1. Examining motivations to walk the Camino de Santiago : a typology of pilgrimsSnežana Brumec, Miran Lavrič, Andrej Naterer, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The purpose of this article is to develop a comprehensive understanding of people's motivations for going on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage using qualitative and quantitative methods. The methodology comprised qualitative research based on content analysis of 32 travelogue testimonies and quantitative research based on an online survey of prospective pilgrims (N=228). Three dimensions of motivation were identified using the following factor analyses: secular, spiritual, and religious. Then, a two-step cluster analysis was conducted to classify pilgrims into seven different types. The results revealed that pilgrims are not homogeneous in their motivations and that, except for two types with a total frequency of 4%, secular motivation is more or less present in all other types of prospective pilgrims. There are no "purely religious" pilgrims. Religious motivation always appears together with secular, spiritual, or, most often, both these forms of motivation. The findings suggest that secular motivation may be related to a need for exploration, the core motive underlying self-actualization. Ključne besede: pilgrims, typology, motivation, content analysis, Camino de Santiago Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.02.2024; Ogledov: 319; Prenosov: 30
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2. Life changes after the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, including a deeper sense of spiritualitySnežana Brumec, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: While it is widely known that pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago changes people, there is limited research exploring the transformative aftereffects of the experience. The purpose of this article is to contribute to filling this research gap by comparing life changes in beliefs, philosophy and behavior to life changes after three different kinds of exceptional human experiences (EHEs) from methodologically similar studies. Life changes after the pilgrimage experience are compared with life changes after unitive/mystical experiences (U/MEs), combat near-death experiences (cNDEs), and hypnotically-induced death experiences (HDEs). To measure life changes reported by pilgrims who had traveled the Camino de Santiago, an online survey (n = 630) was conducted using the established instrument for assessing aftereffects of the EHE, the ‘Life Changes Inventory-Revised’ (LCIR). Findings suggest that pilgrimage experience may be comparable in aftereffects to other types of EHEs. In all four comparative studies, the most striking changes involve an increase in appreciation for life; a heightened quest for meaning and sense of purpose; more concern for others; greater selfacceptance; as well as a deeper sense of spirituality. Also, all four yielded a decrease in concern with worldly achievement. In the present study this decrease tends to be strongly associated with an increase in spirituality but not religiousness. Ključne besede: spirituality, transformative aftereffects, exceptional human experiences, Camino de Santiago, pilgrimages Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.08.2023; Ogledov: 322; Prenosov: 32
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3. Romanje Camino de Santiago kot izraz poznomoderne duhovnosti : doktorska disertacijaSnežana Brumec, 2021, doktorska disertacija Opis: V pričujoči doktorski disertaciji smo razvili na podatkih utemeljeno vsebinsko teorijo, ki razlaga izkušnjo romanja po poti Camino de Santiago, in jo umestili v kontekst poznomoderne duhovnosti. Izhajali smo iz teze, da je izjemen porast števila romarjev na poti Camino de Santiago, ki smo mu priča v zadnjih treh desetletjih, predvsem izraz poznomoderne duhovnosti in za njo značilne težnje posameznikov po samoaktualizaciji. K študiji smo pristopili s pomočjo metodološkega pristopa utemeljene teorije in v tem okviru kombinirali več metod zbiranja in analiziranja podatkov. Osnovni vir podatkov je predstavljala kvalitativna in kvantitativna analiza vsebine 32 potopisnih pripovedi o lastni izkušnji romanja Camino de Santiago. To metodo smo nadgradili s skupinskim intervjujem in z metodo ankete, v okviru katere smo aplicirali štiri spletne anketne vprašalnike: Anketo 1 – Motivi (N = 228), Anketo 2 – Izredne človekove izkušnje in transformativni učinki (N = 501), Anketo 3 – Spremembe vrednot in samoaktualizacije (N = 500) in Anketo 4 – Življenjske spremembe (N = 630). Ključne besede: Poznomoderna družba, duhovnost, izredne človekove izkušnje, transformativni učinki, Camino de Santiago. Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.08.2022; Ogledov: 1430; Prenosov: 263
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