1. Zagreb root-indices of graphs with chemical applicationsNiko Tratnik, Petra Žigert Pleteršek, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Root-indices of graphs are mathematical tools that help us to understand complex systems, like molecules and networks, by capturing key structural information. In this study, we introduce two new root-indices, the first and the second Zagreb root-index, and we analyze their properties. We apply these indices to chemical structures like benzenoid molecules and octane isomers, showing that they sometimes provide better insights than traditional indices. We also compare the effectiveness of several root-indices with their standard versions, highlighting their ability to distinguish between different graph structures. Ključne besede: first Zagreb index, second Zagreb index, root-indices, octane isomers, discrimination power Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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2. Climate change-related displacement and the determination of refugee status under the 1951 Refugee ConventionElijah Sriroshan Sritharan, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Climate change and climate-driven migration are two of the defining challenges of the twenty-first century, and there is no legal framework for protecting those displaced across national borders for climate-related reasons. The 1951 Refugee Convention hardly applies to human mobility in the context of climate change. This paper was written in the hopes of initiating a discussion concerning an alternative perspective through which persons fleeing natural disasters linked to climate change may satisfy the eligibility conditions for recognition of refugee status. Expanding the definition of refugee as defined in the Convention by including the notion of vulnerability to climate disasters that are caused by the underlying socio-economic conditions in the claimant’s home country and the role of discrimination in causing differential exposure to the climate-related disasters in legal definitions might open the door for the availability of refugee status for persons fleeing in the context of climate change. This paper proposes the adoption of a reformed human rights-based interpretation, particularly with regard to the individual nature of refugee status determination. Recalibrating the Convention to facilitate climate-induced migration could reduce political tension and social unrest in receiving countries. Ključne besede: climate change, climate-driven migration or displacement, climate migrants, climate refugees, determination of refugee status, the 1951 refugee convention, human rights-based approach, socio-economic conditions, vulnerability to climate disasters, the role of discrimination, rights-based climate litigation Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.04.2024; Ogledov: 168; Prenosov: 18
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3. Selected aspects of human life in civil and criminal law2021, zbornik Opis: The scientific monograph 'Selected aspects of human life in civil and criminal law' comprises ten contributions. The authors analyse various aspects of the meaning of human life in the light of selected topics in civil and criminal law. The Slovenian and Turkish authors, aware of the importance and sensitivity of the overarching theme of the scientific monograph, provide an analysis of selected pressing topics (e.g. honour killing, disinheritance, crimes against life and limb, vulnerability of certain social groups (elder persons)) in the light of both national, as well as of international regulation and relevant case-law. The scientific monograph thus provides the reader with an insight into historical, current and future aspects of human life. Ključne besede: right to life, discrimination, honor killing, criminal offences against life, marriage Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.05.2021; Ogledov: 934; Prenosov: 24
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5. How to reduce discrimination in the workplace : the case of Austria and Taiwan (R.O.C.)Vito Bobek, Anita Maček, Sarah Anna Bradler, Tatjana Horvat, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: To intervene against discriminatory in the workplace is tremendously important because discriminatory practices have an enormous economic impact, along with a severe impact on psychological health, which can result in illnesses such as depression and burnout. Such intervention requires a multidimensional approach, including the whole organization and a systematic procedure. The aim of this paper is to offer suggestions on how to reduce discrimination in the workplace in Austria and Taiwan. To reach this aim, a qualitative study was conducted. It showed that education, active positioning of companies, leadership and diligent selection of employees, discussion and analysis, psychological support, governmental policies, and aspects of language and talking gender-wise are the most important steps to decrease or eliminate discrimination in the workplace. Ključne besede: discrimination, business practices, leadership, workplace Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.10.2018; Ogledov: 1782; Prenosov: 234
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6. The legal nature of doctor patient relationship in Turkish medical lawYener Ünver, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The article discusses the relationship between the physician and the patient through different branches of Turkish Law. The author explains the legal theory of physician (as self-employed as well as employed in hospital) – patient relationship in the limits of legislation and court practices, and gives special emphasis on contemporary open questions in Turkish Law. Special intentions is given also to criminal law, duty to inform, liability and consent. The author presents contemporary constitutional and supreme court decision relating to the Casarean, plastic surgery, burden of proof, compensations ... Ključne besede: patient, physician, discrimination, criminal law, Turkish law Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.10.2018; Ogledov: 1079; Prenosov: 169
