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General Guidelines for Academic Integrity
Loreta Tauginienė, Milan Ojsteršek, Tomáš Foltýnek, Franca Marino, Marco Consentino, Inga Gaižauskaitė, Irene Glendinning, Shiva Sivasubramaniam, Salim Razi, Laura Ribeiro, Tatjana Odiņeca, Oliver Trevisiol, 2018, znanstvena monografija

Opis: These general guidelines serve as a supportive document for the glossary for academic integrity (sub-output 3G) that describes the definitions of terms related to academic integrity. They serve to help build common understandings of integrity issues in both academia and business. The guidelines outline minimum requirements and responsibilities of various stakeholders in academia. Many of the guidelines are necessarily general, but, where relevant, we provide country-specific examples as well as adjusting to meet to the needs of different fields of study/research. The general guidelines are addressed to a full range of stakeholders, including national ombudspersons, judicial authorities, compliance officers, research project managers and other related bodies or units in academia (such as policy units, educators/instructors, senior administrator/managers/coordinators) as well as students, the business sector and others.
Ključne besede: guidelines, academic integrity, academic writing, academic publishing, ethics, plagiarism, copyright, data fabrication, data falsification, cheating
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.10.2019; Ogledov: 2005; Prenosov: 125
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1001,05 KB)
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Glossario per l’Integrità Accademica
Loreta Tauginienė, Inga Gaižauskaitė, Irene Glendinning, Július Kravjar, Milan Ojsteršek, Laura Ribeiro, Tatjana Odiņeca, Franca Marino, Marco Consentino, Shiva Sivasubramaniam, Tomáš Foltýnek, 2018, znanstveni terminološki slovar, enciklopedija ali tematski leksikon

Opis: Questo documento costituisce una base per procedere nella comune comprensione dell’integrità accademica attraverso l’apprendimento di nuovi termini e la riscoperta di vecchi termini in contesti differenti. La necessità di questo documento scaturisce dalla varietà di termini che sono comunemente utilizzati, ma in contesti differenti. In questo senso, abbiamo tentato di giungere a un significato comune. Questo documento potrebbe essere utile a difensori civici nazionali, autorità giudiziarie, funzionari preposti ai controlli di conformità, responsabili di progetti ricerca e altri soggetti analoghi o comunque appartenenti al mondo accademico, come anche a studenti, settori dell’industria e così via.
Ključne besede: glossario, integrità accademica, plagio, etica, ricerca, cattiva condotta accademica, scrittura accademica, copyright
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.10.2019; Ogledov: 1997; Prenosov: 47
.pdf Celotno besedilo (714,30 KB)
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Glossary for Academic Integrity
Loreta Tauginienė, Inga Gaižauskaitė, Irene Glendinning, Július Kravjar, Milan Ojsteršek, Laura Ribeiro, Tatjana Odiņeca, Franca Marino, Marco Consentino, Shiva Sivasubramaniam, Tomáš Foltýnek, 2018, znanstveni terminološki slovar, enciklopedija ali tematski leksikon

Opis: This glossary serves as a basis to further common understanding on academic integrity through learning new terms and rediscovering old terms in new contexts. The need for this document derives from the variety of terms that are commonly used, but under different contexts. In this sense, we attempted to arrive at a common meaning. This glossary could be of value to national ombudspersons, judicial authorities, compliance officers, research project managers and other related bodies or units in academia as well as students, business sector and others.
Ključne besede: glossary, academic integrity, plagiarism, ethics, research, academic misconduct, academic writing, copyright
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.10.2019; Ogledov: 2956; Prenosov: 58
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,20 MB)
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Gradivo je zbirka in zajema 9 gradiv!

Introduction to copyright and collective management in competition law
Jorg Sladič, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Copyright is an absolute intellectual property right. Historically it is of territorial nature. One of the central issues of copyright is the remuneration of authors. A copyright confers to its holder a legal monopoly comprising certain economic rights that are granted for pecuniary consideration. The economically most efficient way of management of copyright's pecuniary consideration is the collective management. However, collective management covers due to territorial nature of copyright only territory of a certain state. In competition law that might be considered as a monopoly by collecting societies limited to borders of states, in other words there are issues of a possible abuse of a dominant position.
Ključne besede: copyright, common law, droit d'auteur, civil law, collective management, intellectual property rights, dominant position, abuse of a dominant position, principle of solidarity, copyright related market, search market
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.08.2018; Ogledov: 1300; Prenosov: 329
.pdf Celotno besedilo (388,17 KB)

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