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Romana Gabrovec, 2011, diplomsko delo

Opis: In this diploma work the author deals with describing Mancunian, Cockney and Standard English dialect and the accents of Mancunians, Cockneys and RP. The author presents the main characteristics of each dialect and then compares the three mentioned dialects where the emphasis was on the comparison between Mancunian dialect, Standard dialect and RP accent and between Cockney dialect, Standard dialect and RP accent. The author discusses the differences between the three dialects and the language and dialect differences in general. She also discusses the language and the dialect which tends to be described as ‘wrong’, ‘correct’, ‘ugly’ and so on. The methods that were used in this diploma work are: the descriptive method; the comparative method; the method of analysis and synthesis; the method of abstraction and concretization; the method of generalization and specialization and the historical method. The author found out that there are differences and similarities between all three dialects and that the greater differences are between Mancunian and Cockney dialects on one side and the Standard dialect and RP accent on the other side. She also found that all languages and dialects are equal and that there should be no description of a dialect as ‘ugly’, ‘correct’ etc.
Ključne besede: Key words: Standard British English, Received Pronunciation, Mancunian dialect, Cockney dialect, accent, correct language, ugly language.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.02.2023; Ogledov: 669; Prenosov: 0

Lucija Filič, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: Magistrsko delo z naslovom Govor Elize Doolittle v angleški (Pygmalion) in slovenski (Pigmalion) knjižni predlogi ter gledališki uprizoritvi se osredotoča predvsem na analizo narečnega v govoru prodajalke rož – Elize Doolittle. Namen dela je ugotoviti, katera narečja se pojavljajo v knjižnih predlogah Pigmaliona ter ju primerjati z gledališkima predstavama, z narečnega in socialnozvrstnega vidika. Najprej smo predstavili avtorja, Georga Bernarda Shawa, ter njegovo delo Pigmalion. Na podlagi transkripcij Elizinega govora v knjižnih predlogah smo skušali predstaviti značilnosti narečnega. V delu so predstavljene štajerska, gorenjska, koroška in dolenjska narečna skupina, podrobneje pa ponkovski govor ter Cockney. V nadaljevanju smo poskušali odkriti, ali je v gledaliških adaptacijah prišlo do sprememb pri izbiri rabe socialnih zvrsti jezika, ter odkriti vzroke. V veliko pomoč pri analizi Elizinega govora je bila igralka Tanja Ribič, ki je leta 1999 v predstavi Pigmalion upodobila Elizo. Po predstavitvi igralskih zasedb, MGL (Mestnega gledališča ljubljanskega) in The Thrift Store Players, smo se posvetili primerjavi narečnega v knjižnih predlogah in gledaliških uprizoritvah. Prav tako smo želeli raziskati, ali se v Elizinem govoru pojavlja sleng z vulgarizmi, ter primerjati število slengizmov v obeh jezikih.
Ključne besede: Pigmalion, Eliza Doolittle, George Bernard Shaw, ponkovski govor, Cockney, Tanja Ribič, vulgarizmi.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.12.2016; Ogledov: 2455; Prenosov: 180
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,73 MB)

Tina Novak, 2015, diplomsko delo

Opis: The graduation thesis presents the dialectal features of Cockney in the series EastEnders. The theoretical part includes the definitions of the following concepts: language variety, dialect levelling, accent, dialect. This is followed by a brief presentation of the historical background and social perception of Cockney. The last and most extended segment of the theoretical part presents the linguistic features of Cockney, with emphasis on the phonological characteristics and the comparison of its phonological features with those of Received Pronunciation and Estuary English. The empirical part consists of the phonetic transcription of two chosen episodes of EastEnders, accounted for through auditory analysis. As in spoken conversation, especially in rapid speech, the neighbouring phonemes of words affect each other’s articulation, consideration is given to most common accommodation processes that appear in connected speech: assimilation, elision, epenthesis, and liaison. The aim of the graduation thesis is to analyse the phonetic features of Cockney in EastEnders. Moreover, the examination indicates how frequently a certain Cockney feature is used by each speaker and in what way its occurrence varies depending on the age, gender, and education of the characters in the series. The results of the statistical analysis are given for each phoneme separately.
Ključne besede: Cockney, phonetic analysis, EastEnders, British English, dialectology, phonetics, phonology, statistical analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.01.2016; Ogledov: 10876; Prenosov: 302
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,90 MB)

Faithfulness to the dialect in English and Slovene songs
Sabina Jevšenak, 2011, diplomsko delo

Opis: When we speak we are able to control our language. We can speak in our dialect, with our accent, or we speak correctly as the standards of a language require. The purpose of this paper was to research how is with this phenomenon in music. Do different singers use the same language when singing and when speaking? I used three different English dialects (Cockney, Irish and Scottish dialect) and two random representatives of each dialect for my research. I transcribed one song and one interview of each representative and parallel to that transcribed the same text in RP. I concentrated on the differences and compared the results. Moreover, for comparison between English and Slovene language I used my diploma seminar work, which deals with dialects in Slovene songs.
Ključne besede: english dialects, cockney, irish, scottish, music, transcription
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.01.2012; Ogledov: 2728; Prenosov: 142
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,37 MB)

Estuary English
Jasna Svenšek, 2009, diplomsko delo

Opis: Diplomska naloga Estuary English predstavlja angleški naglas, ki je v Veliki Britaniji pogosto uporabljen in neti vroče razprave povezane z njegovo primernostjo. Glavni cilji naloge so predstaviti naglas, ki ga uporabljajo skoraj vse generacije in družbeni sloji Velike Britanije, ugotoviti kakšne so razlike med standardno izgovarjavo in tem naglasom ter opredeliti, kako pogosto je omenjeni naglas uporabljen na televiziji.
Ključne besede: Estuary English, naglas, Received Pronunciation, Cockney, britanska angleščina.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.06.2009; Ogledov: 4185; Prenosov: 306
.pdf Celotno besedilo (326,09 KB)

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