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Socialna funkcija javnih odprtih površin v Mariboru na izbranih primerih
Irena Špelič, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: Javne odprte površine – trgi predstavljajo središče socialnega življenja mest. So prostori združevanj in srečevanj, kjer posamezniki z vzpostavljanjem različnih socialnih stikov oblikujejo družbeno podobo prostora in življenja v njem. Trgi so tudi središča številnih dejavnosti, ki so namenjene zadovoljevanju osnovnih človekovih potreb. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kakšna je socialna funkcija odprtih javnih površin, natančneje trgov. Socialna funkcija se kaže v vrsti in številu dejavnosti na trgu ter številu obiskovalcev, ki trg uporabljajo. Socialno funkcijo smo ugotavljali na izbranih primerih treh mariborskih trgov, in sicer na Glavnem in Grajskem trgu ter Trgu Leona Štuklja. Osnovni metodološki pristopi pri pridobivanju relevantnih podatkov so bila terenska opazovanja z izdelavo vedenjskih matrik in kartiranje dejavnosti. Rezultati terenskega dela so pokazali, da so trgi prvenstveno še vedno prostori prehodov, vendar kljub temu v določeni meri spodbujajo socialno funkcijo. Razlike v številu obiskovalcev in njihovi strukturi so med trgi opazne, kar kaže na socialno-funkcijsko diferenciacijo trgov. Socialna geografija dogajanja v prostoru obravnava skozi dimenzijo časa, kar pomeni, da se tudi socialna funkcija trgov časovno spreminja.
Ključne besede: socialna geografija, časovna geografija, behaviorizem, odprte javne površine, trg, Maribor
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.05.2023; Ogledov: 463; Prenosov: 23
.pdf Celotno besedilo (3,03 MB)

Improper communication conditions deviations in behaviour
Majda Pšunder, Antonija Milivojević Krajnčič, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The purpose of the research is to study the way the adolescents communicate with their parents as these relations are frequently connected to different forms of improper behaviour. Communication or dialogue between a growing-up adolescent and the parents are often made difficult, most frequently the improper way of communication (absence, deficiency) between the adolescent and the parents is shown in his/her behaviour. The research is based on the conviction, pointed out by numerous experts, that the adolescent's extreme behaviour (experimenting with illegal substances, alcohol consumption, expressing aggression...) often depends on flexibility of family relations and preparedness of the parents to have a dialogue with the adolescents. During the period of adolescence the communication with the parents becomes more and more selective, which means that the adolescent does not share certain information to the parents. They do not share some things, for instance, they rather speak about sexuality with their peers (Puklek Levpušček, 2001; Zupančič and Svetina, 1995-2002). Yet the way of communication with which conflicts are solved represents one of the most important and crucial moments in development of relationships between adolescents and the parents. In the empirical part of the research we primarily wanted to study how often certain forms of problematic behaviour appear at school in adolescents (younger and older) in early phase of adolescence. Our primary goal of the research was to find out whether there is a connection between the adolescent's improper communication with the parents and his/her problematic behaviour, as improper behaviour at school cannot be treated separately from the primary environment. In this research, we used descriptive and causal non-experimental method of empirical pedagogical research. The used measurement instruments include two non-standardized questionnaires: The frequency of problematic forms of behaviour at school, and Improper communication between the adolescents and the parents. The research was performed in the school year 2008/2009 and was based on the sample of 289 of 7th graders of the primary school and the 1st graders of a secondary school in Maribor community.
Ključne besede: vzgoja in izobraževanje, komunikacija, neprava komunikacija, behaviorizem, obnašanje, deviantno obnašanje, education, behaviourism, communication, improper communication, deviations in behaviour
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1098; Prenosov: 46
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