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.08.2023; Ogledov: 540; Prenosov: 7
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6. Analysis of Selected Aspects of Entrepreneurship Support on the Level of European UnionMartina Repnik, 2021, magistrsko delo Opis: Entrepreneurial activity contributes various benefits to a country, one of the most impactful gains being the growth of GDP. Because of that, it is important for policymakers to put in place policies, which encourage and foster entrepreneurial activity- both on a national as well as international level. On an international level, the EU plays a major role in supporting entrepreneurial activity in Europe. For that purpose, the EU institutions are enforcing entrepreneurship-related policies and are establishing programs and funds, which benefit European enterprises. Special emphasis is placed on supporting the entrepreneurial activities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are the backbone of the economy. SMEs represent more than 99% of all enterprises in a country, and they create two out of three jobs. Because of their importance, the EU strives to provide a suitable environment and support for them to grow and exist in the long run. EU member countries exploit the offered support to different extents, which means that the EU support affects European companies and member countries in different ways. In this thesis, we explored the role of the EU in connection to entrepreneurial support and activity.
Based on our research, we found very noticeable differences between more and less developed EU countries in terms of the amount of exploited EU support. We discovered that most of the time, more developed EU countries tend to exploit EU entrepreneurial support to a bigger extent, than less developed countries do. That is because less developed countries often lack the ability to set up suitable programs that could qualify for EU funding. We also discovered that less developed countries tend to have higher levels of early-stage entrepreneurial activity than more developed countries do. We have found that this is because citizens in these countries often create their businesses out of necessity, not so much because they perceived a good business opportunity. In less developed countries, where the economical state of the country is less stable and there is a lack of available job offers, citizens are pushed to entrepreneurship out of necessity in order to survive. Related to that, we also discovered that less developed countries dedicate more of their EU funds to SMEs than more developed countries do. But as they lack the proper entrepreneurial ecosystem, these enterprises often fail. Because of that, as it most often occurs out of necessity, high levels of entrepreneurial activity in a less developed country do not quite indicate a well-established national entrepreneurial system. Finally, based on all the data we collected and analyzed in this thesis we have found that entrepreneurial support offered by the EU has been increasing over the years. That is because in the last decades there has been a big increase in the number of programs and funds being established, which focus specifically on SMEs. The same can be seen with the number of entrepreneurial policies being enforced by the EU, as entrepreneurship became one of the main EU priorities. Ključne besede: entrepreneurial support, entrepreneurship activity, EU funding, access to finance, economic development Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.12.2021; Ogledov: 789; Prenosov: 79
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7. Entrepreneurship in a New Reality : GEM Slovenia 2020, Executive SummaryMiroslav Rebernik, 2021 Opis: Entrepreneurship is the strongest driver of economic growth and development and has a very large impact on overall social development. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) has a history of 22 years of entrepreneurship research, with a special focus on the earliest stages, when business opportunities are perceived and individuals decide whether to engage in entrepreneurship. Their direct living environment, especially the prevailing cultural values, the company's tendency to entrepreneurship and the orderliness of the business environment, have a great influence on the involvement of individuals in entrepreneurial activities. Accordingly, the conceptual framework of GEM is set, which enables the treatment of individuals and their attitude towards entrepreneurship, perception of entrepreneurship and involvement in the establishment and / or ownership and management of a company. With its help, we can therefore gain a deeper insight into national entrepreneurship and its characteristics and a more complete picture than can be provided by various statistical sources based solely on data obtained from existing companies. Ključne besede: global entrepreneurial monitor, entrepreneurship, total early entrepreneurial activity, economic development, entrepreneurial ecosystem Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.05.2021; Ogledov: 1329; Prenosov: 27
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8. A Variety of Entrepreneurial Motives : GEM Slovenia 2019, Executive SummaryMiroslav Rebernik, Karin Širec, Polona Tominc, Katja Crnogaj, Matej Rus, Barbara Bradač Hojnik, 2020, znanstveno delo Opis: In the world’s largest longitudinal survey, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), we have been exploring important features of entrepreneurship for 21 years, with particular emphasis on the earliest stages when business opportunities are perceived and individuals decide whether to engage in entrepreneurship. GEM was designed to (1) measure differences in attitudes towards entrepreneurship, activities and aspirations of individuals in as many countries as possible, (2) identify factors that encourage or hinder entrepreneurial activity, especially in relation to societal values, personal characteristics and the entrepreneurial ecosystem, (3) provide a platform for assessing the impact of entrepreneurial activity on economic growth in a given economy, and (4) identify the necessary policy measures to strengthen entrepreneurship. With the help of this research, we better understand society's attitude towards entrepreneurship and characteristics of the individual, such as perception of one's own abilities for entrepreneurial activity, ability to perceive opportunities, entrepreneurial intentions, and fear of failure. As GEM monitors entrepreneurial activity throughout the phases of the life cycle (nascent, new businesses and established businesses, discontinuation), according to impact (high growth, innovation, internationalization) and by type (early-stage entrepreneurship activity, employee entrepreneurship activity), the picture is much richer than the one that is based only on data gathered from ordinary statistical databases. Ključne besede: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, entrepreneurship, early-stage entrepreneurial activity, economic development, entrepreneurship ecosystem Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.05.2020; Ogledov: 1437; Prenosov: 23
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9. Productivity and economic growth in the European Union : impact of investment in research and developmentAndreja Nekrep, Sebastjan Strašek, Darja Boršič, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper focuses on investment in research and development as a factor of labour productivity and economic growth. Our analysis confirms the link between expenditure for research and development (expressed in % of GDP) and labour productivity (expressed in the number of hours worked) based on selected data for EU Member States in the period 1995-2013. A causal link between variables of the concave parabola was confirmed, and the value of expenditure for research and development (2.85% of EU GDP) maximising productivity (per hour of work) was determined based on the examined data. In accordance with these findings, EU’s target of reaching 3% of GDP spent on research and development to be achieved by 2020 seems in support of reaching maximum productivity in the EU. Ključne besede: investment in research and development, productivity, economic growth, correlation, panel analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.05.2018; Ogledov: 1991; Prenosov: 239
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10. Economic-geographic analysis of differentiated development in Croatian coastal regionZdenko Braičić, Jelena Lončar, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The main characteristic of the current development process in Republic of Croatia's coastal area is its unevenness. While former studies on differences in regional development have mainly discussed inequalities in terms of coast/inland/islands, this study analyzes a differentiated economic development along the Croatian coast, not including the islands. Basic analytical spatial units are cities and municipalities that can be classified into seven major coastal spatial units (sub-regions): Istria, Rijeka, Sub-Velebit, Zadar, Šibenik, Split and Dubrovnik-Neretva coastal area. In order to rate the level of development and determine differences in economic activities of coastal spatial region, several economic indicators have been taken into account. The results have confirmed that Istria and Rijeka coastal subregions are the most prosperous parts of Croatian coast. The economic orientation of cities and municipalities on the coast has been determined with the index of specialization. Ključne besede: Coastal spatial units, economic development, indicators, functional specialization, Croatia Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.04.2018; Ogledov: 1168; Prenosov: 116
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