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Predictors of reactive agility in early puberty: a multiple regression gender-stratified study
Vladimir Pavlinović, Nikola Foretić, Šime Veršić, Damir Sekulić, Silvester Lipošek, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Reactive agility (RAG) is a crucial factor of success in sports, but there are practically no studies dealing with RAG among children. The main aim of this study was to identify predictors of RAG among early pubescent boys and girls. The participants were primary school boys (n = 73) and girls (n = 59) aged 11–12. The criterion variable was the originally developed “Triangle” test of reactive agility (Triangle-RAG). Predictors included anthropometric/body composition indices (body height, seated height, body mass, and body fat percentage) and motor abilities (10 and 20 m sprint, broad jump, squat jump, countermovement jump, drop jump, and two tests of change of direction speed—CODS (Triangle-CODS, and 20 yards)). The results of the univariate analysis showed that anthropometric/body composition indices were not significantly correlated to TRAG (0–4% of the common variance), while all motor abilities were significantly associated with TRAG (7–43% of the common variance) in both genders. Among boys, 64% of the TRAG variance was explained by multiple regression, with TCODS as the only significant predictor. Among girls, multiple regression explained 59% of the TRAG-variance with TCODS, countermovement jump, and drop jump as significant predictors. Differences in multivariate results between genders can be explained by (i) greater involvement in agility-saturated sports (i.e., basketball, tennis, soccer) in boys, and (ii) advanced maturity status in girls. The lack of association between anthropometric/body built and TRAG was influenced by the short duration of the TRAG (3.54 ± 0.4 s). Our findings suggest that pre-pubescent and early pubescent children should be systematically trained on basic motor abilities to achieve fundamentals for further developing RAG. Since in this study we observed predictors including only athletic abilities and anthropometric/body composition, in future studies, other motor abilities, as well as cognitive, perceptual, and decision-making parameters as potential predictors of RAG in children should be investigated.
Ključne besede: non-planned agility, pre-planned agility, anthropometry, children
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 9
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A conceptual model of developing an agile work environment
Katja Crnogaj, Polona Tominc, Maja Rožman, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This study has highlighted the need for an agile work environment to enhance companies’ performance, growth, and sustainability. In today’s rapidly changing business world, the goal of every individual and team in a company should be to deliver value to customers. The paper highlights theoretical and empirical evidence on the importance of an agile work environment and its positive effect on company performance. In addition, the paper provides insights into the important concept of developing an agile work environment and offers a conceptual model with five selected constructs, which can be leveraged to build an agile mindset in companies. Moving away from traditional leadership models, this paper highlights the significant role that agile leadership can play in enhancing effectiveness and performance, even in long-established large companies. The empirical research was based on 468 randomly selected medium and large Slovenian companies. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the model. The empirical results show that changing and adaptive agile companies are the ones that thrive more easily in an environment that is unpredictable and characterized by rapid change.
Ključne besede: agility, agile work environment, company performance, conceptual model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.09.2023; Ogledov: 414; Prenosov: 68
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Usposabljanje v kinološki discpilini agility
Tanja Strehovec, 2022, diplomsko delo

Opis: Kinološka disciplina agility se hitro razvija, zaradi česar se kaže potreba po osvajanju novih, specifičnih in zelo natančnih veščin. Z raziskavo, ki smo jo izvedli s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, smo ugotavljali, kakšne so prednosti in slabosti obstoječih oblik usposabljanj in s katero obliko so uporabniki bolj zadovoljni. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo tako spletni tečaji kot seminarji svoje mesto v procesu pridobivanja znanj in izkušenj in da se uporabniki pogosto poslužujejo obeh oblik, da bi dosegli svoje cilje. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov smo predlagali določene spremembe za vsako izmed oblik, da bi še bolj zadovoljili uporabnikove želje in potrebe.
Ključne besede: usposabljanje, agility, spletni tečaj, seminar
Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.08.2022; Ogledov: 595; Prenosov: 48
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A framework for managing future supply chain trends: utilization of lean, agile and leagile strategies
Waleed Rashad, 2020, doktorska disertacija

