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Acceptance of refugees from the Middle East and Ukraine in EU and Slovenia : Bashelor's thesis undergraduate study programme Criminal justice and security, B. A.
Amir Hossein Emadi, 2023, diplomsko delo

Opis: The most common definition of migration is "the movement of people for various reasons, including war, persecution, violation of human rights, etc., from one country, place, or location to another". This diploma is presenting definitions of migration, defining the types and reasons for migration, and examining the two largest mass immigrations in Europe after World War II. This thesis presents the differences in how refugees are accepted and integrated in EU countries and how these people travel to European countries. This diploma focuses on mass immigration in the EU in particular in the years 2015 and 2022 when millions of people from the Middle East and Ukraine sought refuge in EU countries. Some statements of European government and media regarding refugees from the Middle East and Ukraine are highlighted. The thesis is highlighting the fundamental and major differences in terms of treatment and acceptance of refugees from Ukraine and Middle Eastern countries by EU countries and identifying the reasons for these differences. The interviews were conducted with refugees from Ukraine and from the Middle East and also with integration counsellor from Government Office for the Support and Integration of Migrants to show how the differences will affect the lives of refugees during the migration process and in the host country, especially in the Republic of Slovenia.Diplomsko delo osvetljuje temeljne in bistvene razlike v obravnavi in sprejemanju beguncev iz Ukrajine in Bližnjega Vzhoda s strani držav Evropske Unije in identificira razloge za te razlike. Opravljeni so bili intervjuji z beguncema iz Ukrajine in Bližnjega Vzhoda in s svetovalko iz Urada Vlade Republike Slovenije za oskrbo in integracijo migrantov, da bi pokazali, kako te razlike vplivajo na življenja beguncev med procesom migracije in v državi gostiteljici, še posebej v Republiki Sloveniji.
Ključne besede: refugees, Ukraine, Middle East, integration, journey
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.08.2023; Ogledov: 535; Prenosov: 71
.pdf Celotno besedilo (686,69 KB)

Sustainability topics integration in supply chain and logistics higher education : where is the Middle East?
Maja Rosi, Matevž Obrecht, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The global logistics industry has grown significantly in the last decade and has become essential to global business activities. In addition, the logistics industry is vital in transportation, urbanization in the Middle East, and transshipment through the Middle East. Due to their increasing importance and size, there is an increasing demand for adequately qualified people capable of managing the logistics systems and supply chains holistically and sustainably to avoid problems caused by unsustainable practices in mobility, transport, and supply chains. However, it is unclear whether the logistic and supply chain education of future leaders, managers, and engineers will follow SDG goals, the rise of new trends, and green technologies or lag behind. This paper pioneered a systematic approach and analyzed Middle Eastern countries regarding their sustainability integration into higher education programs related to supply chain management and logistics studies. It revealed enormous differences among countries and a lack of sustainability topics in most studied countries. Some countries are also significantly more oriented toward partial logistics challenges such as transport efficiency instead of sustainable supply chains, which are becoming critical challenges for the near future and must be accompanied by formal and life-long learning on sustainability-related topics. The circular economy and corporate social responsibility are especially neglected. It was also revealed that sustainability integration in higher education does not correlate with sustainability scores and the ranking of countries within the sustainability index.
Ključne besede: sustainability integration, Middle East, supply chain management, responsible logistics, education for SDGs
Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.07.2023; Ogledov: 369; Prenosov: 65
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,35 MB)
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