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Enhancing PLS-SEM-Enabled research with ANN and IPMA : research study of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems’ acceptance based on the technology acceptance model (TAM)
Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, Samo Bobek, Uroš Zabukovšek, Zoran Kalinić, Polona Tominc, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: PLS-SEM has been used recently more and more often in studies researching critical factors influencing the acceptance and use of information systems, especially when the technology acceptance model (TAM) is implemented. TAM has proved to be the most promising model for researching different viewpoints regarding information technologies, tools/applications, and the acceptance and use of information systems by the employees who act as the end-users in companies. However, the use of advanced PLS-SEM techniques for testing the extended TAM research models for the acceptance of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems is scarce. The present research aims to fill this gap and aims to show how PLS-SEM results can be enhanced by advanced techniques: artificial neural network analysis (ANN) and Importance–Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA). ANN was used in this research study to overcome the limitations of PLS-SEM regarding the linear relationships in the model. IPMA was used in evaluating the importance and performance of factors/drivers in the SEM. From the methodological point of view, results show that the research approach with ANN artificial intelligence complements the results of PLS-SEM while allowing the capture of nonlinear relationships between the variables of the model and the determination of the relative importance of each factor studied. On other hand, IPMA enables the identification of factors with relatively low performance but relatively high importance in shaping dependent variables.
Ključne besede: traditional PLS-SEM, artificial neural network (ANN) analysis, Importance–Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA), ERP system acceptance, TAM model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.07.2024; Ogledov: 103; Prenosov: 14
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The Impact of Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Parameters on Match Running Performance (MRP) in National-Level Football Players : a multiple regression analysis
Radivoje Radaković, Borko Katanić, Mima Stanković, Bojan Mašanović, Suzana Žilič Fišer, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The aim of the study was to examine the association between cardiorespiratory and metabolic parameters and match running performance (MRP) in highly trained football players. The sample of participants consisted of 41 national-level football players (aged 23.20 ± 3.40 years, body height 182.00 ± 5.15 cm, and body mass 76.86 ± 6.06 kg) from the Serbian Super league. For the purposes of this research, the following measurements were applied. A maximal multistage progressive treadmill test, with a direct measurement of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) (using Fitmate MED, Cosmed, Rome, Italy) was conducted, alongside continuous heart rate monitoring. Capillary blood samples were taken from the hyperemic area using specific test strips, and, after sample collection, lactate concentration was immediately determined using a lactate analyzer. MRP variables were analyzed according to the BioIRC model of motion structure analysis, based on existing standards for profiling movement intensity. The results of multiple regression analysis indicated an association between cardiac parameters and total distance (R2 = 54.3%, p = 0.000), high-speed running (R2 = 46.4%, p = 0.000), and jogging (R2 = 33.6%, p = 0.004). Regression analysis revealed an association between cardiorespiratory parameters and total distance (R2 = 24.8%, p = 0.014), and high-speed running (R2 = 20%, p = 0.039). Meanwhile, no association was found between lactate concentration and running performance. The explanation for these regression analysis results is based on the observation that functional abilities represent significant potential for expressing movement performance, a crucial condition for success in football.
Ključne besede: football players, physical performance, cardiovascular endurance, lactate concentration, maximal heart rate, professional soccer players, running performance analysis, VO2max
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.07.2024; Ogledov: 104; Prenosov: 5
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Innovative approaches to wear reduction in horizontal powder screw conveyors : a design of experiments-guided numerical study
Marko Motaln, Tone Lerher, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Numerical simulations play a vital role in the modern engineering industry, especially when faced with interconnected challenges such as particle interactions and the structural integrity of conveyor systems. This article focuses on the handling of materials and emphasizes the importance of using parametric numerical analysis to improve efficiency, reduce wear, and enhance the structural integrity of horizontal screw conveyors. Through the utilization of the Design of Experiments, we systematically investigated critical parameters such as screw pitch, clearance, wear, rotational velocity, and additional structural factors. This examination was carried out within a well-defined parametric framework, utilizing a combination of software tools provided by the Ansys suite and Minitab. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the Design of Experiments analysis in achieving improved performance and provide valuable insights for engineers and researchers involved in the design of conveyor systems. Furthermore, this comprehensive approach clarifies how conveyor systems respond to changes in parameters and highlights the complex interaction between transported particles and the conveyor system. We present a detailed analysis that clarifies the complex relationships and dependencies among different parameters, providing engineers and researchers with valuable insights. By understanding the interactions of these factors, the methodology provides not only results but also a strategic framework for advancing conveyor system design and engineering practices.
