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Pedagogical Dimensions of Grimm's Fairy Tales
Petra Bokša, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: In this Master’s thesis I considered the pedagogical dimensions of Grimm’s fairy tales. I wanted to know which of Grimm’s fairy tales are used in schools from English speaking countries, and which in schools from Slovenia. I also wanted to establish what kinds of activities are planned when working with fairy tales, and in which grades they are used. Before I started my research, I wrote the theoretical part of the thesis. I began by writing something about the authors of the fairy tales, the Brothers Grimm, and something about the fairy tales themselves. I continued by focusing on Grimm’s fairy tales and how they were modernised, and exploring about the didactic purposes of the fairy tales. For the research part of my thesis, I gathered 40 lesson plans, 20 from English speaking countries and 20 from Slovenia. I compared and analysed each lesson plan according to which fairy tale it included, how long it was, what kinds of activities were planned, and for which level of knowledge or grade it was written. I came to the conclusion that lesson plans that come from English speaking countries are better that those which actually originate from Slovenian schools. Moreover, Slovenian schools do not use the variety of fairy tales that is used in English speaking countries. However, I did come to see that both use fairy tales in all grades of Elementary school, not just for younger learners. Finally, we constructed our own lesson plan with the use of Grimm's fairy tale "Tom Thumb".
Ključne besede: Brothers Grimm, Grimm’s fairy tales, lesson plans, English Elementary schools, Slovenian Elementary schools
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.09.2016; Ogledov: 1791; Prenosov: 125
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