1. Ovrednotenje vpliva mobilnega učenja z resno igro in igrifikacijo v procesu usvajanja temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odraslih osebNino Fijačko, 2025, doktorska disertacija Opis: Zunajbolnišnični srčni zastoj vsako leto na svetovni ravni prizadene 3,7 milijona ljudi, v Evropi približno 300.000 ljudi in v Sloveniji približno 1.700 ljudi. Raziskave kažejo, da pravilno izvajanje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe s strani laikov poveča možnosti za preživetje, vendar je stopnja izvajanja nizka, predvsem zaradi pomanjkanja znanja. Posledično Evropski reanimacijski svet predlaga uporabo naprednejših tehnologij, na primer mobilno učenje, in sicer kot podporo pri izobraževanju temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe za laike. V doktorski disertaciji smo z uporabo mešanih metod ovrednotili vpliv uporabe mobilnega učenja z resno igro MOBICPR na usvajanje kognitivnih, vedenjskih in motivacijskih učnih izidov ter na raven stresa pri posredovanju vsebin s področja temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe v domačem okolju. Na vzorcu 43 študentov zdravstvene nege smo z randomizirano raziskavo s kontrolno skupino deležne odložene obravnave potrdili, da dvotedensko mobilno učenje z resno igro MOBICPR v domačem okolju vpliva na usvajanje kognitivnih učnih izidov (t(41) = 1,717, p = 0,047), ne vpliva pa na usvajanje vedenjskih (t(41) = 1,313, p = 0,448) in motivacijskih (t(41) = 1,816, p = 0,394) učnih izidov. Slednje smo z uporabo vsebinske analize podatkov dodatno potrdili. Prav tako dvotedensko mobilno učenje z resno igro MOBICPR v domačem okolju ne vpliva na stopnjo stresa pred izvajanjem in po izvajanju temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe (U = 227,5; p = 0,465). Mobilno učenje predstavlja izobraževalno orodje, ki bi se lahko v prihodnje vključilo v tečaje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe, po opravljenih tečajih pa bi se lahko uporabljalo v domačem okolju za vzdrževanje in osvežitev znanja temeljnih postopkov oživljanja odrasle osebe. Ključne besede: temeljni postopki oživljanja odrasle osebe, mobilno učenje, resna igra, učni izidi, laiki Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 9
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2. Immersive technology and hand hygiene : scoping reviewDominika Muršec, Sonja Šostar-Turk, Urška Rozman, Mateja Lorber, Nino Fijačko, Dominika Vrbnjak, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: Background The use of immersive technology in healthcare education is on the rise, yet its impact on learner engagement, knowledge retention, and specifically in areas like hand hygiene training, remains underexplored. The aim of this scoping review was to summarize the existing studies of immersive technology in hand hygiene training of healthcare providers and health professions students. Methods A scoping review following the Levac et al. framework was conducted. The literature search was performed in databases PubMed, CINAHL Ultimate, ScienceDirect (Elsevier), Web of Science in addition to Google Scholar and ProQuest Dissertation & Theses. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis: Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRIMSA-ScR) guideline was used to report the results. We analysed data using tabular and descriptive summary. Results In the final analysis 11 studies from seven countries were included. Most of the studies (n = 10, 90,91%) used virtual reality in hand hygiene training of healthcare providers and health professions students. Most studies have found that immersive technology is useful in teaching hand hygiene (n = 6, 54,55%). There are some theories and concepts that support the teaching of hand hygiene with immersive technology, but most of the research is not supported by them. Theories or concepts were included in two studies (18,18%). Conclusion Immersive technology, especially virtual reality, enhances hand hygiene learning and engagement compared to traditional methods. However, most studies lack theoretical support. To advance this field, exploring immersive technology for further research and incorporating relevant theories is encouraged. Additionally, conducting a thorough cost-effectiveness analysis and establishing a robust evaluation framework, encompassing both short-term and long-term outcomes, will be beneficial for a comprehensive understanding of the impact of immersive technology in hand hygiene education. Ključne besede: immersive technology, hand hygiene, usefulness, theory, concept Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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3. Using generative artificial intelligence in bibliometric analysis : 10 years of research trends from the European Resuscitation congressesNino Fijačko, Ruth Masterson Creber, Benjamin S. Abella, Primož Kocbek, Špela Metličar, Robert Greif, Gregor Štiglic, 2024, drugi znanstveni članki Opis: Aims: The aim of this study is to use generative artificial intelligence to perform bibliometric analysis on abstracts published at European Resuscitation
Council (ERC) annual scientific congress and define trends in ERC guidelines topics over the last decade.
