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Big data in sports : a bibliometric and topic study
Ana Šuštaršič, Mateja Videmšek, Damir Karpljuk, Ivan Miloloža, Maja Meško, 2022, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Background: The development of the sports industry was impacted by the era of Big Data due to the rapid growth of information technology. Unfortunately, that has become an increasingly challenging Issue. Objectives: The purpose of the research was to analyze the scientific production of Big Data in sports and sports-related activities in two databases, Web of Science and Scopus. Methods/Approach: Bibliometric analysis and topic mining were done on 51 articles selected after four exclusion criteria (written in English, journal articles, the final stage of publication, and a detailed review of all full texts). The software tool used was Statistica Data Miner. Results: We found that the first articles appeared in Scopus in 2013 and WoS in 2014. USA and China are countries which produced the most articles. The most common research areas in WoS and Scopus are Public environmental and occupational health, Medicine, Environmental science ecology, and Engineering. Conclusions: We conducted that further research and literature review will be required as this is a broad and new topic.
Ključne besede: big data, sport, bibliometric study, topic study, health care management, services, decision making
Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.07.2024; Ogledov: 154; Prenosov: 11
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Vpeljava novega sistema za upravljanje proizvodnih procesov v podjetju Odelo Slovenija d. o. o. : diplomsko delo
Nik Šuštaršič, 2021, diplomsko delo

Opis: Namen diplomskega dela je analiza procesa vpeljave novega sistema. V nalogi je prikazan celoten proces implementacije novega informacijskega sistema v proizvodnem procesu. Primerjalo se je predhodni sistem pridobivanja podatkov, način pridobivanja, shranjevanje podatkov in njihovo sledenje. Analizirana in prikazana je celotna infrastruktura delovanja že obstoječega informacijskega sistema. Prikazani so vsi IKT-procesi v podjetju in predstavljeni odprtokodni programi, ki jih v podjetju uporablja predvsem oddelek IT za lažje ugotavljanje in odpravljanje napak. Definirani so postavitev, inštalacija in uporaba strežnikov, ki jih podjetje uporablja, njihov namen, njihova redundantnost itd. V večjih podjetjih, kot je Odelo Slovenija, sta najpomembnejši infrastruktura in varnost mreže oz. mrežnih naprav. Iz tega razloga je v delu analizirana tudi mreža in prikazana konfiguracija, ki je bila potrebna za realizacijo projekta. V diplomskem delu je prikazana je tudi uporaba sistema OMES (angl. Odelo Manufacturing Execution System), ki je bil razvit v podjetju Odelo Farba. Na koncu pa je podana analiza predhodnega in novega sistema ter ugotovljene prednosti in slabosti obeh sistemov.
Ključne besede: informacijski sistemi, proizvodnja, novi sistem, nadzorovanje IT-sistema, mrežna infrastruktura, mrežna oprema, termalni tiskalnik, MES
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.08.2021; Ogledov: 1394; Prenosov: 194
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Pravna narava pridobitve lastninske pravice pri prisilni prodaji : magistrsko delo
Sandra Šuštaršič Simonič, 2019, magistrsko delo

Opis: Pridobitev lastninske pravice na podlagi prisilne prodaje pri izvršbi in stečaju se, če velja slediti teoriji in sodni praksi, šteje za izvirno oziroma originarno pridobljeno lastninsko pravico. Poglavitna značilnost takšne vrste pridobitve je, da se lastninska pravica prenese ne glede na voljo dosedanjega imetnika pravice, še več, celo v nasprotju z njegovo voljo. Naslednja pomembna značilnost tovrstne prodaje je ta, da predpostavka pridobitve stvarne pravice ni zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo (razpolagalni pravni posel) kot to velja za poslovne pridobitve, temveč je predpostavka pridobitve