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Character representation in the romance genre: the example of the novel Outlander : master's thesis
Nataša Pernat, 2023, magistrsko delo

Opis: Written by the American author Diana Gabaldon, the novel Outlander is one of the most popular books in the historical romance genre, but it also includes elements of the fantasy genre. The Master thesis explores the identification chains of the two protagonists – Jamie Fraser, Claire (Randall) Fraser, and the antagonist, Black Jack Randall. The analysis is based on the concept of reference and participant identification as proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976) and Martin and Rose (2004). The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the diversity of references in identification chains of the three selected characters. References are divided into five specified categories. Additionally, references are also analysed by categories in each reference chain according to their evaluation (positive, negative, and neutral). Four hypotheses have been set to guide the analysis. H1: The most diverse identity chain belongs to the male protagonist (Jamie Fraser). H1 has been confirmed. H2: The majority of the references in the identity chain of the antagonist (Black Jack Randall) have a negative evaluation. H2 has been rejected. The antagonist (Black Jack Randall) has the least diverse identity chain, H3 has been confirmed. H4: The identity chain of the female protagonist (Claire Randall Fraser) is the longest. H4 has also been confirmed. The findings from the analysis are interpreted in connection to the characteristics of the romance genre.
Ključne besede: character representation, romance genre, cohesion, identity chain, Outlander, historical romance
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.05.2023; Ogledov: 537; Prenosov: 43
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The importance of complementarity in the territorial cohesion and sustainability of rural areas : the case of Cambres, a Duoro winegrowing area, and Magueija, a mountainous area
Helena Pina, 2010, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Although the rural world reveals several troubling trends, such as demographic decline and stagnation/deterioration of the economic framework, there are multiple potentialities requiring urgent vitalization. Furthermore, heterogeneity predominates, a fact that becomes very clear when comparing the territorial setting of Cambres, a parish located in the Lamego municipality, part of the Douro winegrowing area and the area classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, with another parish set within mountainous terrain, Magueija, also located in the Lamego municipality, whose endogenous potential is completely neglected. As such, many challenges compromise its development and conformance with one of the main strategic vectors for the region, which is territorial cohesion.
Ključne besede: territorial cohesion, multifunctionality, TRA, complementarity
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.03.2018; Ogledov: 978; Prenosov: 71
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Social capital in rural communities in the Netherlands
Frans Thissen, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The quality of life in Dutch rural communities is high in comparison with urban communities in the Netherlands because of the residential quality of villages, the mobility of the inhabitants and the strong commitment by the inhabitants to the local society. However, today’s Dutch villages bear no resemblance to the traditional village and neither is social capital self-evident nowadays. This article presents evidence from two projects. It summarizes some results of a national survey organised within the framework of the research programme entitled ‘The Social State of the Countryside’, as carried out by the Social and Cultural Planning Office of The Netherlands (SCP) and a project in one of the most rural parts of the Netherlands (Zeeland). In the Zeeland villages, social capital is analysed from the point of view of the relationship between quality of life, social cohesion and local community care in small villages.
Ključne besede: transformation of rural communities, civil society, social capital, quality of life, social vitality, social cohesion, community care
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.03.2018; Ogledov: 1555; Prenosov: 114
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Cohesive means in Slovenian spontaneous dialectical conversations
Danila Zuljan Kumar, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In the first part the article discusses the relationship between textual coherence and cohesion, then it offers a classification of cohesive means for Slovenian conversational texts. In the second part the article presents the use of cohesive means in spontaneous spoken dialectal conversations. The use of co-reference means, i.e. ellipsis of pronouns, recurrences and partial recurrences, lexical relations (synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, collocations and paraphrase); ellipsis (systemic and non-systemic) and parallelism are presented in detail.
Ključne besede: Slovene dialects, textual cohesion, cohesive means, co-reference means, ellipsis, parallelism, dialectal conversations
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.02.2018; Ogledov: 1266; Prenosov: 187
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Harold Pinter in Slovene translations
Darja Darinka Hribar, 2004, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This article examines the translation of Harold Pinter's most notable stylistic peculiarities into Slovene, illustrating its main points with examples taken from his play The Homecoming. The findings demonstrate above all a marked degree of non-observance of the special verbal pattern (special cohesion) of the originals, a failure to convey Pinter's special configuration of meaning (special coherence), and a disregard for internal unifying coincidences. It argues that the Slovene translations of Pinter rely mostly on traditional theories of meaning and of language norms, thus preventing the reproduction of those emotional and psychological actions of Pinter's characters which are usually not expressed by means of the rhetorical, informative elements of his dialogue, but by its form and sonority, i. e. the length, strength, and level of articulation of verbal expression. This blurs Pinter's famous logic of emotion, narrows the proverbial openness and conceptual uncertainty of his plays, and limits their potential vitality in translation. Taking into account current drama and theatre translation practices in Slovenia, i.e. the rarity of published drama translation and the depedence on a translated performance text for subsequent theatrical productions, the article argues that in such cases the drama translation should be retrospective, i.e. aiming at a maximum reconstruction of all relevant linguistic, stylistic, and textual properties of the original, leaving expressly subjective interventions in the text to the theatre practitioners.
Ključne besede: English literature, drama, translation, theory of translation, translation of beletristics, cohesion, coherence, comparative analyses, drama translations
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.05.2017; Ogledov: 1775; Prenosov: 167
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Discourse Characteristics of Self-Help Books: The Example of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Tamara Nerat, 2017, magistrsko delo