Opis: The supply chain has become very essential to run any business nowadays. Throughout the history of business, the professionals have been trying always to find out the best practice, and as long as the business concept is evolved over time, the practice, methodologies and techniques of doing the business also have been evolved. This evolvement led to the concept of supply chain initially and then later it became essential to have strategy for supply chain. The evolvement of the markets, globalization, and new technologies became very decisive subjects for building any supply chain and developing its strategy, but there are many other events that may take place which could enforce the supply chain decision makers to change the current approach of running their business. The dynamic business environment and the possible future trends of the global markets represent a real challenge for development of appropriate supply chain strategies, like lean, agility, and leagility. Therefore, it is very important to assess how different possible strategies are suitable for the future changes of the markets? This is to enable the supply chain to be prepared with adequate strategies for different future scenarios. To achieve this aim of preparing the supply chains for the future with adequate strategies, a deep study is done to research lean, agility and leagility, explaining the similarities and differences of these concepts. These strategies are dealing with the most important factors in supply chains; the time and the cost, what is the key reason for selecting these particular strategies lies in the fact, that they are concerned with improving the effectiveness and responsiveness in the supply chain and this is extremely important for the future. We continued study of these strategies by development of three possible future scenarios for energy scarcity, new international monetary system, and wars. The reason of developing these particular scenarios is because they are concerned with the most important political and economic events which could happen and affect the supply chains in the future (EY, 2013; Cook, 2006; Sokov, 2015). These scenarios are established to anticipate the possible challenges which could face the supply chain strategies in the future and to evaluate the suitability of supply chain strategies for such future scenarios. A survey of 150 supply chain professionals, who are working currently in the field of supply chain management, is done in two phases. The first phase is focusing on recognition of the opinions of surveyed supply chain professionals towards the supply chain strategies and their utilization. Based on the theoretical knowledge of the academic literature reviewed in this research, proposed scenarios, and the feedback of professionals in the survey, it was evident that supply chains’ managers need adequate framework, which will support improvement of current and future supply chain management. Therefore, the grounded theory methodology is used to create a new conceptual framework. The core idea of the proposed framework is to improve the global sourcing practice, which consequently will enable improving the management of supply chains according to the predicted scenarios. A second phase of survey is conducted to present the proposed framework to the supply chain professionals for evaluation. The proposed framework adds value to the global sourcing process, which enhancing the supply chain collaboration and helps to support the selected supply chain strategies for consideration – i.e., lean, agility, and leagility, to work better in the future. The proposed framework represents scientific contribution to the supply chain strategies utilization in practice. The results of this contribution are obviously to fill the gap highlighted by the supply chain professionals in the survey, who highlighted the essential need for improvement to the supply chain collaboration globally, and this will be the basic c
Ključne besede: Keywords: supply chain strategies, lean, agility, leagility, supply chain future trends, supply chain management, grounded theory, scenario planning, supply chain collaboration, sourcing.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.03.2021; Ogledov: 1489; Prenosov: 157
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Supplementary material for paper Global sourcing strategies : a framework for learn, agile, and leagile
Waleed Rashad, Zlatko Nedelko, 2020, zaključena znanstvena zbirka raziskovalnih podatkov

Ključne besede: lean, agility, leagility, supply chain strategies, grounded theory, collaboration, global sourcing
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.12.2020; Ogledov: 3846; Prenosov: 397
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Global sourcing strategies : a framework for learn, agile, and leagile
Waleed Rashad, Zlatko Nedelko, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The main purpose of this paper is to develop a framework for utilization of lean, agile, and leagile strategies in the supply chains, where the core idea of the framework is to improve the global sourcing practices. Based on in-depth interviews with supply chain professionals and grounded theory approach, we constructed a framework of global sourcing improvement to support better utilization of lean, agile, and leagile strategies, which we believe can help the supply chains worldwide to act better, especially in various difficult conditions and sustain their business accordingly. Our proposed framework also contributes to the UN´s Sustainable Development Goals, since the core concept of the framework is to establish a new organization under the umbrella of the UN to improve the global sourcing and consequently the usage of supply chain strategies accordingly. The applicative part of the paper reveals characteristics of new developed framework, ranging from its purpose and aims, structure, key processes, functions, and its financing. Along with validation of the framework are presented benefits for society, industry, and global economy. Additionally, the paper also reviews the impact of the current health and economic crisis caused by COVID 19, on usage of the three supply chain strategies namely; lean, agility, and leagility to see how they can work in the difficult time, as COVID 19.
Ključne besede: lean, agility, leagility, supply chain strategies, grounded theory, collaboration, global sourcing
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.11.2020; Ogledov: 1138; Prenosov: 244
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