oblikovalna sodna odločba. Do prisilne prodaje stvari pride v primerih, ko dolžnik ne izpolni svoje obveznosti, ki jo ima v razmerju do upnika, kar posledično lahko pripelje do sodnega izvršilnega postopka. V izvršilnem postopku sodišče izda sodno odločbo, s katero naloži dolžniku, da poravna terjatev. V primeru, ko dolžnik ne izpolni kar mu je bilo s sodno odločbo naloženo, sledi njena prisilna izvršitev. Naša zakonodaja upnika ne omejuje pri izbiri izvršilnega sredstva, saj ne predpisuje nobenega vrstnega reda le-teh. Velja načelo proste izbire izvršilnega sredstva, ne glede na višino terjatve. Upnik tako lahko že v začetku predlaga izvršbo na nepremičnino, kljub izterjavi nesorazmerno nizke terjatve. To možnost mu daje zakonodaja, ki ne določa spodnje meje višine terjatve, nad katero bi bilo možno dovoliti izvršbo na nepremičnino ter tudi ne predvideva, da bi bilo dopustno dovoliti izvršbo na nepremičnino šele po tem, ko izterjava terjatve z drugimi sredstvi izvršbe ne bi bila mogoča. Na podlagi pravnomočnega sklepa o izročitvi nepremičnine kupec torej pridobi lastninsko pravico. Sklep velja za listino, na podlagi katere se dovoli vknjižba pravice na kupca. Vsled dejstva, da je vpis v zemljiško knjigo v tem primeru zgolj deklaratornega značaja, je ta kljub temu potreben prav zaradi publicitete vpisov. Posebej zanimivi postanejo primeri, kjer so vpisi v zemljiški knjigi napačni, zaradi česar pogosto pride do prenosa lastninske pravice nelastnika. Gre za primere, ko dolžnik ni resnični lastnik nepremičnine, ki je predmet prodaje. Če operacionaliziram, problem velikokrat nastaja pri nepremičninah, ki predstavljajo skupno premoženje zakoncev, v zemljiški knjigi pa je kot izključni lastnik vpisan zgolj eden, ali pa je nepremičnina vpisana kot solastnina. Vpisa ne odražata dejanskega stanja lastništva, kar ima lahko negativne posledice tudi v postopku izvršbe, ko se lahko nepremičnina proda. Pogosti primeri, kjer vpisi lastninske pravice ne odražajo dejanskega, so tudi prodaje s pridržkom lastninske pravice ter primeri zunajknjižnega priposestvovanja. Tukaj sodna praksa zavzema različna stališča, s predpostavko (ne)dobrovernosti kupca, proti kateremu pravi lastnik uveljavlja svojo lastninsko pravico. V obzir stališču sodne prakse je potrebno vzeti tudi dejstvo, da ima pri tovrstni prodaji pomembno vlogo interes upnika, ki zasleduje poplačilo svoje še neplačane terjatve.
Ključne besede: Sodna prodaja, izvršilni postopek, stečajni postopek, javna dražba, sklep o domiku, sklep o izročitvi nepremičnine kupcu, ugovor tretjega, skupno premoženje, solastnina, priposestvovanje, pravica v pričakovanju.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.12.2019; Ogledov: 1562; Prenosov: 252
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Davčni inšpekcijski nadzor s študijo primera missing trader-ja
Sandra Šuštaršič Simonič, 2017, diplomsko delo

Opis: Ena izmed temeljnih dejavnosti državne uprave je učinkovito pobiranje dajatev, varovanje družbe in finančnih interesov države. V okviru Finančne uprave Republike Slovenije, ki je nosilec fiskalne vloge pri zagotavljanju virov financiranja javnofinančnih blagajn, se izvaja finančni inšpekcijski nadzor. To je ena izmed oblik finančnega nadzora, pomembna za učinkovito in zakonito izpolnjevanje davčnih obveznosti. Zaradi prisilne narave davčnih prihodkov postopek finančnega inšpekcijskega nadzora temelji na nekaterih načelih, z upoštevanjem le-teh pa se tako omeji oblast državnih organov nasproti zavezancem za davek. Davčni vrtiljak kot ena izmed oblik davčne utaje predstavlja bistveno nevarnost za javni interes, saj povzroča na eni strani neposredno oškodovanje proračuna, na drugi pa nelojalno konkurenco poštenim davčnim zavezancem ter s tem gospodarsko škodo. Finančna uprava, ki se bori zoper davčne goljufije, poleg ozaveščanja širše javnosti z raznimi pojasnili pri prepoznavi »sumljivih« poslov oz. »sumljivih« zavezancev, tudi sama izvaja nekatere ukrepe v boju zoper tovrstne goljufije.