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7. Hate crimes as discriminatory violationsElena Mihajlova Stratilati, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Hate crimes are new concept in the academic research. Clearly, they are not a new phenomenon and it is important to bear in mind that what is currently being addressed as "hate crimes" has a long historical line. What is however new in this context is the cultural plurality of societies as a result of increased migration and postmodern awakening of old identities. Not to forget the strong role that globalization has in the facing of cultures to each other. Thus, the hate crimes that are otherwise older are placed in this new context. The first part of the text gives an overview of some of the wider and more elaborated definitions that are central for our conceptual understanding of hate crimes. Following this understanding the second part of the text tries to analyse the unique harm or injury that hate crimes are causing and to illuminate more precisely the discriminatory violence and how it brings further humiliation to the victim. Ključne besede: hate crimes, dignity, discrimination, humiliation, harm Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.08.2018; Ogledov: 1100; Prenosov: 62
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8. Obesity discrimination in the workplace: “You’re hired!”Stuart Flint, Sonia Codreanu, Amalia Gomoiu, Martin Čadek, Vanja Ivić, Colene Zomer, Peter Walton, 2015, drugi sestavni deli Opis: The purpose of this study is to first identify whether obese people are discriminated against when hiring employees. Employees of workforces that vary due to the physical demand of their job, will rate hypo- thetical applicants on their suitability for employment using Likert-type responses to a range of ques- tions. Applicants’ curriculum vitae will be manipulated by weight status and gender. Implicit and explicit attitudes towards obese people will also be examined using existing measures with strong psychometric properties as reported in extant research. Second, using focus group discussions with employees of either sedentary or physically active workforces, this study will explore why and in what ways obese people are discriminated against in the workplace. Ključne besede: obesity, discrimination, workplace, implicit, explicit Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.08.2017; Ogledov: 1342; Prenosov: 431
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9. Obesity discrimination in the recruitment process: "You're not hired!"Stuart Flint, Martin Čadek, Sonia Codreanu, Vanja Ivić, Colene Zomer, Amalia Gomoiu, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Previous literature reports that obese persons are discriminated in the workplace. Evidence suggests that obese people are perceived as having less leadership potential, and in comparison to normal weight peers, are expected to be less successful. This study examined whether obese people are discriminated against when applying for employment. Three hypotheses were offered in line with previous research: (1) obese people are less likely to be assessed positively on personnel suitability than normal weight people; (2) obese people in active employment are more likely to be discriminated against than people in non-active employment; and (3) obese women are more likely to be discriminated against than obese men. 181 Participants were sampled from sedentary, standing, manual and heavy manual occupations. Participants rated hypothetical candidates on their suitability for employment. Employees also completed measures of implicit and explicit attitudes toward obesity. MANOVA was conducted to examine if obese candidates were discriminated against during the recruitment procedure. Results demonstrated that participants rated obese candidates as less suitable compared with normal weight candidates and when the weight status of the candidate was not revealed for work across the four workplace groups. Participant gender and weight status also impacted perceptions of candidates’ suitability for work and discrimination toward obese candidates was higher in participants from more physically demanding occupations. The study findings contribute to evidence that obese people are discriminated against in the hiring process and support calls for policy development. Ključne besede: psychology, obesity, discrimination, workplace, implicit, explicit Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2017; Ogledov: 1480; Prenosov: 483
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10. DISKRIMINACIJA ROMOV V EU PO ODLOČBI SODIŠČA EU V ZADEVI NIKOLOVAKristina Kušar, 2015, diplomsko delo Opis: Evropska unija se je začela intenzivneje posvečati Romom ob koncu devetdesetih let, zaradi širitve na vzhodno in srednjo Evropo. Eden večjih dosežkov EU v boju proti diskriminaciji je bila Direktiva o rasni enakosti iz leta 2000. EU je namenila tudi veliko denarja romskim projektom. Kljub vsemu pa se Romi še vedno srečujejo z diskriminacijo in ekonomskimi problemi.
Anelia Georgieva Nikolova ima v bolgarskem mestu Dupnica, natančneje v mestni četrti Gizdova Mahala, trgovino z živili. V tej mestni četrti je večina romskega prebivalstva. Zaradi pogostih manipulacij električnih števcev, se je bolgarsko elektrodistribucijsko podjetje (v nadaljevanju ČEZ RB) samo v tej četrti poslužilo sporne prakse, saj je števce namestilo na višino sedmih metrov, tako da je onemogočeno preverjanje porabe. A.G.Nikolova se je zaradi tega ukrepa pritožila pri Komisiji za zaščito pred diskriminacijo (v nadaljevanju KDZ). KDZ je ugotovilo diskriminacijo, nato pa je podjetje ČEZ RB podalo tožbo na Upravnem sodišču v Sofiji. To sodišče je kasneje postavilo deset predhodnih vprašanj sodišču EU. V sodbi je sodišče poudarilo, da se načelo enakega obravnavanja ne uporablja samo za osebe neke narodnosti, ampak tudi za ostale osebe, ki se zaradi diskriminatornega ukrepa obravnavajo manj ugodno. Poudarilo je tudi da to, da v mestni četrti živijo prebivalci, ki niso Romi ne izključuje tega, da je sporna praksa nastala zaradi večine romskega prebivalstva. Sporna praksa je sicer primerna za doseganje cilja, a je Sodišče poudarilo, da je nesorazmerna glede na interese prebivalcev mestne četrti. Ključne besede: Zadeva Nikolova, Evropska unija, Direktiva o rasni enakosti, Bolgarija, Romi, diskriminacija, preizkus sorazmernosti. One of the biggest achievments of the EU in fight against discrimination was the Racial equality directive from year 2000. EU has financed many projects for Roma people. Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.04.2016; Ogledov: 3538; Prenosov: 171
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