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Andrej Zupanič, 2014, diplomsko delo

Opis: The aim of this thesis is to determine a comparative stylistic model that can be used in literary translation for analysing texts of a specific genre: alternative world fiction. The model consists of two parts, general stylistic analysis of prose fiction and specific stylistic analysis of alternative world fiction, which depend on the stylistic approaches suggested by Leech and Short, and Sandig and Sowinski, as well as Mandala’s study of language in science fiction and fantasy. This is put to empiric use on the basis of George R. R. Martin’s heroic fantasy A Clash of Kings, translated into Slovene by Branko Gradišnik. The thesis confronts the source text (original) with the target text (translation) from general as well as specific stylistic viewpoints. However, the emphasis of this stylistic analysis lies on the latter part that is text- and/or genre-specific. Within this part of the analysis, attention is directed toward geographic, character and other proper names, text- or genre-specific lexical and grammatical categories, use of archaic forms and language contact. These categories are considered from the translation viewpoint, thus revealing certain problems a translator faces while translating and/or adapting certain terms. The analysis merges literary linguistics with literary translation and confronts these with translator’s creative freedom, an artistic function every literary translator should posses. The thesis thus deals in its separate parts with word-formation, grammatical structures, the lexicon of British and American English, archaisms and fictive languages, and compares them with corresponding translations. These comparisons are then used to yield important stylistic revelations a translator should abide while translating alternative world fiction.
Ključne besede: alternative world fiction, Branko Gradišnik, Boštjan Gorenc, comparative analysis, fantasy, George R. R. Martin, literary translation, style, science fiction
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.01.2015; Ogledov: 1982; Prenosov: 174
.pdf Celotno besedilo (3,42 MB)

Tjaša Lorbek, 2013, diplomsko delo

Opis: Zanikanje je univerzalna slovnična kategorija, vendar njeni oblika in pomen se od jezika do jezika spreminjata. Razlike v izražanju zanikanja v angleščini in slovenščini postanejo pomembne v procesu prevajanja, niso pa edini dejavnik, ki vpliva na prevajalčevo sprejemanje odločitev. Moderne teorije književnega prevajanja se namesto na izhodiščno osredotočajo na ciljno besedilo ter se zavedajo pomembnosti in odgovornosti prevajalca. Na prevajalčeve odločitve pred in med prevajanjem ne vplivajo samo objektivni, ampak tudi subjektivni dejavniki, zaradi česar mnogi verjamejo, da je književni prevod v bistvu subjektiven. S primerjavo angleškega izvoda Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince pisateljice J. K. Rowling in njegovih dveh slovenskih prevodov prevajalcev Branka Gradišnika in Jakoba J. Kende smo na podlagi primerov iz del prikazali možne prevode zanikanja iz angleščine v slovenščino, opisali in primerjali spremembe v prevodih ter poskusili ugotoviti vzroke za odločitve prevajalcev. Analiza je pokazala, da se je Gradišnik odločil biti bolj zvest izhodiščnemu besedilu, Kenda pa ciljnemu. Ker se prevajalec ne more povsem izogniti vnosu svojega sloga in idiolekta v prevod, se je Kenda zaradi bolj sproščenega in tekočega načina izražanja izkazal za primernejšega prevajalca tega fantazijskega književnega dela.
Ključne besede: književni prevod, zanikanje, nikalna struktura, Branko Gradišnik, Jakob J. Kenda, Harry Potter
Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.07.2013; Ogledov: 2001; Prenosov: 136
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