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Analysis and improvements of the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the regulating reserves : doctoral dissertation
Marcel Topler, 2022, doktorska disertacija

Opis: This Doctoral Thesis deals with the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the regulating reserves (RRs), i.e., Imbalance Netting Process (INP) and Cross-Border Activation of the RRs (CBRR), between participating Control Areas (CAs), to reduce the costs of balancing energy. The main objective of INP is to interchange the RRs between participating CAs with opposite signs of interchange power variation. In comparison, the main objective of CBRR is to activate the RRs in participating CAs with the same signs of interchange power variation. Both the INP and CBRR aim to release the RRs and reduce balancing energy as part of the power system's safe operation. The Thesis's main objective is to analyze the impact of the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the RRs on mutual oscillations of participating CAs and stability for small disturbances. The Thesis's secondary objective is to analyze the impact of the INP and CBRR on frequency quality, on the provision of Load-Frequency Control (LFC), on balancing energy and unintended exchange of energies between participating CAs. Frequency quality in Continental Europe (CE) has been declining in recent years, so it is important that the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the RRs do not further impair its quality. Both the classic INP and CBRR include a frequency-dependent contribution and, therefore, inherently affect the frequency response of the participating CAs, which is not discussed in the literature. Thus, the impact of the classic INP and CBRR on frequency quality and the provision of LFC is thoroughly evaluated with dynamic simulations of a three-CA test system and eigenvalue analysis of a two-CA system. It is demonstrated that both the classic INP and CBRR reduce the damping of the entire power system. Therefore, a modified implementation of the classic INP and CBRR is presented, and improved INP and CBRR are proposed, which have no impact on the mutual oscillations of participating CAs and stability for small disturbances. Furthermore, the dynamic simulations results confirm that the frequency quality can be improved by the classic INP and CBRR, although there are also cases where it can deteriorate. However, the improved INP and CBRR generally improve the frequency quality in all cases. The improved INP and CBRR also enhance the provision of LFC compared to the classic INP and CBRR. Moreover, the improved INP and CBRR reduce the unintended exchange of energies, thus increasing the economic effects of the INP's and CBRR's activation. The improved INP increases energy exchange, therefore positive economic benefits can be expected in comparison to the system with the classic INP. However, the improved CBRR reduces energy exchange, therefore positive economic benefits can be expected in comparison to the system with the classic CBRR, since energy exchange is paid by CA via bidding process.
Ključne besede: load-frequency control, imbalance netting, cross-border activation, balancing energy, regulating reserves, eigenvalue analysis, performance indicators, area control error, rate of change of frequency, control area
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.03.2023; Ogledov: 594; Prenosov: 109
.pdf Celotno besedilo (14,64 MB)

Modelling medium access control in IEEE 802.15.4 nonbeacon-enabled networks with probabilistic timed automata
Tatjana Kapus, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper concerns the formal modelling of medium access control in nonbeacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 wireless personal area networks with probabilistic timed automata supported by the PRISM probabilistic model checker. In these networks, the devices contend for the medium by executing an unslotted carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance algorithm. In the literature, a model of a network which consists of two stations sending data to two different destination stations is introduced. We have improved this model and, based on it, we propose two ways of modelling a network with an arbitrary number of sending stations, each having its own destination. We show that the same models are valid representations of a star-shaped network with an arbitrary number of stations which send data to the same destination station. We also propose how to model such a network if some of the sending stations are not within radio range of the others, i.e. if they are hidden. We present some results obtained for these models by probabilistic model checking using PRISM.
Ključne besede: wireless personal area network, medium access control, hidden station, formal specification, probabilistic model checking
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.06.2017; Ogledov: 1371; Prenosov: 377
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,25 MB)
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