Analysis of Methodologies and Tools for Software Development in Different ArchitecturesMaksim Nikitashin, 2024, magistrsko delo
Opis: In modern software development, three of the most popular application architectures are commonly used: monolithic, service-oriented, and microservices. At the same time, plenty of different methodologies, primarily agile ones, and tools are in use to plan and manage software projects. The research studies relations between these two entities to define the most popular and suitable methodologies and tools for projects, implementing each specific architecture. The research consists of 2 parts: qualitative and quantitative. The first one includes the study of the theoretical basis and related sources to find out the most popular modern methodologies and tools considering their characteristics and each specific architecture. Based on these characteristics, a definition of the most suitable ones is made. The second part represents preliminary statistical research among people, currently employed in software development companies about their opinions on the thematic. The second part includes 36 professionals, employed in different roles. In this part, descriptive statistics and correlation analysis are used. The results have some limitations related to the limited scope of literature studied and also to the size and representativeness of the sample. However, they are useful both for people working in software development, especially for leading personnel, making decisions about project management, and for researchers as a good starting point for continuing research. The results show the necessity of further investigation of the topic due to inconsistency between the scientific literature research and real business world research. Also, we have found out possible correlation between employees’ satisfaction and tools used in project management.
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Ključne besede: agile methodologies, software, monolithic architecture, service-oriented architecture, microservices
Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.09.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 12
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