Methods: In this bibliometric analysis, the WebHarvy software (SysNucleus, India) was used to download data from the Resuscitation journal’s
website through the technique of web scraping. Next, the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 (ChatGPT-4) application programming interface
(Open AI, USA) was used to implement the multinomial classification of abstract titles following the ERC 2021 guidelines topics.
Results: From 2012 to 2022 a total of 2491 abstracts have been published at ERC congresses. Published abstracts ranged from 88 (in 2020) to 368
(in 2015). On average, the most common ERC guidelines topics were Adult basic life support (50.1%), followed by Adult advanced life support
(41.5%), while Newborn resuscitation and support of transition of infants at birth (2.1%) was the least common topic. The findings also highlight that
the Basic Life Support and Adult Advanced Life Support ERC guidelines topics have the strongest co-occurrence to all ERC guidelines topics, where
the Newborn resuscitation and support of transition of infants at birth (2.1%; 52/2491) ERC guidelines topic has the weakest co-occurrence.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates the capabilities of generative artificial intelligence in the bibliometric analysis of abstract titles using the example
of resuscitation medicine research over the last decade at ERC conferences using large language models. Ključne besede: generative artificial intelligence, bibliometric analysis, congress, emergency medicine, European Resuscitation Council Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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4. Effects of a serious smartphone game on nursing students` theoretical knowledge and practical skills in adult basic life support : randomized wait list-controlled trialNino Fijačko, Ruth Masterson Creber, Špela Metličar, Matej Strnad, Robert Greif, Gregor Štiglic, Pavel Skok, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Background: Retention of adult basic life support (BLS) knowledge and skills after professional training declines over time.To combat this, the European Resuscitation Council and the American Heart Association recommend shorter, more frequent BLS sessions. Emphasizing technology-enhanced learning, such as mobile learning, aims to increase out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival and is becoming more integral in nursing education.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether playing a serious smartphone game called MOBICPR at home can improve and retain nursing students’ theoretical knowledge of and practical skills in adult BLS.
Methods: This study used a randomized wait list–controlled design. Nursing students were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to either a MOBICPR intervention group (MOBICPR-IG) or a wait-list control group (WL-CG), where the latter received the MOBICPR game 2 weeks after the MOBICPR-IG. The aim of the MOBICPR game is to engage participants in using smartphone
gestures (eg, tapping) and actions (eg, talking) to perform evidence-based adult BLS on a virtual patient with OHCA. The participants’ theoretical knowledge of adult BLS was assessed using a questionnaire, while their practical skills were evaluated on cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality parameters using a manikin and a checklist.
Results: In total, 43 nursing students participated in the study, 22 (51%) in MOBICPR-IG and 21 (49%) in WL-CG. There were differences between the MOBICPR-IG and the WL-CG in theoretical knowledge (P=.04) but not in practical skills (P=.45) after MOBICPR game playing at home. No difference was noted in the retention of participants’ theoretical knowledge and practical
skills of adult BLS after a 2-week break from playing the MOBICPR game (P=.13). Key observations included challenges in response checks with a face-down manikin and a general neglect of safety protocols when using an automated external defibrillator.
Conclusions: Playing the MOBICPR game at home has the greatest impact on improving the theoretical knowledge of adult BLS in nursing students but not their practical skills. Our findings underscore the importance of integrating diverse scenarios into adult BLS training. Ključne besede: serious smartphone game, adult basic life support, teaching, games, gaming, education, nurses, nursing, educational, mHealth, mobile health, applications, smartphones, randomized controlled trial, technology-enhanced learning, life support, knowledge retention, practical Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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5. Assessing the incorporation of the `Five moments for hand hygiene` into nursing procedure textbooksAdrijana Svenšek, Dominika Muršec, Nino Fijačko, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Aim
Our aim was to conduct a thorough comparison between the hand hygiene information included in international nursing textbooks and the Slovenian nursing textbook's equivalent content as it relates to nursing procedures.
