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Contaminants in the soil and typical crops of the Pannonian region of Slovenia
Žiga Jelen, Milan Svetec, Peter Majerič, Stanko Kapun, Lara Resman, Tatjana Čeh, Granit Hajra, Rebeka Rudolf, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Soil contamination and the uptake of pollutants by food crops are widespread issues that vary greatly by region and are influenced by the mineral composition of the soil and local human activities. The Pannonian region, where agriculture has played a key role since Roman times, has been particularly impacted by the long-standing agricultural and industrial practices. While soil contamination with heavy metals is monitored by the Slovenian government, microplastic contamination and the uptake of pollutants into food crops have yet to become a regular component of monitoring efforts. In this study, we conducted a preliminary investigation into soil and crop contamination across the Pannonian region, focusing on identifying harmful contaminants and their potential uptake into food crops. Both soil and crop samples were analyzed for the presence of heavy metals with proven methods such as atomic absorption spectrometry (FASS), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS), atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS), and inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was found to be a potentially faster method of obtaining data on soil composition. Special attention was also given to the potential presence of microplastics in the region’s soils.
Ključne besede: soil contamination, Pannonia, soil, food crops, heavy metals, microplastics
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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A critical analysis on multifaceted benefits of mixture of cover crops over pure stand
Marko Zupanič, Branko Kramberger, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Winter cover crops (WCCs) are fast-growing and high biomass producing crops that are included in the of crop rota- tion between two main cash crops. WCCs are used for greening the soil and can increase the yield of the main crop by increasing soil organic matter (SOM), soil water infiltrability and reducing water runoff and erosion, decreasing the weeds population and other soil-borne harmful biotic agents, improving soil microbial community, and enhancing agroecosystem services; however, yield can be adversely affected if they fix excessive nitrogen and do not release it in a timely manner. The carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio achieved in soil greening is a major factor in the availability of soil nitrogen, regardless of the location of soil residues; therefore, one option is to increase the nitrogen content of WCCs by sowing a mixture of legume and non-legume crops, since non-legumes such as grasses typically have a low nitrogen content and little to no positive effect on soil nitrogen availability on subsequent crops. The combination of legumes and non-legumes as WCCs exhibit multifaceted benefits such as quality biomass production, crop diversification, efficient plant protection, enrich- ment of soil microbes, biological nitrogen fixation, and so on. The integration of WCCs grasses and legumes into the crop rotation increases rational nitrogen management and can also increase SOM content and, consequently, soil fertility. The effective release of mineral nitrogen into the soil along the time should be taken into account in order to minimize leaching and optimize the symbiotic N fixed for the subsequent cash crop. Finally, with WCCs, it is possible to produce high-quality animal feed in pure stands and in mixtures in order to obtain on sustainable farm forage resources.
Ključne besede: cover crops, pure stand, mixed stand, agroecosystem services, advantages
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.04.2024; Ogledov: 268; Prenosov: 10
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Agronomski in okoljski vidiki prekrivnih posevkov v ekološki pridelavi zelenjadnic
Martina Robačer, 2019, doktorsko delo/naloga

Opis: Cover crops can reduce the use of external inputs such as pesticides and fertilisers and can at the same time suppress weeds as well as improve or maintain soil fertility. Cover crops can also modify the microclimate which affects pest populations and diseases. Determining cover crop species and management practices is based on the needs and goals of production. The effects of introducing living mulch (LM) and management strategies on cash crop yield, product quality and energy use were studied in certain European countries (Slovenia, Italy, Germany and Denmark) in different climatic and soil conditions. In Slovenia, in organic production of cauliflower and leek, the effects of two terms of sowing white clover with additive design were compared with a production with black foil and with the usual agricultural practice by hoeing. In the field experiments the effect of LM on arthropod dynamics and activity density was investigated. The results demonstrated that the LM systems with a substitutive design, can be effectively implemented in vegetable production if the value of the ecological services (positive externalities) delivered by LM can counterbalance the yield loss due to the cash crop density reduction. If an additive design is used, the LM should be sown several weeks after the cash crop planting. Different cash crop genotypes (i.e., open pollinated/local cultivars in comparison with the hybrids) performed similarly. Use of human labor (HL) and fossil fuel (FF) energy slightly increased in LM systems (7%). The farmers’ acceptance of the LM techniques was quite high (75% of the interviewed sample). The LM technique did not affect the infestation of cabbage caterpillar Pieris spp., showing no detrimental effect of this technique on this key pest of cabbage. In Denmark, aphid populations were higher in the sole crop system than in the LM system. In Italy, a level of larval parasitization was detected and in the first year the percentage of parasitization was higher in LM (88%) than in sole crop (63%). Overall, the LM positively affected the activity density of Carabid beetles, also increasing the diversity and evenness of species (Slovenia and Italy) or activity density of some taxa (Slovenia and Denmark). Due to numerous agroecological services of cover crops, growing simultaneously with vegetables as LM, this could be promising technique for organic and others production systems in the future.
Ključne besede: organic vegetable production, cover crops, agroecological service, living mulch, energy consumption, biodiversity, soil arthropod
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.02.2019; Ogledov: 2206; Prenosov: 292
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Decision making under conditions of uncertainty in agriculture : a case study of oil crops
Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, 2009, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: In decision under uncertainty individual decision makers (farmers) have to choose one of a set number of alternatives with complete information about their outcomes but in the absence of any information or data about the probabilities of the various state of nature. This paper examines a decision making under uncertainty in agriculture. The classical approaches of Wald’s, Hurwicz’s, Maximax, Savage’s and Laplace’s are discussed and compared in case study of oil pumpkin production and selling of pumpkin oil. The computational complexity and usefulness of the criterion are further presented. The article is concluded with aggregate the results of all observed criteria and business alternatives in the conditions of uncertainty, where the business alternative 1 is suggested.
Ključne besede: uncertainty, Wald’s, Hurwicz’s, Maximax, Savage’s and Laplace’s criterion, decision support system, agriculture, oil crops
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.07.2017; Ogledov: 1261; Prenosov: 138
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A Multi-criteria assessment of energy crops for biogas production
Peter Vindiš, Bogomir Muršec, Črtomir Rozman, Franc Čuš, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper presents the system for the assessment of energy crops for biogas production. The system is based on simulation modelling and multi criteria decision analysis. The deterministic simulation system consists of deterministic production simulation models that enable different types of costs calculations for the production of energy crops, electrical and heat energy in biogas production. Simulation model results were further evaluated using a qualitative multi-attribute modelling methodology (supported by the software tool DEX-i) and quantitative analytical hierarchical process - APH (supported by software toll Expert Choice 2000). The Analysis showed that by using current model the most relevant alternative used for energy crop for biogas production is maize. The maize results in the best multicriteria evaluation EC=0.248 and DEX-i evaluation = appropriate. the best alternative for maize is sorghum with multicriteria evaluation of EC=0.201 and DEX-i evaluation = less appropriate.
Ključne besede: simulation model, Expert Choice, AHP, DEX-i, energy, crops, biogas
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1367; Prenosov: 43
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