1. From DCOM interfaces to domain-specific modeling language : a case study on the sequencerTomaž Kos, Tomaž Kosar, Jure Knez, Marjan Mernik, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Software development is a demanding process, since it involves different parties to perform a desired task. The same case applies to the development ofmeasurement systems - measurement system producers often provide interfaces to their products, after which the customersć programming engineers use them to build software according to the instructions and requirements of domain experts from the field of data acquisition. Until recently, the customers of the measurement system DEWESoft were building measuring applications, using prefabricated DCOM objects. However, a significant amount of interaction between customersć programming engineers and measurement system producers is necessary to use DCOM objects. Therefore, a domain-specific modeling language has been developed to enable domain experts to program or model their own measurement procedures without interacting with programming engineers. In thispaper, experiences gained during the shift from using the DEWESoft productas a programming library to domain-specific modeling language are provided together with the details of a Sequencer, a domain-specific modeling language for the construction of measurement procedures. Ključne besede: domain specific modelling language, data acquisition, measurement systems Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.07.2017; Ogledov: 1574; Prenosov: 191 Celotno besedilo (465,80 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. PODATKOVNA DEDUPLIKACIJA V PRAKSIDamijan Lipar, 2016, diplomsko delo/naloga Opis: Diplomsko delo proučuje področje hrambe podatkov različnih struktur na različnih tipih medijev. Poiskati in uvesti želimo najustreznejšo strojno rešitev za upravljanje podatkov s procesom deduplikacije. Ugotovili bomo, kako lahko optimalno prihranimo prostor na dragih redundantnih diskovnih poljih. Z uvedbo strojne rešitve za dedupliciranje podatkov bi poslovni subjekti imeli vse informacije na enem, to je skupnem mestu. S tem bi dosegli, da bi bilo shranjevanje podatkov neprimerno bolj racionalno. Izbrano strojno rešitev bomo preizkusili v testnem okolju ter jo na koncu ovrednotili z vidika funkcionalnosti, stroškov in prihrankov. Ključne besede: deduplikacija, redukcija podatkov, fiksna in spremenljiva dolžina bloka, varnostne kopije, EMC Data Domain, diskovno polje, All-Flash diskovna polja Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.06.2016; Ogledov: 1048; Prenosov: 121 Celotno besedilo (3,64 MB) |
3. Local search engine with global content based on domain specific knowledgeSandi Pohorec, Mateja Verlič, Milan Zorman, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In the growing need for information we have come to rely on search engines. The use of large scale search engines, such as Google, is as common as surfingthe World Wide Web. We are impressed with the capabilities of these search engines but still there is a need for improvment. A common problem withsearching is the ambiguity of words. Their meaning often depends on the context in which they are used or varies across specific domains. To resolve this we propose a domain specific search engine that is globally oriented. We intend to provide content classification according to the target domain concepts, access to privileged information, personalization and custom rankingfunctions. Domain specific concepts have been formalized in the form ofontology. The paper describes our approach to a centralized search service for domain specific content. The approach uses automated indexing for various content sources that can be found in the form of a relational database, we! b service, web portal or page, various document formats and other structured or unstructured data. The gathered data is tagged with various approaches and classified against the domain classification. The indexed data is accessible through a highly optimized and personalized search service. Ključne besede: information search, personalization, indexes, crawling, domain specific crawling, natural language processing, content tagging, distributed data sources, ranking functions Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.05.2012; Ogledov: 2151; Prenosov: 37 Povezava na celotno besedilo |