Hand hygiene practices are crucial in preventing healthcare-associated infections, which affect millions of patients annually. The idea behind "Five Moments for Hand Hygiene" is to encourage assessing success and boosting self-efficacy.
Comparison of hand hygiene content in international nursing textbooks with the content in a Slovenian nursing textbook.
A study was conducted between March 2023 and March 2024 to compare hand hygiene content in international nursing textbooks. The study included textbooks from the USA and UK, as well as Slovenian (SI) textbooks. The final phase involved comparing hand hygiene performance practices against the WHO Five Moments for Hand Hygiene.
The study reviewed 470 nursing procedures across three textbooks, identifying four common ones: female indwelling urinary catheterisation, small-bore feeding tube insertion, enema administration and subcutaneous injections. The USA textbook had the highest number of steps, while the UK textbook had the lowest. Clean protective gloves are not recommended for all nursing procedures, only for small-bore feeding tube insertion and enema administration. The US textbook omitted 12 steps for the female indwelling urinary catheter procedure, while the UK textbook included 10 steps. The SI textbook omitted 8 steps.
Hand hygiene is crucial for healthcare infections prevention and control. The study found differences in the frequency of hand hygiene in these nursing procedures. WHO's Five Moments for Hand Hygiene guidelines are not universally accepted, with inadequate hygiene often observed before patient contact. Future research should review foreign textbooks and update existing ones. Ključne besede: WHO, hand hygiene, nursing education, nursing procedures Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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6. Primerjava in analiza seznanjenosti laične in strokovne javnosti s probiotikiDomen Lorenčič, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Uvod: Kljub številnim koristnim učinkom probiotikov je poznavanje probiotikov in njihova uporabnost še vedno šibka med laično in strokovno populacijo. Njihova uporaba se v svetu povečuje, zato je pomembno, da so zdravstveni delavci seznanjeni o uporabi in učinkih probiotikov, saj bodo le na ta način laični javnosti lahko podali koristne informacije. Namen našega zaključnega dela je bilo predstaviti probiotike in seznanjenost s probiotiki med laično in strokovno javnostjo.
Metode: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela. Izvedli smo pregled literature na našo raziskovalno temo. Iskanje literature je potekalo v podatkovnih bazah SAGE Journals, ScienceDirect in Wiley Online Library ter Google Učenjak. Identificirane raziskave smo predstavili v evalvacijski tabeli. Raziskave smo razvrstili po hierarhiji dokazov.
Rezultati: V končno analizo smo vključili 20 raziskav s skupnim vzorcem 13.071 (n = 7551 laične javnosti; n = 5520 strokovne javnosti). Ugotovili smo, da je znanje o probiotikih med laično javnostjo v povprečju slaba. Večino informacij pridobijo od bližjih prijateljev (5/20; 25 %) ali socialnih omrežij (7/20; 35 %).
Razprava in zaključek: Pomembno je, da imajo zdravstveni delavci znanje o probiotikih, katero lahko nato prenašajo na laično javnost. Znanje o znanstvenih dokazanih koristi probiotikov pa je še vedno slaba, še posebej pri medicinskih sestrah. To bi lahko izboljšali z izvajanjem ciljev učnih programov in dodatnimi izobraževanji na vseh nivojih zdravstvene oskrbe. Ključne besede: znanje, prehranski dodatek, pacienti, zdravstveni delavci Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 37
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7. Najpogosteje zaznani srčni ritmi s strani avtomatskega zunanjega defibrilatorja pri znotrajbolnišničnih srčnih zastojihBelma Ahmetović, 2024, diplomsko delo Opis: Uvod: Nenadni srčni zastoj predstavlja velik javnozdravstveni problem po vsem svetu. Kljub temu, da uporaba avtomatskega zunanjega defibrilatorja izboljšuje preživetje pri zunajbolnišničnem srčnem zastoju, je njegov učinek na znotrajbolnišnični srčni zastoj še vedno nejasen. Namen zaključnega dela je bil raziskati, katere srčne ritme avtomatski zunanji defibrilator najpogosteje zazna pri znotrajbolnišničnem srčnem zastoju.
