1. Directions for the sustainability of innovative clustering in a countryVito Bobek, Vladislav Streltsov, Tatjana Horvat, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper presents potential improvements through utilizing the cyclical nature of clusters by human capital, technology, policies, and management. A historical review of the formation and sustainable development of clusters in the US, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions is carried out to achieve this. The aim was to identify and assess the prominent occurrence cases, the central institutional actors, the indicators of their innovative activity, and the schematics of successful cluster management. The theory section covers current classification methods and typology of innovation-territorial economic associations. Consequently, a regression analysis model is produced to identify the potential dominant success factors in implementing the innovation policy of the most successful innovative clusters. Comments on the influence of these predictors on the competitiveness and level of innovative development of the 50 inspected countries follow. As a result of qualitative and quantitative analysis, an overview of the best world practice, the new vision, and its priorities are proposed to improve the efficiency at the level of management structures of innovation clusters. Ključne besede: cluster, cluster policy, state policy, regression analysis, institutions, innovation, R&D Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.04.2024; Ogledov: 306; Prenosov: 127 Celotno besedilo (1,23 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Qualitative indicators for measuring the performance development of selected citiesJasmina Mavrič, Polona Tominc, Vito Bobek, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Recognizing that cities are becoming generators of economic development and a source of growth for the national economy, researchers are increasingly identifying the stages of development and positioning of cities upon which the adequate preparation of strategic and development guidelines is dependent. The comparison of the level of their development efficiency calls for indicators measuring the performance of cities that are representative and comparable between countries. In the case of medium-sized cities, we consequently have to question the applicability of the methodology and indicators used mostly in cases of large, global cities by internationally recognized institutions. With the established set of qualitative indicators and assistance from a computer program for multiparameter decision-making processes (DEXi), this paper also seeks to compare the performance development of selected European cities. Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.09.2023; Ogledov: 232; Prenosov: 0 |
3. Regionalization of Slovenia by establishing functional regionsLeonida Šnajder, Vito Bobek, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Slovenia is a country with a plurality of municipalities that are (in most cases) too small in terms of development and in need of more inducements for tourism, greater investment opportunities, and the establishment of shopping and logistics channels. Of Sloveniaʹs 212 municipalities, 111 do not meet the statutory minimum level for the establishment of a municipality, which is reflected in the uneven development in various parts of the country. A similar problem has been faced by other countries (e.g., Austria), but they have resolved this problem to a satisfactory level, particularly by applying the concept of functional networking. The design and development of uniform regions, their connectedness, and their openness to cross-border cooperation are all crucial for the effective development of Slovenia as a whole, which will stimulate regional development based on functional integration. The purpose of this article is to examine whether it is possible to establish a functional region in Slovenia; we will explore the legal foundations, methods, and effects of such an establi-shment. Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.09.2023; Ogledov: 236; Prenosov: 0 |
4. The effects of consumers’ buying behavior on the e-commerce in highly developed emerging market and developed market : the case of Singapore and AustriaJia Yun Moerth-Teo, Vito Bobek, Tatjana Horvat, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: e-commerce, pricing, buying behaviours, consumers, Singapore, Austria Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.09.2023; Ogledov: 247; Prenosov: 27 Celotno besedilo (507,55 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
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6. Shopping center industry internationalization with a focus on key resources and direct investment : the case of a Chilean company in MexicoHumberto Riquelme, Vito Bobek, Tatjana Horvat, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: shopping center sector, resources and capabilities, entry strategies, emerging markets, Chile, Mexico Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.09.2023; Ogledov: 403; Prenosov: 35 Celotno besedilo (1,39 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
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8. Trade war between the USA and China : impact on an Austrian company in the steel sectorThomas Scheipl, Vito Bobek, Tatjana Horvat, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The paper is intended to provide information on the trade war between China and the USA. It analyses the consequences of the trade dispute, discusses the impact on an Austrian company in the steel sector, gives an overview of possible strategies with which companies can reduce the negative effects of tariffs and discusses strategies that are good options for companies in the steel industry. The methodology applied included theoretical and empirical research based on quantitative analysis as well as quantitative research in the form of expert interviews. The results show that the trade war between China and the USA was in full swing until January 2020. The impacts do not only affect the parties involved, but also other parties such as the EU. Companies can use a variety of strategies to mitigate the negative effects of trade wars. The best strategy for a company depends on the structure of the company, its products and its competitors. The paper adds new insights to the existing literature on the trade war between China and the US and its effects, strategies to mitigate the negative effects of tariffs and discussions on optimal strategies for companies in the steel industry. Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.08.2023; Ogledov: 209; Prenosov: 6 Celotno besedilo (883,22 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
