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»Rec! Snap! Rec! Snap! « From a Filming Location to an Instagrammable Destination: The Case of Dubrovnik as King’s Landing : the Case of Dubrovnik as King’s Landing
Hava Kadušić, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: Instagram is an essential visual social media platform where tourism organizations can present their destinations. These presentations could feature authentic natural and cultural sites, be user-generated, etc. Dubrovnik is a prominent tourism destination in Croatia. In 2011, it became famous as an onsite filming location for the globally popular TV series Game of Thrones. In this thesis, we investigate whether the Croatian National Tourism Organisation and the Dubrovnik Local Tourism Organisation present the city as a film destination featuring Game of Thrones or as an authentic destination featuring its heritage and nature. We explore destination image construction, including identity, authenticity, decision-making, and promotion. We also discuss film-induced tourism and the role of social media, mainly through user-generated content and Instagram. For our research, we employed content and thematic analysis using a summative approach to analyze photos from 2016 to 2020 on the official Instagram profiles of the National and Local Tourism Organisations, totaling 1.034 photos. The results show that the National Tourism Organisation uses Dubrovnik’s relationship with Game of Thrones to fabricate the authenticity of the destination image, while the Local Tourism Organisation focuses solely on heritage and nature, thus guarding its authenticity. This discrepancy highlights different communication strategies and underscores the importance of understanding these differences for effective destination marketing, providing insights for more cohesive and authentic promotional strategies
Ključne besede: film-induced tourism, social media, destination image, authenticity, Dubrovnik, Game of Thrones
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 8
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Tilen Štruc, 2017, diplomsko delo/naloga

Opis: Film-induced tourism is a new, complex phenomenon. It connects two major industries: entertainment and tourism, both being on the rise. So far, the correlation between the two has not been subject to extensive research, thus receiving little academic attention. This study describes the field of film-induced tourism, its effects, forms and characteristics. Its focus is set on the motivation of Game of Thrones’ fans to visit Dubrovnik, Croatia, or “King’s Landing” as they know it from the series. The results of this study show that most of the Game of Thrones’ fans would like to visit Dubrovnik. Results further prove that the more fans identify with the characters from Game of Thrones, the stronger the intent to visit Dubrovnik. In terms of motivation, pull factors proved to dominate push factors. However, results confirm that the stronger the identification with the Game of Thrones’ characters, the greater the importance of push factors for visiting Dubrovnik.
Ključne besede: film-induced tourism, tourist motivation, Game of Thrones, Dubrovnik
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.10.2017; Ogledov: 2227; Prenosov: 430
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Zdravko Savić, 2009, diplomsko delo

Opis: V diplomski nalogi predstavljam prvega jugoslovanskega in slovenskega šahovskega velemojstra prof. dr. Milana Vidmarja (1885-1962) v njegovi pol stoletja trajajoči šahovski karieri. V prvi tretjini 20. stoletja se je s svojimi velikimi uspehi na mednarodnih šahovskih turnirjih povzpel med vodilne svetovne velemojstre in celó med kandidate za naslov svetovnega šahovskega prvaka. Visoko mesto v svetovni šahovski hierarhiji si je pridobil kot amater, močno zaposlen s svojim poklicnim in znanstvenim delom. Za mednarodne šahovske turnirje se ni utegnil pripravljati kot njegovi nasprotniki-velemojstri, skoraj vsi šahovski profesionalci. Mednarodni turnirji, ki so ga uvrstili med prve svetovne šahiste, so bili San Sebastian 1911, London 1922, Semmering 1926 in New York 1927. Dr. Milan Vidmar je bil prvi predsednik Jugoslovanske šahovske zveze in častni predsednik Šahovske zveze Slovenije in Ljubljanskega šahovskega kluba. Mednarodna šahovska zveza (F.I.D.E.) je imenovala dr.Vidmarja za vrhovnega sodnika na match-turnirju za svetovno prvenstvo v Haagu-Moskvi 1948 leta, kjer je sovjetskega velemojstra Mihaila Botvinnika razglasil za 6. svetovnega šahovskega prvaka. Vrhovni sodnik je bil tudi na šahovskih olimpijadah v Dubrovniku 1950 in Amsterdamu 1954 ter na veleturnirju na Bledu 1961. Od ustanovitve ljubljanske univerze 1919. leta je dr. Vidmar kot redni profesor predaval na tehniški fakulteti elektrotehniko. Bil je odličen predavatelj, rektor univerze, dekan tehniške fakultete in član Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, nekaj časa tudi njen predsednik. V Ljubljani je ustanovil in vodil inštitut za elektrotehniko. Njegova osebnost je bila vsestranska: šahovski velemojster, profesor elektrotehnike, umetnik in znanstvenik, filozof, skratka-Vidmar polihistor. O njegovem znanstvenem delu priča 35 njegovih knjig in več kot sto razprav in člankov. Umrl je v Ljubljani 9. oktobra 1962.
Ključne besede: šahovski velemojster, dr. Milan Vidmar, mednarodni šahovski turnirji, San Sebastian 1911, London 1922, Semmering 1926, New York 1927, Jugoslovanska šahovska zveza, Šahovska zveza Slovenije, Ljubljanski šahovski klub, Mednarodna šahovska zveza – F.I.D.E., Haag-Moskva 1948, velemojster Mihail Botvinnik, šahovske olimpijade Dubrovnik 1950, Amsterdam 1954, veleturnir Bled 1961, ljubljanska univerza, rektor, dekan, član in predsednik SAZU, inštitut za elektrotehniko.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.02.2010; Ogledov: 5122; Prenosov: 272
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