1. Sustainable development of ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina : a multi criteria assessmentBoris Prevolšek, Aleksandar Maksimović, Adis Puška, Karmen Pažek, Maja Borlinič Gačnik, Črtomir Rozman, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper explores ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina as an important element of rural and cultural tourism. The attractiveness of natural and cultural heritage is very important for sustainable rural tourism development. In order to improve the process of decision making to enable the sustainable development of ethno-villages, a multi-criteria assessment model has been developed. The methodology is based on qualitative modeling using a multi-criteria analysis via the DEXi software. The model is based on hierarchical relations consisting of three main criteria that are the basis of sustainable tourism development: economic, social, and environmental criteria. The ultimate goal of the model in this study was to evaluate ethno-villages, namely six ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results of the study show how ethno-villages contribute to sustainable development. Ključne besede: sustainable development, tourism, ethno-villages, DEXi, decision support, multi-criteria model, assessment Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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2. Impact analysis of the young farmers' support program on Slovenian dairy sector development using econometric modeling approachLazar Pavić, Jernej Turk, Ivo Grgić, Jernej Prišenk, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This study analyzes the effects that action 112 of the Rural Development Policy had on the socioeconomic status of Slovenian dairy farms. The data used in this paper were collected from Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), a database for applicants in action 112 (young farms transferees), from whose applications for participation in this action the data were obtained. Twenty-eight different econometric models were developed during the first stage of the research. The evaluation of the models was subsequently performed by applying valid statistical and econometric criteria. The results reveal the main positive effects that action 112 had on socioeconomic indicators of the dairy farms: number of full-time labor power, number of head of large livestock, total revenue (in euros) and net value added. Statistically significant differences in benefits from action 112 among dairy farms were determined by using two sets of dummy variables: region and level of education. The research in the field of the effect of the rural development policy action support of young farmers on socioeconomics performance of milk farms can make a significant contribution to developing the researchers' work and policy makers' decisions. Furthermore, this research is important from the agronomic point of view, since its results support two of the basic goals of Common agricultural policy after 2020: environmental care and conservation of landscape and biodiversity. Ključne besede: dairy farmers, econometric analysis, rural development, socio-economic situation Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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3. New development bank: analiza tveganj : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko deloElvis Dedić, 2025, diplomsko delo Opis: New development bank (NDB) je večstranska finančna institucija, ki so jo leta 2015 ustanovile države BRICS. Njen namen je financiranje infrastrukturnih projektov in projektov trajnostnega razvoja v državah BRICS in drugih nastajajočih tržnih gospodarstvih ter državah v razvoju. Kar zadeva glavne razloge za ustanovitev skupine in tudi za začetek izvajanja NDB, gre v bistvu za skupni interes za reformo arhitekture globalnega upravljanja. Po njihovem mnenju uveljavljene mednarodne organizacije, ki jih vodijo zahodne sile, predvsem tiste, ki so vključene v brettonwoodsko strukturo, tj. Mednarodni denarni sklad in Svetovna banka, ne predstavljajo več trenutne globalne porazdelitve moči. Namen NDB je torej odpraviti pomanjkanje infrastrukturnih naložb in financiranja, ki ogroža svetovno gospodarstvo, zlasti države v razvoju, hkrati pa povečati njihov glas v globalnih zadevah.
Tri največja tveganja, ki jih prevzemajo banke, so kreditno tveganje, tržno tveganje in operativno tveganje. Strategije za ublažitev vključujejo diverzifikacijo, prakse upravljanja tveganj in regulativne zahteve za zagotavljanje stabilnosti in odpornosti bančnega sistema. Banke so torej izpostavljene različnim tveganjem. Zaradi velikosti bank, kot je na primer New development Bank, lahko prevelika izpostavljenost tveganju povzroči propad banke in vpliva na milijone ljudi. Zato želimo v nalogi predstaviti in analizirati glavne dejavnike tveganj, ter kako se lahko te prepreči. Ključne besede: banke, analiza tveganja, New development bank (NDB), BRICS, diplomske naloge Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 16
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4. Digital transformation reduces costs of the paints and coatings development processTomaž Kern, Eva Krhač Andrašec, Benjamin Urh, Marjan Senegačnik, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: An essential characteristic of the new product development process is to develop a new marketable product in the shortest possible time with the lowest reasonable costs. Therefore, the key factor of the process is efficiency. The paints and coatings industry development process contain numerous laboratory tests to determine the appropriateness of new formulation. It is proven that digital transformation can reduce the number of laboratory tests and consequently shorten the throughput time of the development process. This raised the question of whether the faster development process also reduces the process’ cost, or they even increase due to information and communication technology implementation. Therefore, the research’s purpose was to determine whether reducing the number of laboratory tests, based on the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT), affects reducing costs in the paints and coatings development process. The conventional process and the redesigned process of paints and coatings development were used as the basis of the research. The comparative analysis of the costs incurred during the development process was made. The analysis compares the types and amount of incurred costs. The article proves that digital transformation has a significant impact on up to 48% on reducing costs of the paints and coatings development process. Ključne besede: coatings industry, digital transformation, development process, process redesign, technical enabler, implementation cost, rentability threshold Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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5. Impact of entrepreneurship activity sustainable