Opis: The main purpose of the thesis was to explore the discourse characteristics in self-help books on the example of a popular classic of this genre. The aim was a discourse analysis of the self-help manual The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) by Stephen R. Covey. The book falls under the self-help category and includes typical features which are common for the genre. The thesis presents the distinguishing characteristics and shows the conventions which make it a typical representative of its genre. The main part consists of a discourse analysis of a chapter from the book, discussing the prevailing cohesive relations and its situational and generic coherence. The analysis examines the following cohesive devices: reference chains, typical examples of ellipsis and substitution, conjunction (the use of linking words and lexical ties), typical examples of lexical cohesion (examples of reiteration). The practical value of discourse analysis is in the fact that it displays a text's cohesion and coherence, both of which impact the text's quality and show if a text makes sense as a unified whole. The knowledge of cohesive devices is useful for evaluating texts (helping readers, critics, teachers) and text production (helping writers, journalists, students). The analysis has demonstrated connectedness and unity achieved through the use of cohesive devices and the prevalence of certain cohesive devices which can be linked to the specifics of the genre. The analysis also shows a situational and generic coherence, that is in line with the expectations towards the genre and context. An insight into how the internal organization of the text and content is connected to the register and genre of the text is supplied by the conclusion based on the analysis.
Ključne besede: discourse, cohesion, cohesive devices, coherence, register, genre, self-help, Stephen R. Covey, self-improvement, habits
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.02.2017; Ogledov: 2864; Prenosov: 261
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Marjetka Cvetko, 2012, diplomsko delo

Opis: The study of translation is very young and has no unified theory. There is no uniform definition of an ideal translation. Aspects affecting translation are too numerous to consider them all. Up to the present many sciences have influenced its development and theory to a great extent, they changed, added to it and improved it. Text linguistics contributed to translation too, refuted the concept of a sentence-for-sentence or even word-for-word translation and focused on treating a text as a whole. This young discipline changed the perspective of text analysing, it moved from focusing on text producing, style or text type to its structure, it analyses genres, the elements texts are constructed of and the ties linking them into logical, whole units. Another approach to text analysing developed within the framework of systemic functional linguistics referred to as discourse analysis that investigates textuality according to linguistic resources such as reference, repetition conjunction etc. creating cohesive ties between linguistic items (Martin, 1992:3; Halliday and Hasan, 1995:2-4). In this graduation thesis reference to human participants was researched in theory and practice using the example of a text in English and its Slovene translation and the results show that the knowledge of differences or resemblances in achieving cohesion in English and Slovene can contribute to better translating between those two languages and makes it easier for the reader or receiver of the translation to understand it in one’s mother language.
Ključne besede: translating, text, text linguistics, discourse analysis, cohesion, reference, participant identification
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.06.2012; Ogledov: 2766; Prenosov: 196
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