Ključne besede: finančni nadzor, Finančna uprava RS, načela inšpiciranja, davčni vrtiljak, davčni postopek.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.10.2017; Ogledov: 1740; Prenosov: 222
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The influence of the morphology of iron powder particles on their compaction in an automatic die
Borivoj Šuštaršič, Matjaž Godec, Črtomir Donik, Irena Paulin, Srečko Glodež, Marko Šori, Milan Ratej, Nada Javornik, 2015, strokovni članek

Opis: Fe- and steel-based powder metallurgy (P/M) products, such as steel gears, spurs, locking mechanisms, porous filters, sliding bearings and bushes, as well as other machine parts and structural elements, are mainly produced with the so-called conventional sintering technology. It is the most efficient technology for the mass production of small, complex, functional and structural parts. Therefore, it is the most convenient and popular among all of the P/M technologies. The most important end-user of sintered parts is the automotive industry. However, small, complex, sintered parts can also be frequently used in the furniture and household industries, precise mechanics, articles for recreation and sports. A fine, iron-based powder mixture or prealloyed powder is first automatically uniaxial-die compacted (ADC) into the final shape of the product with a mechanical or hydraulic press and then sintered in a protective atmosphere at approximately 1100 °C. The metal powder mixture must have the appropriate engineering properties given by the chemistry and particle morphology, enabling a fast and reliable die-compaction process. The most important are a high tap density, a good powder flowability and a low compressibility. All this gives the green compacts an appropriate final shape with a smooth surface, a relatively high and uniform green density, as well as a green strength without internal flaws and cracks. In the case of very small two-or-more-heights products, for example, spur gears with a low module, it is very difficult to obtain a uniform green density at acceptable compaction pressures. Often small cracks are formed at height crossings and big differences in the green density appear in smaller or thinner regions. In the frame of our investigation we analysed the influence of the selected prealloyed commercial iron powder’s morphology and its technological properties on automatic die compaction, as well as the sintering process in the case of small two-level sintered gear dimensions of 5/40–7/10×7mm with module m = 0.5. The original iron powder was sieved and the finest powder particle fraction (< 45 µm) was compared with the original powder mixture considering ADC and sintering process. It was found that the selection of the finer powder mixture could not contribute to the improvement in the overall ADC process, as well as a better green compact. In the present paper the results of our investigations are presented and the reasons why a finer powder mixture cannot contribute much to an improvement of the conventional sintering process.
Ključne besede: Fe-based alloy powders, particles, morphology, microstructure, automatic die compaction, sintering
Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.03.2017; Ogledov: 1428; Prenosov: 373
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Morphological and microstructural features of Al-based alloyed powders for powder-metallurgy applications
Borivoj Šuštaršič, Irena Paulin, Matjaž Godec, Srečko Glodež, Marko Šori, Jože Flašker, Albert Korošec, Stanislav Kores, Goran Abramović, 2014, strokovni članek

Opis: Besides advanced nano steels, polymers and ceramics, recently also light metals, i.e., Al, Mg and Ti based materials, have been recognized as future materials for different kinds of advanced applications. Al and its alloys have an acceptable price, excellent corrosive resistance, good mechanical and other physical properties. Therefore, they are also used in the powder-metallurgy (P/M) field. The P/M technology of Al materials is very demanding and has its own specifics compared to the sintering technology of iron and steel. A relatively large quantity of Al-based alloy powder is formed during the sand blasting of slugs and discs in the Talum Al factory, Kidričevo, Slovenia. Therefore, we analysed and investigated its practical usability for a production of advanced products using P/M technology. The formed Al-based powder was compared with the commercially available Al-based powders that are generally used for conventional sintering technology. In the first part of this paper we explain which types of Al-based powders are used for the production of sintered parts, what the required parameters are and why we considered them. Then, the results of theoretical thermodynamic analyses and investigations of the morphological and microstructural characteristics of the selected commercial Al-based powders are given, as well as their comparison with the Al powder formed during the sand blasting and its potential for P/M applications.
Ključne besede: Al-based alloy powders, morphology, microstructure, LM characterisation, SEM/EDS characterisation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.03.2017; Ogledov: 1603; Prenosov: 142
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Fracture toughness of a high-strength low-alloy steel weldment
Jelena Vojvodič-Tuma, Nenad Gubeljak, Borivoj Šuštaršič, Borut Bundara, 2006, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The use of high-strength low-alloy steels for high-performance structures, e.g., pressure vessels and pipelines, requires often high-strength consumables to produce an overmatched welded joint. This globally overmatched welded joint contains local mis-matched regions, which can affect the unstable fracture behaviour of the welded joint and the welded structure itself. If local mis-matched regions are present in the vicinity of a crack tip, then the fracture toughness of the weld metal can be significantly lower than that of the base metal. In this paper, the influence of the weld-metal microstructure on the fracture behaviour is estimated enabling an evaluation of the resistance to stable crack growth through different microstructures. The lower bound of the fracture toughness for different microstructures was evaluated using a modified Weibull distribution. The results, obtained using specimens with a through thickness crack front, indicated a low fracture toughness, caused by the strength mis-matching interaction along the crack front. In the case of through-the-thickness specimens, at least one local brittle zone (LBZ) or a local soft region is incorporated into the process zone in the vicinity of the crack tip. Hence, an unstable fracture occurred with small stable crack propagation, or without it. Despite the fact that the differences between the impact toughness of the weld metal and the base metal can be insignificant, the fracture toughness of a weld metal can be significantly lower.
Ključne besede: fracture mechanics, welded joint, crack-tip opening displacement, resistance curves
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.03.2017; Ogledov: 1500; Prenosov: 104
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Fatigue properties of sintered DIN SINT-D30 powder metal before and after heat treatment
Marko Šori, Borivoj Šuštaršič, Srečko Glodež, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The main focus of this study was to determine how heat treatment affects the dynamic properties of sintered steel. All the specimens were made of the DIN SINT-D30 metal powder, but only half of them were additionally heat treated. Flat specimens were cold pressed and sintered. The second set was additionally heat treated to increase the strength. After the static mechanical properties were determined, the fatigue strength was investigated in a pulsating machine with a load ratio of R = 0. Wöhler curves were plotted and the parameters for determining the fatigue life (of' and b) were calculated.
Ključne besede: powder metallurgy, fatigue, S-N curve
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.03.2017; Ogledov: 1400; Prenosov: 124
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DSC/TG of Al-based alloyed powders for p/m applications
Borivoj Šuštaršič, Jože Medved, Srečko Glodež, Marko Šori, Albert Korošec, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Al-based alloyed powders, appropriate for the sintering procedure (powder metallurgy, P/M) contain the alloying elements with a high solid solubility in Al, enabling reaction and liquid-phase sintering. They are surface oxidised because of a high affinity of Al to oxygen. Besides, this type of powders contains a polymeric lubricant (wax), which reduces the friction on die walls during automatic die compaction into the final compact shape of a product. This lubricant has to be removed slowly during the first stage of sintering in order to prevent deformations and cracking of the product. Consequently, its sintering is very complex. Generally, these powders are sintered in pure nitrogen with a low dew point. The optimum sintering conditions are generally determined on the basis of light and scanning electron microscopy. The investigation can also be completed very successively with differential scanning calorimetry and thermo gravimetry. The first one allows an insight into the endo- and exothermic reactions, taking place during the heating and cooling of a compacted metal powder, and the second one allows an insight into the processes, connected with the mass loss (a reduction, a lubricant removal, etc.) or mass increase (an oxidation). The DSC/TG of three commercial Al-based alloyed powders was performed in the frame of our investigations. The results were compared with the theoretical thermodynamic-based calculations and the optimum sintering conditions were proposed.
Ključne besede: aluminium powders, sintering, differential scanning calorimetry and thermo gravimetry
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.03.2017; Ogledov: 1384; Prenosov: 139
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A numerical simulation of metal injection moulding
Boštjan Berginc, Miran Brezočnik, Zlatko Kampuš, Borivoj Šuštaršič, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Metal injection moulding (MIM) is already a well-established and promising technology for the mass production of small, complex, near-net-shape products. The dimensions and mechanical properties of MIM products are influenced by the feedstock characteristics, the process parameters of the injection moulding, as well as the debinding and the sintering. Numerical simulations are a very important feature of the beginning of any product or technology development. In the article two different techniques for measuring the rheological properties of MIM feedstocks are presented and compared. It was established that capillary rheometers are more appropriate for MIM feed stocks, while on the other hand, parallel-plate rheometers are only suitable for shear rates lower than 10 s[sup]{-1}. Later on we used genetic algorithms to determine the model coefficients for some numerical simulation software. The results of the simulation of the filling phase and a comparison with the experimental results are presented in the article.
Ključne besede: metal injection moulding, numerical simulation, genetic algorithms
Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.03.2017; Ogledov: 1311; Prenosov: 169
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