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Metka Lovrin, 2015, magistrsko delo

Opis: The purpose of the MA thesis was to explore three English picture books (Sometimes I Like to Curl up in a Ball, The Slurpy Burpy Bear and The Gruffalo) and their Slovene translations (Včasih se rad kotalim kakor žoga, Rigajoči medved and Zverjasec) in regard to inappropriate child behavior which is usually deemed socially unacceptable by adults. Therefore, the aim of my qualitative research was to scrutinize such behavioral occurrences by using comparative and hermeneutic analysis, and to provide inductive reasons with thick description as to why these translation shifts occurred. The empirical part, in which I analyzed relevant sample passages in verbal (and visual) context, has led me to three major categories: “Discrepancy between Childish Authenticity and Social Values”, “Politeness” and “Demonization”. These revealed that corrective changes cannot be applied to Slovene picture book translation in general, but are subject to the individual translator’s child image.
Ključne besede: Picture book, translation, comparative analysis, inappropriate behavior, child image.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.08.2016; Ogledov: 1717; Prenosov: 158
.pdf Celotno besedilo (6,22 MB)

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