1. Development and optimisation of a business intelligence system : master's thesisMark Žohar, 2023, magistrsko delo Opis: In the fast-paced business landscape, unexpected events can pose significant challenges for companies. A lot of times, business intelligence presents a solution for companies in dealing with changes and improving organizational efficiency. As part of this master’s thesis, we have developed a business intelligence system that assists in the planning of new releases of smartphone components. We have simulated data and created reports, which can help the stakeholders to plan and analyze important milestones easily. We have tested two different data structures and showed how star schema is the most beneficial data structure for our BI system. We achieved this by restructuring data into a star schema model at different stages of migration and then compared the size of data and responsiveness of operations. Ključne besede: business intelligence, star schema, data modeling Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.06.2023; Ogledov: 414; Prenosov: 53
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2. 36th Bled eConference – Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability : June 25 – 28, 2023, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings2023 Opis: The Bled eConference, organised by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interactions since 1988. The theme of the 36th conference is "Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability". In times of instability, which include political, economic, resource, health, and environmental challenges on the one hand, and technological disruption on the other, it is critical to ensure that digital innovation continues to lead to the right and sustainable solutions that are tailored to the needs of all people, enterprises and society. It is very important to keep in mind the protection of our planet, including fauna and flora. These efforts include adopting appropriate regulatory frameworks, fostering digital literacy and skills development, promoting inclusive access to digital technologies, and addressing the ethical, social and environmental implications of digital transformation. The papers in this conference proceedings address digital transformation of enterprises, artificial intelligence and data science solutions, decision analytics for business and societal challenges, new, digital and data driven business models, digital consumer, digital education, digital health, digital ethics, restructured work and solutions for smart and sustainable cities. We continue to provide an open forum for academia, including students, industry, and policy makers where everyone can contribute to creating a better world. Ključne besede: digital transformation, digital business, digital technologijes, innovations, digitalization, sustainable development, smart and sustainable cities and societies, digital health, artificial intelligence and data science, digital ethics, digital education, restructured work, digital consumer, smart and sustainable cities Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.06.2023; Ogledov: 664; Prenosov: 190
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3. 35th Bled eConference Digital Restructuring and Human (Re)action : June 26 – 29, 2022, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings2022, zbornik Opis: The Bled eConference, organised by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interaction since 1988. After 2 years COVID-19 pandemic, when the conference was held online, this year we met again in Bled, Slovenia. The theme of the 35th conference is "Digital Restructuring and Human (re)Action". During the pandemic, we experienced the important role of digital technologies in enabling people and enterprises to interact, collaborate, and find new opportunities and ways to overcome various challenges. The use of digital technologies in these times has accelerated the digital transformation of enterprises and societies. It will be important to leverage this momentum for further implementation and exploitation of digital technologies that will bring positive impacts and solutions for people, enterprises and societies. The need to achieve sustainability goals and sustainable development of society has increased. Digital technologies will continue to play an important role in achieving these goals. The papers in this conference proceedings address digital transformation of enterprises, digital wellness and health solutions, digital ethics challenges, artificial intelligence and data science solutions, new and digital business models, digital consumer behaviour and solutions, including the impact of social media, restructuring of work due to digital technologies, digital education challenges and examples, and solutions for smart sustainable cities. Ključne besede: Digital transformation, digital business, digital technologijes, innovations, digitalization, sustainable development, smart and sustainable cities and societies, digital health and wellness, artificial intelligence and data science, digital ethics, digital education, restructured work, digital consumer, social media Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.06.2022; Ogledov: 1176; Prenosov: 71
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4. Implementation of a new reporting process in a group xSara Črešnik, 2021, magistrsko delo Opis: Reporting is present in every company. Whether it is small or big, it cannot be avoided. It plays a crucial role in the process and progress of business. The quality of reporting affects the development of the work environment and the company. Since business report is a document that contains business information, which supports the decisions about the future-oriented business decisions, it is very important for it to be designed in such a way that it contains the key information for the recipient and provides support for business decisions. The reporting process can take place horizontally upwards or downwards. Content and structure vary depending on the recipient of the report. We live in an age when our every step is accompanied by digitization, computerization, artificial intelligence, mass data, the Internet of Things, machine learning, and robotics. These changes have also affected the reporting process as well as its processes. The processes of data acquisition, processing and sharing have changed. Furthermore, the data quantity has increased, whereas the speed of the time in which to prepare the reports has decreased. We can have data without information, but we cannot have information without data. There is never enough time, especially nowadays when we are used to having everything at our fingertips. These are two conflicting factors – having more data and less time to prepare quality reports. The systems are developed to optimize the process, increase efficiency and quality and, what is nowadays most important, they have been created to obtain mass data in the shortest possible time. Therefore, it is important to adapt and implement software that can help achieve our daily tasks. We must know how to process huge amounts of real-time data and deliver the information they contain. It is crucial for companies to keep up with the environment and implement changes and innovations into their business process. A company is like a living organism for it must constantly evolve and grow. As soon as it stops growing and evolving, it can fail because it starts lagging and is therefore no longer competitive to others. To deliver faster feedback, companies need data of better quality. There are tools that can improve the business process, better facilitating the capacity of the human agents. The goal is to harness the employees’ full potential and knowledge for important tasks, such as analyzing, reviewing, and understanding data and acting upon them, invoking information technology to automate repetitive processes and facilitate better communication.
The focus in this master’s thesis is on the reporting process in Group X. Group X is one of the world leaders in the automotive industry, a multinational corporation based in Canada with subsidiaries around the world. The complexity of the business reporting that is implemented for the Headquarters in Canada has to address the complexity of the multinational corporation to support the decision process.
