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Communication Challenges in Inclusive Education Faced by Deaf and Non-deaf People
Omar Gamal, 2022

Opis: This is a consolidated report on the work done in Intellectual Output One: Communication Challenges for the Advancing Inclusive Education Through International Sign - InSign project. This report combines and summarises the results obtained in national reports done by project partners from Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Portugal, and Slovenia. This document includes information on national sign languages, support for deaf people and their learning possibilities in different countries. In one section, we will review the status of International Sign in all the partner countries. We have also performed surveys done primarily with students to measure how they perceive deaf people, how they understand sign language and the difficulties deaf face in the education system. In this document, we analyse the data collected across the project partners. Each partner has also performed a guided interview with those most familiar with the deaf community (deaf themselves, educators, interpreters etc.) to help better understand the circumstances and answer some of the questions difficult to find in literature. The Consolidated Report summarises interview findings from national reports with the main takeaways.
Ključne besede: international sign, sign language, inclusive education, communication challenges, deaf communities
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2022; Ogledov: 916; Prenosov: 100
.pdf Celotno besedilo (4,60 MB)
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Ines Kožuh, 2015, doktorska disertacija

Opis: Social networking site use among the d/Deaf and hard of hearing has triggered a growing interest in examining the impact of online activities on their experiences. Despite extensive research on the use of social networking sites among hearing users, only a few studies have focused on use among the d/Deaf and hard of hearing. There is an evident lack of comprehensive research on d/Deaf and hard of hearing users’ experiences with social networking sites in which both the effects of the users’ characteristics on their identification with other users and their tendency to connect with members of online communities are examined. In our study, we developed a theoretical model for examining D/HH users’ experiences with social networking sites. The model investigates the relationships and effects among the aspects (identity, community building and connections between communities) and factors (hearing loss, educational background, communication situation and use of technology) relating to the experiences of d/Deaf and hard of hearing with social networking sites. The primary purpose of the model was to define how the aspects are associated with each other and how the factors influence the aspects. In line with the model, an online questionnaire in sign and written language was developed. A study was conducted in Germany, Slovenia, Austria and Switzerland, where the questionnaire was completed by 199 German, 43 Slovene, 21 Austrian and 20 Swiss d/Deaf and hard of hearing users of social networking sites. Due to sample size the main emphasis was on the results gained from the study conducted in Germany. It was shown that online Deaf identity is negatively related to online hearing identity, but positively related to community building and connections among communities. While community building is positively related to connections between communities, online hearing identity is neither related to community building nor connections between communities. Additionally, hearing status was found to have a significant effect on online Deaf and online hearing identity. Frequency of use of social networking sites has no significant effect on any aspect, while frequency of posting videos is the only activity having a significant effect on community building. Frequency of communication with the deaf in sign language on social networking sites has a positive effect on online Deaf identity and community building; frequency of communication with the deaf and hard of hearing in written language has a further positive effect on community building. Results of examining the effects of different countries on the aspects showed that Slovene users were more engaged in community building and connecting with members of other communities than German users. These findings imply a high potential for using social networking sites in the education process. Accordingly, we developed recommendations for teachers, and designers and developers of educational processes in order to assure efficient communication support for the d/Deaf and hard of hearing. These recommendations might be most beneficial in distance education in terms of globalization, since social networking sites provide opportunities for inclusion of students from abroad. Similarly, social networking sites provide wider opportunities for work between mentors and mentees, since questions can be posed and answers can be given directly on social networking sites.
Ključne besede: Deaf and hard of hearing, social networking sites, online identity, online community, community building, connections between communities
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.04.2015; Ogledov: 2318; Prenosov: 313
.pdf Celotno besedilo (19,96 MB)

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