developmentIvona Huđek, Barbara Bradač Hojnik, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Sustainable development considers the development that achieves the present economic goals, without obstructing the future development in a sense of satisfying the needs of society and endangering the environment. Recently, the entrepreneurship phenomenon has been widely recognized as an important path towards sustainable development, positively contributing to the development of society. Thus, in the paper, the empirical evidence on linkages between entrepreneurial activity indicators and social development goals is provided. To examine the linkages, the data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and Sustainable Development Goals Index were used. The empirical results suggest that entrepreneurship represents an important factor for fostering sustainability, particularly in opportunity-driven and innovative entrepreneurial activities. The results show, that both of them have a positive impact on sustainable development, while the necessity-driven entrepreneurial activity negatively affects sustainable development. This could be explained by the fact that necessity entrepreneurs are not likely to become the entrepreneurs to implement a promising business opportunity, but rather to earn an income. To achieve the sustainable development goals as well as entrepreneurship should become the national priority by introducing new policies and measures, that is, making the conditions, through which entrepreneurship could achieve positive contributions to the development of the society. Ključne besede: sustainable development, opportunity-driven entrepreneurial activity, innovative entrepreneurial activity, necessity-driven entrepreneurial activity, Sustainable Development Goals Index Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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6. Can large-language models replace humans in agile effort estimation? Lessons from a controlled experimentLuka Pavlič, Vasilka Saklamaeva, Tina Beranič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Effort estimation is critical in software engineering to assess the resources needed for development tasks and to enable realistic commitments in agile iterations. This study investigates whether generative AI tools, which are transforming various aspects of software development, can improve effort estimation efficiency. A controlled experiment was conducted in which development teams upgraded an existing information system, with the experimental group using the generative-AI-based tool GitLab Duo for estimation and the control group using conventional methods (e.g., planning poker or analogy-based planning). Results show that while generative-AI-based estimation tools achieved only 16% accuracy—currently insufficient for industry standards—they offered valuable support for task breakdown and iteration planning. Participants noted that a combination of conventional methods and AI-based tools could offer enhanced accuracy and efficiency in future planning. Ključne besede: software engineering, agile development, iteration planning, effort estination, generative AI, tool accuracy Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
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7. Government-funded sustainable development and professionalisation of NGOsLivija Rojc Štremfelj, Jana Žnidaršič, Miha Marič, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper addresses the first financial initiative of the Slovenian government for the professionalisation and development of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to promote sustainability in the third sector. The measure was the result of the Non-Governmental Organisations Act, adopted in 2018, and was followed by the Development strategy of non-governmental organisations and volunteering until 2023 (DSNGOV). The state’s contribution to an increased level of professionalisation was welcomed by NGOs because, compared to other EU28 states, which have an average employment rate of 4.18%, Slovenia is far behind, with only 0.82% of its active working population being employed in the NGO sector. In May 2018, the Ministry of Public Administration released invitations to fund projects for the development and professionalisation of NGOs and voluntary service, providing grants for 100 NGO jobs. The final project results were compiled in March 2020, and the findings were evaluated in 29 survey reports in April 2020. The research focused on the occupations for which employees were sought, legal forms of the applicant NGOs and recruitment methods. The results demonstrate that the state measure was successful, as 69% of the funded jobs were sustained. However, most of the retained jobs were filled by those who were previously employed in the NGO sector (84.6%), so the employment rate has barely risen. Ključne besede: professionalization, NGO sector, sustainable third sector, development strategy, state measures, HRM, public financing, non governmental organisations, sustainable development Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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8. Fostering SDG Content Integration in the Economics and Business Undergraduate Curriculum: A Faculty-Driven Mapping ApproachIgor Vrečko, Maja Rožman, Karin Širec, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UM) initiated a project to align its undergraduate study program with sustainable development principles. This involved mapping the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the curriculum, using recommended keywords and faculty assessments. The exercise aimed to objectively showcase current sustainability integration and to identify areas for enhanced sustainable practice infusion. The method entailed both the direct and indirect consideration of SDG content. This endeavor heightened faculty awareness and enthusiasm for incorporating the SDGs, highlighting the significance of aligning academic programs with global sustainability objectives. This study has offered a framework for similar institutions aiming to boost sustainability through curriculum mapping and active faculty engagement. Ključne besede: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), curriculum mapping, higher education, sustainability in economics and business education, faculty engagement Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
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10. Supply chain and logistics planningMatevž Obrecht, Tea Vizinger, Michał Adamczak, Piotr Cyplik, Dejan Dragan, Bojan Rosi, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Vasja Omahne, Bojan Rupnik, univerzitetni, visokošolski ali višješolski učbenik z recenzijo Ključne besede: supply chains, planning, sustainable development, logistics, higher education textbooks Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 7
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