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Fostering ethical business practices : a bibliometric review of the linkages of organizational culture, environment, and business ethics
Arif Rahman Hakim, Nurul Asfiah, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Business ethics is becoming an important concern in the era of increasing sustainability issues, and a strong organizational culture can be the foundation for implementing business ethics. This research analyzes publication trends related to organizational culture, environment, and business ethics, as well as how to build an ethical business environment. The study used bibliometric analysis with Scopus data sources with 134 documents from 1994-2024 with the keywords "organizational culture”, “organizational environment”, and “business ethics", VOSViewer and NVIVO software were utilized to analyze data. It was discovered that ethical and integrity leadership, a strong organizational culture, and ethical communication are key pillars in creating an ethical and sustainable business environment. This research highlights the importance of integrating ethical values in organizational policies and governance, as well as the active role of leaders in upholding ethical standards. Open and honest communication and a sustainable CSR program reinforce organizational ethical practices. These findings highlight the importance of strengthening ethics policies, implementing regular ethics training, and building an organizational culture that supports ethical values to improve long-term performance. The research also offers theoretical insights into the strategic role of leadership and culture in sustainable business ethics.
Ključne besede: organizational culture, organizational environment, business ethics, sustainability, bibliometric
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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Healthy and entrepreneurial work environment for older employees and its impact on work engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic
Maja Rožman, Polona Tominc, Katja Crnogaj, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Managing older employees is a major challenge for companies, especially during COVID-19. Therefore, creating a healthy and entrepreneurial work environment as well as an inclusive culture within organizations is crucial for companies to maintain their sustainable advantage. The main objective of this paper is to develop a multidimensional model of a healthy and entrepreneurial work environment for older employees and determine its impact on their work engagement during COVID-19. Structural equation modeling was used for data analysis. The results show that workplace health promotion, entrepreneurial working conditions, and leadership lead to better well-being of older employees. In addition, entrepreneurial working conditions that promote intergenerational synergy lead to higher work engagement of older employees, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the elderly, the entrepreneurial work environment is therefore particularly important, even though entrepreneurship is mostly attributed to younger men. In addition, older employees’ well-being and the promotion of intergenerational synergy have a positive impact on their work engagement. The results will help companies better manage their older employees, shape their workplace, and increase the sustainable benefits of their businesses during and after the COVID-19 crisis.
Ključne besede: older employees, health promotion, entrepreneurial work environment, business competitiveness, COVID-19 pandemic
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.07.2024; Ogledov: 123; Prenosov: 17
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8th FEB International Scientific Conference : Challenges in the Turbulent Economic Environment and Organizations’ Sustainable Development
2024, zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih prispevkov na mednarodni ali tuji konferenci

Opis: The proceedings of the 8th scientific conference, organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, titled "Challenges in the turbulent economic environment and organizations’ sustainable development," present research and findings on the challenges that companies as well as other organizations face in unpredictable economic environments and efforts towards sustainable development. Various distinguished European authors address the impacts of global economic fluctuations on business operations and emphasize the importance of adaptability and innovation in tackling these challenges. Additionally, they underscore the significance of sustainable development as a crucial factor for the long-term success of companies and present strategies for its effective implementation. Through analyses and case studies, authors reveal key factors influencing the success of organizations in turbulent economic environments and offer guidelines for designing responsive and sustainability-focused business models.
Ključne besede: sustainability, economic environment, sustainable development, business challenges, competitiveness, turbolent environment
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.05.2024; Ogledov: 314; Prenosov: 39
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Environmental management of business processes
Vesna Čančer, 2000, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Since the decision-makers in enterprises will accept the goals of environmental management only if they are motivated enough, comprehensible and useful tools should be generated to support environmentally oriented business decision- making. For that reason, a general optimisation model of the multiphase business process is presented in this paper. This model includes the possibilities for an integrated approach to environmental protection so that it can be applied as a scenario by the business process simulation for the evaluation of environmentally oriented business decisions on business performance. Furthermore, development and application possibilities of the presented model are introduced. Some measures of resource efficiency are developed using the presented optimisation model.
Ključne besede: management, environment, company, decision making, environmental protection, business, company business, optimization, business process, models
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.07.2017; Ogledov: 1314; Prenosov: 138
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Danube Region Entrepreneurship Observatory : Diversity and Potential
Polona Tominc, Miroslav Rebernik, Barbara Bradač Hojnik, Karin Širec, znanstvena monografija

Opis: There is no doubt about the importance of multi-country studies of entrepreneurial activity in enabling the comparison and replication of research and generating meaningful contributions to scholarship, practice and policy. This international comparison perspective is especially important when processes in each single economy are analysed against the broader global, European or regional environment. Since entrepreneurship is a complex social phenomenon, several dependencies can be understood only with comprehensive research that includes continuous positioning of national entrepreneurship in the European and global perspectives. Within Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) it is possible to compare data for more than 100 countries not only in the field of early-stage entrepreneurial activity but also in areas such as general attitudes of the adult population towards entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial intentions, etc. In this scientific monograph publication, we analyse the entrepreneurial profiles of Danube region countries, entrepreneurial intentions in the region and investigate the competition and aspirations of early-stage entrepreneurs in these countries.
Ključne besede: enterprises, entrepreneurship, business environment, characteristics, activities, economic development, human capital, competitivity, international comparisons, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Danube Region, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Entrepreneurial Growth Aspirations
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.01.2017; Ogledov: 2236; Prenosov: 160
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Matej Domadovnik, 2014, diplomsko delo

Opis: BRIICS's power is growing in the global economy and they have become very important players in a political sense. Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, and South Africa represent fast growing markets, which are potential markets for foreign investors. Risks, like political risks, financial risks or corruption are always present, and they cause a lot of uncertainty in investors’ eyes, since they can lose their input. The risks are much higher in developing countries because their political and financial systems are not well developed or implemented. In my diploma seminar I analysed in great detail the business environments and risks of Russia, China and India. Analysis was backed up with many economic indicators which I found relative. At the end of analysis, I pointed out a country which would be a good potential market for RELIDEA ltd., a company that does digital marketing. My diploma seminar also included possible scenarios of the BRIICS and their new challenges
Ključne besede: BRIICS, risks, business environment, potential markets, forecast
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.10.2014; Ogledov: 1736; Prenosov: 125
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