9. Lessons from remarkable fintech companies for the financial inclusion in PeruPatricia Vilcanqui Velásquez, Vito Bobek, Romana Korez-Vide, Tatjana Horvat, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Financial inclusion, defined as the adequate access and usage of formal financial services to improve people’s lives, is a crucial area for the economic development of a country through its various angles. This paper analyzes the impact of selected FinTech companies on financial inclusion in their respective countries to obtain lessons of their business models and country environments that can help Peruvian financial inclusion. The selected FinTechs are M-PESA in Kenya, Nubank in Brazil, GCASH in the Philippines, and Easypaisa in Pakistan, which revolutionized the financial sector in their respective countries. However, a comparative study of their impact on financial inclusion in their respective country has not been conducted yet; therefore, the lessons obtained are helpful for the Peruvian situation due to their practical implications and because they raise possible areas for further and deeper research. The approach of this study considered a qualitative and quantitative method (to find a Pearson correlation between the percentage of the population of Country (A) that are users of FinTech (a) and the six selected demand-side indicators per country retrieved from the Global Findex Database) analysis to understand the results obtained. The results obtained indicate that M-PESA and GCASH, companies specialized in providing basic mobile money transactions such as remittances and withdrawals, did not impact the provision of other financial services such as savings or credit cards. In Easypaisa’s case, this company positively impacts the studied indicators, probably due to its original partnership with a microfinance institution. Regarding Nubank, despite its remarkable growth in the last years, the company does not affect financial inclusion in Brazil yet. Nonetheless, after its recent expansion to provide more financial services, future research could assess the impact of this company on Brazilian financial inclusion. Ključne besede: FinTech’s, Nubank, M-PESA, GCASH, Easypaisa, financial inclusion, mobile money, remittances emerging markets, international business, business economics Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.07.2023; Ogledov: 496; Prenosov: 51 Celotno besedilo (713,10 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
10. Raziskava ponudnikov poslovnih informacijskih rešitev za digitalno transformacijo podjetijSamo Bobek, Zdenko Deželak, Irena Šišovska Klančnik, Uroš Zabukovšek, Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, 2023 Opis: Znanstvena monografija Raziskava ponudnikov poslovnih informacijskih rešitev za digitalno transformacijo podjetij obravnava področje trajnostne digitalne preozbrazbe, na katero vpliva tako izbira tehnološke platforme kot tudi informacijska arhitektura digitaliziranih organizacij. Evropska unija (EU) je opredelila digitalno preobrazbo kot eno od ključnih področij razvoja. Evropska komisija je oblikovala in objavila vizijo in smernice za digitalno preobrazbo, ki vključujejo tudi cilje EU na področju digitalne preobrazbe. EU se tudi zaveda izzivov, povezanih z onesnaževanjem in podnebnimi spremembami, ki jih onesnaževanje povzroča, ter njihove povezanosti z digitalno preobrazbo. EU je objavila “European Green Deal”, ki temelji na konceptih trajnostnega razvoja Združenih narodov. Celovita trajnostno usmerjena obravnava digitalne preobrazbe tako vključuje združitev poslovnih procesov in digitalnih tehnologij v digitalizirano poslovanje. Zato je v prvem delu znanstvene monografije poudarek na digitalni preobrazbi in odgovorih na vprašanje, kako lahko informacijske tehnologije in informacijske rešitve vplivajo na trajnostni razvoj podjetij in družbe. V drugem delu znanstvene monografije je opredeljen sodoben koncept informacijske arhitekture digitaliziranih organizacij. Pomembno vlogo pri digitalni preobrazbi organizacij imajo poslovne informacijske rešitve, ki jih organizacije uporabljajo za informacijsko podporo svojih poslovnih procesov in delovnih tokov. Najpomembnejši predstavnik poslovnih informacijskih rešitev so celovite informacijske rešitve (rešitve ERP). Poleg teh pa v skupino poslovnih informacijskih rešitev uvrščamo tudi rešitve za upravljanje odnosov s strankami (rešitve CRM), rešitve za upravljanje dokumentnih sistemov (rešitve DMS), rešitve digitalnega marketinga ter mnoge druge. Za omenjene poslovne informacijske rešitve so v drugem delu znanstvene monografije opisane opredelitve in njihove značilnosti, ponudniki teh poslovnih informacijskih rešitev in podrobnejši opis posameznih poslovnih informacijskih rešitev, prisotnih na slovenskem trgu. Tako si lahko bralec za vsak sklop raziskanih informacijskih rešitev ustvari začetni vtis o uporabnosti posameznih rešitev za posamezno podjetje oz. organizacijo. Ključne besede: digitalna preobrazba (transformacija), trajnostni razvoj, tehnološka platforma, računalništvo v oblaku, informacijska arhitektura, celovita informacijska rešitev (ERP), rešitve za upravljanje odnosov s strankami (CRM), rešitve za upravljanje z dokumenti (DMS), rešitve digitalnega marketinga Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.07.2023; Ogledov: 643; Prenosov: 103 Celotno besedilo (22,87 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |