1. Corporate governance of slovenian and german telecommunications companiesNatalija Pauman, 2019, magistrsko delo Opis: In the master’s thesis we researched corporate governance and the quality of corporate governance. Corporate governance and management of organizations stem from the need and the desire for the existence and development of an organization. It is necessary to establish certain kind of monitoring and controlling in organizations, which we define with the term “corporate governance”. Corporate governance is the system of regulating and controlling corporate conduct and of balancing interests of all shareholders and other stakeholders to which company has influence. The interests of directors and shareholders may be in contrast. The purpose of corporate governance is to find a way to satisfy the interest of both, the board of directors and the shareholders, and at the same time to create long-team and sustainable growth for the company. Corporate governance is extremely important for individual organizations and, consequently, for their business. Compering different organizations, their corporate governance is done in different ways. Corporate governance in developed countries and leading economies is certainly different than in smaller and less developed countries. In this case, arises a question what kind of corporate governance can be labelled as “good” or “first-class” corporate governance. In order to improve corporate governance practices, various legal regulations and other forms of binding and less binding rules, recommendations, codes and standards have been developed. Quality is extremely important for organizations, therefore several methods, methodologies and indexes for measuring the quality of corporate governance have been developed. The purpose of methods is to evaluate and compare the quality of corporate governance between individual companies and between different countries. The results can serve for developing measures to improve corporate governance practices. At the same time, findings can serve to modify and supplement existing legislation and recommendations. The corporate governance index, as a measure of the quality of corporate governance processes, can also be one of the important indicators of the company's potential in order to access to new sources of capital and to reduce the capital´s costs in comparison with other companies. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to study corporate governance and its impact on the business of Slovenian and German telecommunication companies. We make comparison between following companies: Telekom Slovenije, d.d., A1 Slovenija, d.d., Deutsche Telekom AG and Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG. The quality of corporate governance in selected companies was measured with the SEECGAN methodology and index. The methodology was designed to measure the quality of corporate governance. It ensures transparency and provides a structured overview of the main areas of corporate governance between different companies. In empirical part of master’s thesis, we found out that Telekom Slovenije, d.d. has "first-class" quality of corporate governance, A1 Slovenia, d.d. has a "good" quality of corporate governance, Deutsche Telekom AG has a "first-class" quality of corporate governance and Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG has a "good" quality of corporate governance. We found out that both countries have companies with “first-class” and “good” corporate governance. The quality of corporate governance is not related to the national origin or country of operation of the company. One of the main finding of the analysis is that there are no significant differences between the quality of corporate governance in specific areas of SEECGAN index in Slovenian and German companies. Ključne besede: corporate governance, quality of corporate governance, telecommunication companies, public stock companies, SEECGAN index and methodology, measuring the quality of corporate governance Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.10.2019; Ogledov: 1226; Prenosov: 114
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2. Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility synergies : a systemic approachJelena Nikolić, Dejana Zlatanović, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Respecting the importance of corporate governance (CG), particularly various corporate governance mechanisms for improving corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, the paper highlights relevant CG–CSR synergies from the perspective of systems thinking. The paper further aims to demonstrate the ways in which selected systems methodologies can support CG–CSR synergies. Accordingly, we selected appropriate systems methodologies, such as dialectical systems theory, soft systems methodology, and system dynamics. We defined the dialectical system, consisting of essential corporate governance mechanisms, which contribute to CSR; we also identified the key stakeholders and their perceptions of CG–CSR relations through CATWOE analysis; thus, the appropriate root definition and conceptual model, including the activities that are relevant for CG–CSR relations, were developed. Developed systemic framework provided a relevant methodological support to highlight the various issues of corporate governance, such as institutional framework, market for corporate control, ownership structure, board structure, and their contribution to CSR. Ključne besede: corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, CG–CSR synergies, systemic approach, combined use of selected systems methodologies Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.10.2018; Ogledov: 1535; Prenosov: 174