Metode: Zaključno delo je temeljilo na deskriptivni metodi dela. Izvedli smo pregled člankov. Iskanje strokovne literature je potekalo v mednarodnih podatkovnih bazah PubMed, CINAHL in Medline, katerih pregled smo predstavili z uporabo PRISMA (angl. Preffered Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) diagrama.
Rezultati: V končno analizo zaključnega dela smo vključili 8 raziskav v kliničnem okolju. Avtomatski zunanji defibrilator je uporabljen v manj kot 50 % vseh bolnišničnih srčnih zastojev, v večini primerov neustrezno, pri čemer se stopnja preživetja pacientov giblje med 11 % in 29 %.
Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da lahko poleg uspešne uporabe avtomatskega zunanjega defibrilatorja, ki pozitivno vpliva na preživetje in povrnitev spontanega krvnega obtoka, njegova uporaba v nekaterih primerih tudi zmanjša stopnjo preživetja pacientov z znotrajbolnišničnim srčnim zastojem. Ključne besede: znotrajbolnišnični srčni zastoj, avtomatski zunanji defibrilator, veriga preživetja, preživetje, srčni ritem Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 15
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8. Sentiment analysis of social media users` emotional response to sudden cardiac arrest during a football broadcastNino Fijačko, Robert Greif, Gregor Štiglic, Primož Kocbek, Benjamin S. Abella, 2023, drugi znanstveni članki Ključne besede: cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, football broadcast, emotional response, social media, users Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.07.2024; Ogledov: 126; Prenosov: 11
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9. CPR quality assessment in schoolchildren trainingKatia M. G. Oliveira, Maria José C. Carmona, Antonio P. Mansur, Julio Y. Takada, Nino Fijačko, Federico Semeraro, Andrew Lockey, Bernd W. Böttiger, Naomi K. Nakagawa, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Whilst CPR training is widely recommended, quality of performance is infrequently explored. We evaluated whether a checklist can be an adequate tool for chest compression quality assessment in schoolchildren, compared with a real-time software. This observational study (March 2019–2020) included 104 schoolchildren with no previous CPR training (11–17 years old, 66 girls, 84 primary schoolchildren, 20 high schoolchildren). Simultaneous evaluations of CPR quality were performed using an observational checklist and real-time software. High-quality CPR was determined as a combination of 70% correct maneuvers in compression rate (100–120/min), depth (5–6 cm), and complete release, using a real-time software and three positive performance in skills using a checklist. We adjusted a multivariate logistic regression model for age, sex, and BMI. We found moderate to high agreement percentages in quality of CPR performance (rate: 68.3%, depth: 79.8%, and complete release: 91.3%) between a checklist and real-time software. Only 38.5% of schoolchildren (~14 years-old, ~54.4 kg, and ~22.1 kg/m2) showed high-quality CPR. High-quality CPR was more often performed by older schoolchildren (OR = 1.43, 95%IC:1.09–1.86), and sex was not an independent factor (OR = 1.26, 95%IC:0.52–3.07). For high-quality CPR in schoolchildren, a checklist showed moderate to high agreement with real-time software. Better performance was associated with age regardless of sex and BMI. Ključne besede: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, education, assessment, schoolchildren, basic life support Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.06.2024; Ogledov: 151; Prenosov: 12
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10. Razvoj 3D igre za učenje pravilne higiene rok : diplomsko deloMario Panzov, 2024, diplomsko delo Opis: Diplomsko delo sledi razvoju 3D igre za učenje pravilne higiene rok. Igra skozi interaktivno izkušnjo predstavi pravilne korake umivanja rok z milom in vodo po smernicah Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije. V diplomskem delu obravnavamo postopek ustvarjanja 3D modelov likov za igro v programu Blender ter opišemo logiko in arhitekturo igre, ki smo jo konstruirali v programu Unity. S pomočjo ankete smo zbrali in analizirali podatke o izkušnjah igralcev, ki je zagotovila informacije o tem, kako so igralci sprejeli igro, informacije o izkušnjah igralcev z umivanjem rok v njihovem življenju ter usmeritve za izboljšave igre. Ključne besede: Unity, Blender, 3D modeliranje, razvoj iger, higiena rok Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.06.2024; Ogledov: 159; Prenosov: 37
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