Ključne besede: discrete element method, design optimization, horizontal screw conveyors, parametric study, conveying equipment, bulk handling, bulk solids, abrasive wear, screw conveyor, FEA, performance analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.04.2024; Ogledov: 275; Prenosov: 44
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Robotic bin-picking : benchmarking robotics grippers with modified YCB object and model set
Tone Lerher, Primož Bencak, Luka Bizjak, Darko Hercog, Boris Jerman, 2023, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: Robotic bin-picking is increasingly important in the order-picking process in intralogistics. However, many aspects of the robotic bin-picking process (object detection, grasping, manipulation) still require the research community's attention. Established methods are used to test robotic grippers, enabling comparability of the research community's results. This study presents a modified YCB Robotic Gripper Assessment Protocol that was used to evaluate the performance of four robotic grippers (twofingered, vacuum, gecko, and soft gripper). During the testing, 45 objects from the modified YCB Object and Model Set from the packaging categories, tools, small objects, spherical objects, and deformable objects were grasped and manipulated. The results of the robotic gripper evaluation show that while some robotic grippers performed substantially well, there is an expressive grasp success variation over diverse objects. The results indicate that selecting the object grasp point next to selecting the most suitable robotic gripper is critical in successful object grasping. Therefore, we propose grasp point determination using mechanical software simulation with a model of a two-fingered gripper in an ADAMS/MATLAB cosimulation. Performing software simulations for this task can save time and give comparable results to real-world experiments.
Ključne besede: intralogistics, robotic bin-picking, YCB protocol, robotic gripper evaluation, mechanical software simulations, performance analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.03.2024; Ogledov: 298; Prenosov: 11
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Multi-criteria measurement of ai support to project management
Vesna Čančer, Polona Tominc, Maja Rožman, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper aims to measure the level of artificial intelligence (AI) support to project management (PM) in selected service sector activities. The exploratory factor analysis was employed based on the extensive survey on AI in Slovenian companies and the multi-criteria measurement with an emphasis on value functions and pairwise comparisons in the analytic hierarchy process. The synthesis and performance sensitivity analysis results show that in the service sector, concerning all criteria, PM is with the level 0.276 best supported with AI in services of professional, scientific, and technical activities, which also stand out concerning the first-level goals in using AI solutions in a project with the value 0.284, and in successful project implementation using AI with the value 0.301. Although the lowest level of AI support to PM, which is 0.220, is in services of wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, these services excel in adopting AI technologies in a project with a value of 0.277. Services of financial and insurance activities, with the level 0.257 second-ranked concerning all criteria, have the highest value of 0.269 concerning the first-level goal of improving the work of project leaders using AI. The paper, therefore, contributes to the comparison of AI support to PM in service sector activities. The results can help AI development policymakers determine which activities need to be supported and which should be set as an example. The presented methodological frame can serve to perform measurements and benchmarking in various research fields.
Ključne besede: artificial intelligence, factor analysis, multiple criteria, performance sensitivity, project management
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.02.2024; Ogledov: 369; Prenosov: 33
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An optimisation model for minimising totes exchange in VLM and SBS/RS integrated system
Jakob Marolt, Goran Đukić, Fabio Sgarbossa, Tone Lerher, 2022, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: Warehouses and distribution centres are based on integrated material handling solutions. Most of the research papers in intralogistics are only concerned with one system to analyse and optimise the addressed system's performance, such as maximum throughput performance, minimum total cost, maximum energy efficiency, etc. This paper presents a concept to justify the proposed VLM and SBS/RS integrated system and a binary integer programming (BIP) model that minimises totes exchange between the two storage systems. The results show that the minimal number of exchanges between VLM and SBS/RS was achieved in a case study with a longer order list (T = 1600) and a highly dependent SKU's Pareto relationship (20-50).
Ključne besede: automated warehousing, intralogistics, VLM, SBS, RS, integrated systemoptimisation, performance analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.08.2023; Ogledov: 390; Prenosov: 57
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Product assembly assistance system based on pick-to-light and computer vision technology
Darko Hercog, Primož Bencak, Uroš Vincetič, Tone Lerher, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Product assembly is often one of the last steps in the production process. Product assembly is often carried out by workers (assemblers) rather than robots, as it is generally challenging to adapt automation to any product. When assembling complex products, it can take a long time before the assembler masters all the steps and can assemble the product independently. Training time has no added value; therefore, it should be reduced as much as possible. This paper presents a custom-developed system that enables the guided assembly of complex and diverse products using modern technologies. The system is based on pick-to-light (PTL) modules, used primarily in logistics as an additional aid in the order picking process, and Computer Vision technology. The designed system includes a personal computer (PC), several custom-developed PTL modules and a USB camera. The PC with a touchscreen visualizes the assembly process and allows the assembler to interact with the system. The developed PC application guides the operator through the assembly process by showing all the necessary assembly steps and parts. Two-step verification is used to ensure that the correct part is picked out of the bin, first by checking that the correct pushbutton on the PTL module has been pressed and second by using a camera with a Computer Vision algorithm. The paper is supported by a use case demonstrating that the proposed system reduces the assembly time of the used product. The presented solution is scalable and flexible as it can be easily adapted to show the assembly steps of another product.
Ključne besede: product assembly, PTL, pick-to-light, computer vision, LabVIEW, performance analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.07.2023; Ogledov: 493; Prenosov: 27
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Analysis and improvements of the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the regulating reserves : doctoral dissertation
Marcel Topler, 2022, doktorska disertacija

Opis: This Doctoral Thesis deals with the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the regulating reserves (RRs), i.e., Imbalance Netting Process (INP) and Cross-Border Activation of the RRs (CBRR), between participating Control Areas (CAs), to reduce the costs of balancing energy. The main objective of INP is to interchange the RRs between participating CAs with opposite signs of interchange power variation. In comparison, the main objective of CBRR is to activate the RRs in participating CAs with the same signs of interchange power variation. Both the INP and CBRR aim to release the RRs and reduce balancing energy as part of the power system's safe operation. The Thesis's main objective is to analyze the impact of the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the RRs on mutual oscillations of participating CAs and stability for small disturbances. The Thesis's secondary objective is to analyze the impact of the INP and CBRR on frequency quality, on the provision of Load-Frequency Control (LFC), on balancing energy and unintended exchange of energies between participating CAs. Frequency quality in Continental Europe (CE) has been declining in recent years, so it is important that the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the RRs do not further impair its quality. Both the classic INP and CBRR include a frequency-dependent contribution and, therefore, inherently affect the frequency response of the participating CAs, which is not discussed in the literature. Thus, the impact of the classic INP and CBRR on frequency quality and the provision of LFC is thoroughly evaluated with dynamic simulations of a three-CA test system and eigenvalue analysis of a two-CA system. It is demonstrated that both the classic INP and CBRR reduce the damping of the entire power system. Therefore, a modified implementation of the classic INP and CBRR is presented, and improved INP and CBRR are proposed, which have no impact on the mutual oscillations of participating CAs and stability for small disturbances. Furthermore, the dynamic simulations results confirm that the frequency quality can be improved by the classic INP and CBRR, although there are also cases where it can deteriorate. However, the improved INP and CBRR generally improve the frequency quality in all cases. The improved INP and CBRR also enhance the provision of LFC compared to the classic INP and CBRR. Moreover, the improved INP and CBRR reduce the unintended exchange of energies, thus increasing the economic effects of the INP's and CBRR's activation. The improved INP increases energy exchange, therefore positive economic benefits can be expected in comparison to the system with the classic INP. However, the improved CBRR reduces energy exchange, therefore positive economic benefits can be expected in comparison to the system with the classic CBRR, since energy exchange is paid by CA via bidding process.
Ključne besede: load-frequency control, imbalance netting, cross-border activation, balancing energy, regulating reserves, eigenvalue analysis, performance indicators, area control error, rate of change of frequency, control area
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.03.2023; Ogledov: 594; Prenosov: 111
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Simulation model for robotic pick-point evaluation for 2-F robotic gripper
Primož Bencak, Darko Hercog, Tone Lerher, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Robotic bin-picking performance has been gaining attention in recent years with the development of increasingly advanced camera and machine vision systems, collaborative and industrial robots, and sophisticated robotic grippers. In the random bin-picking process, the wide variety of objects in terms of shape, weight, and surface require complex solutions for the objects to be reliably picked. The challenging part of robotic bin-picking is to determine object pick-points correctly. This paper presents a simulation model based on ADAMS/MATLAB cosimulation for robotic pick-point evaluation for a 2-F robotic gripper. It consists of a mechanical model constructed in ADAMS/View, MATLAB/Simulink force controller, several support functions, and the graphical user interface developed in MATLAB/App Designer. Its functionality can serve three different applications, such as: (1) determining the optimal pick-points of the object due to object complexity, (2) selecting the most appropriate robotic gripper, and (3) improving the existing configuration of the robotic gripper (finger width, depth, shape, stroke width, etc.). Additionally, based on this analysis, new variants of robotic grippers can be proposed. The simulation model has been verified on a selected object on a sample 2-F parallel robotic gripper, showing promising results, where up to 75% of pick-points were correctly determined in the initial testing phase.
Ključne besede: intralogistics, robotic bin-picking, simulation model, ADAMS, pick-point determination, MATLAB/Simulink, 2-F robotic gripper, performance analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.02.2023; Ogledov: 764; Prenosov: 104
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