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3. Minority shareholder protection in group of companies and its effect on the economic growth : the case of SloveniaTil Rozman, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Building on some of the key findings of the so-called law matters theory and its criticism, and taking into account that the economic growth of the Slovenian economy is weak, this paper emphasizes the importance of the minority shareholder protection for the economic growth. Since a group of companies has become the prevailing form of large enterprises, the focus of the paper is on the outside minority shareholder protection. Although groups of companies are a well-known and established topic in several law sectors at the national and the EU level (competition law, tax law, labour law etc.), they are only seldom the subject of the national or EU company law. However, Slovenia is one of only a few member states that have codified company law relating to group of companies. This paper finds that Slovenian normative framework provides a comprehensive protection for outside minority shareholder. As it is especially the enforcement matters that are relevant, not only the codified law (in books), further research on the Slovenian company law relating to group of companies is legitimate and necessary, and should revolve around the question of whether the regulation has achieved the desired objectives in the practice. Ključne besede: minority shareholder protection, group of companies, economic growth, corporate governance, Slovenian law relating to group of companies Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.08.2018; Ogledov: 1535; Prenosov: 65
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4. Law and economics approaches to corporate governanceNina Cankar, Simon Deakin, Marko Simoneti, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper provides a critical assessment of existing theoretical approaches to corporate governance within law and economics. Conventional economic approaches to law, new institutionalism and behavioural science, as well as the transplant literature, are discussed and their limits indicated. We suggest that by incorporating novel concepts, such as receptiveness, familiarity, adaptation, and internal process of development, the evolutionary dynamics of law and economics signifies a tendency towards corporate governance analysis that involves the study of institutional change and deals with questions that cannot be easily quantified. Such perspective invites a further look into the nature and evolution of legal norms and opens a way for a review of corporate governance arrangements from the perspective of unconventional socio-legal theories. Ključne besede: corporate governance, law and economics, new institutionalism, legal transplants Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.07.2018; Ogledov: 1005; Prenosov: 42
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5. Nationality diversity of bank boardsMiroslav Nedelchev, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The aim of this paper is to carry out a comparative study for nationality diversity in bank boards. The study covers practices of board diversity of nine commercial banks. The data are compared for subsidiary banks in Bulgaria and their parent banks from the home country. The study defines a high degree of nationality diversity in subsidiary banks. The Bulgarian banks have a higher number of foreign members on boards compared to their parent banks. The good practices on board diversity in Bulgarian banks are a consequence of their subordination in European financial conglomerates and are aimed to reduce agent conflicts. Ključne besede: corporate governance, subsidiary banks, Bulgaria, comparative study Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.05.2018; Ogledov: 1563; Prenosov: 339
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6. Corporate governance quality in selected transition countriesDanila Djokić, Mojca Duh, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Important questions that concern the notion of good corporate governance focus on what good corporate governance is, who benefits from good corporate governance, and how corporate governance quality can be measured. The aim of our study was to broaden our understanding of the role of standards and codes of good corporate governance in improving governance practices. We found that not only formal regulations, standards, and governance codes, but also corporate governance indices - which make the assessment of companies’ governance practices possible - are important in measuring and improving governance quality. The results of the research based on the SEECGAN Index methodology indicated that mandatory requirements and voluntary recommendations of high governance standards had a positive impact on the corporate governance practice in Slovenia. Ključne besede: corporate governance, index, quality, transition country, companies, management, corporate culture, Slovenia Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.07.2017; Ogledov: 1368; Prenosov: 127
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7. Corporate governance of banks in Poland and SloveniaPolona Pašić, Borut Bratina, Mejra Festić, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper focuses on the analysis of the characteristics of corporate governance in banks in Poland and Slovenia between 2005 and 2013. It studies the impact of corporate governance in these banks on their performance. The results of our research show that Slovenia achieved lower average scores for the variables and indicators related to the transparency of corporate governance than Poland. The density of banks with the highest corporate governance index scores was higher in Poland than in Slovenia. When examining the impact of corporate governance on bank performance as measured with net interest income, the regression analysis showed that its impact is positive in both countries and that it is statistically significant in Slovenia. Ključne besede: corporate governance, bank performance, Central and Eastern Europe, corporate governance index, net interest income Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.04.2017; Ogledov: 1778; Prenosov: 458
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