The aim of the thesis is to propose a reporting process for preparing and producing reports with a huge amount of data in a very time-efficient manner. We start by examining the existing processes and upon that, identifying the processes required for the reports to reach the final recipients. Our goal is to identify the toolset, which would increase efficiency, accuracy, credibility, and reduce errors in the fastest possible time. We investigate a short-term and a long-term solution. By a short-term solution, we mean a system, program, or a tool that can help us increase our potential by using digital resources, which are already existing in the organization. By a long-term solution, we mean a solution, which requires employment of specialized future tools in the field of reporting and in repetitive processes, which we can identify with current knowledge and expectations for development. This includes machine learning, robotic process automatization, artificial intelligence. Ključne besede: Consolidated reporting, reporting process, robotic process automatization, business intelligence, artificial intelligence, machine learning, SharePoint, Big Data, digital transformation, electronic data interchange. Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.09.2021; Ogledov: 894; Prenosov: 7
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5. Business Intelligence system implementation at a health services providerUroš Malnaršič, 2016, diplomsko delo Opis: Business Intelligence (BI) is important to any company wanting not only to improve their processes and data quality, but above all their decision-making. The scale of BI systems implementations ranges from small to large. A rule of thumb is that it is the end users who define the scope of an implemented BI solution. After all, a BI project and solution can only be considered successful if they are used after completion.
There are several vendors of BI tools and solutions who share a basic foundation, yet whose implemented solutions differ in approach, flexibility and enhancement options. However, they all share the challenges faced by the BI industry since its inception, from Big Data to Predictive Analytics and Data Discovery, to name just a few.
In this study, an American vendor of BI tools and solutions, Information Builders, is examined. They have been a market player for forty years and have influenced the development of this industry both directly and indirectly.
The main part of the research comprises a case study of a BI system implementation at a health services provider in the Netherlands. By providing insight into a BI implementation project and its successes and failures, the study is able to analyse every aspect of its management and consider the possibilities and functionalities offered by Information Builders’ WebFOCUS platform to solution developers and end users. Furthermore, the study analyses influence of Information Builders’ best practice on the success of the BI implementation project. Ključne besede: Business Intelligence, Information Builders, WebFOCUS, implementation project, best practice Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2016; Ogledov: 1652; Prenosov: 121
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6. SHAREPOINT V POVEZAVI S SQL SERVER BUSINESS INTELLIGENCEDarko Crepulja, 2015, diplomsko delo Opis: V diplomskem delu je predstavljena povezava SharePoint portala s SQL Server poslovno inteligenco. Najprej sem želel predstaviti potek namestitev vseh potrebnih programskih orodij, ki sem jih potreboval za delo. Nato sem raziskal in primerjal različne metode poslovne inteligence ter nadaljeval z ustvarjanjem Excelovih storitve. Nato sem ustvaril večdimenzionalno kocko kot analitično storitve, ki sem jo kasneje uporabil za ustvarjanje poročila. Vse primerke sem nato še integriral s SharePoint okoljem. Izhajal sem predvsem iz znanja pridobljenega ob praktičnem preizkušanju metod. Ključne besede: SharePoint 2013, portal, poslovna inteligenca, SQL Server 2012, Business Intelligence Development Studio, analitične storitve, excelove storitve Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.09.2015; Ogledov: 1383; Prenosov: 131
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7. VZPOSTAVITEV PODATKOVNEGA SKLADIŠČA IN POROČILNEGA SISTEMAMatej Kranjc, 2015, diplomsko delo/naloga Opis: Diplomsko delo obravnava problem poročanja vrhnjemu menedžmentu v večjem slovenskem podjetju, ki ima svojo mrežo hčerinskih družb, predstavništev in agentov razpršeno po Evropi in Bližnjem vzhodu.
Zaradi neenotnega vira podatkov je postalo poročanje o poslovanju matične in vseh odvisnih družb praktično nemogoče, saj analitiki niso več uspeli obvladovati povečane količine podatkov. Še težje ali nemogoče je bilo te podatke pravočasno združiti in analizirati ter vodstvu predlagati sprejem ustreznih ukrepov. Potrebno je bilo poiskati rešitev za poenostavitev in poenotenje poročanja ter za pravočasno dostavo pomembnih in pravih informacij odločevalcem v podjetju. Rešitev smo podali z vzpostavitvijo novega podatkovnega skladišča, ki združuje vse pomembne vire informacij v skupini. Nad tem podatkovnim skladiščem smo zgradili sistem za poročanje.
Preučili smo problem obstoječega stanja. Izvedli smo temeljito analizo in z vodstvom podjetja ter znjanjskimi delavci uskladili pričakovane rezultate. Prav tako smo rezultate razvoja rešitve na področju poročanja preverjali sproti in po potrebi prilagajali. Rezultat tega dela sta novo podatkovno skladišče in poročilni sistem, ki je razširljiv ter prilagodljiv tudi za nova področja poročanja.
V zaključku smo se dotaknili tudi možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja uvedenega sistema. Uporabniki so začutili velik potencial in koristi te rešitve. Razvoj rešitev se tako nadaljuje, opazen pa je tudi pozitiven rezultat pri poslovanju organizacije. Ključne besede: podatkovno skladišče – DWH (angl. Data Warehouse), poslovno obveščanje – BI (angl. Business Intelligence), informacije, poročanje, odločanje Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.07.2015; Ogledov: 1788; Prenosov: 93
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8. Absorbability of business intelligence systems : ph. d. dissertationAleš Popovič, 2010, doktorska disertacija Ključne besede: informatics, information systems, business intelligence system, information, quality, decision making, business process, research, analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.05.2012; Ogledov: 3354; Prenosov: 116
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