1. Razvoj in vitro modela kožeMaja Sever, Dominik Škrinjar, 2024, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav Opis: Tridimenzionalni (3D) biotiskani modeli kože se vse bolj uveljavljajo v predkliničnih in kliničnih raziskavah kot alternativa testiranju na živalih. Ključno za uspeh teh raziskav je zagotavljanje ponovljivosti in primerljivosti rezultatov, kar zahteva razvoj zanesljivih hidrogelov, ki omogočajo stabilno vključitev celic v 3D biotisk. Eden največjih izzivov pri tem je zagotavljanje konsistentnosti lastnosti hidrogela, ki je temeljni material za izdelavo 3D tiskanega in vitro modela kože, potrebnega za različne faze raziskav. Namen te raziskave je bil preučiti možnost priprave večje serije hidrogela ter raziskati načine njihovega dolgoročnega shranjevanja, s poudarkom na tehnikah zamrzovanja, z namenom ohranitve njihovih fizikalno-kemijskih lastnosti. Tako bi omogočili uporabo enotne serije hidrogela skozi celoten razvoj in vitro modela kože, kar bi zmanjšalo variacije, ki nastajajo pri posameznih pripravah hidrogelov za različne raziskovalne metode. Osredotočili smo se na vpliv temperature (-20 °C in -80 °C) ter trajanja shranjevanja (7 in 29 dni) na ključne lastnosti hidrogelov, kot so viskoznost, poroznost, sposobnost nabrekanja, degradacija in mehanske lastnosti po odmrznitvi. Potrditev teh hipotez bi prispevala k večji ponovljivosti in natančnosti 3D biotiskljivih in vitro modelov kože. Ključne besede: in vitro model kože, 3D biotiskanje, hidrogel, predkinična in klinična raziskava Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0 Celotno besedilo (2,90 MB) |
2. Process quality indicators in family medicine : results of an international comparisonDanica Rotar-Pavlič, Maja Sever, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Igor Švab, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Background: The aim of our study was to describe variability in process quality in family medicine among 31 European countries plus Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. The quality of family medicine was measured in terms of continuity, coordination, community orientation, and comprehensiveness of care.
Methods: The QUALICOPC study (Quality and Costs of Primary Care in Europe) was carried out among family physicians in 31 European countries (the EU 27 except for France, plus Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey) and three non-European countries (Australia, Canada, and New Zealand). We used random sampling when national registers of practitioners were available. Regional registers or lists of facilities were used for some countries. A standardized questionnaire was distributed to the physicians, resulting in a sample of 6734 participants. Data collection took place between October 2011 and December 2013. Based on completed questionnaires, a three-dimensional framework was established to measure continuity, coordination, community orientation, and comprehensiveness of care. Multilevel linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the variation of quality attributable to the family physician level and the country level.
Results: None of the 34 countries in this study consistently scored the best or worst in all categories. Continuity of care was perceived by family physicians as the most important dimension of quality. Some components of comprehensiveness of care, including medical technical procedures, preventive care and health care promotion, varied substantially between countries. Coordination of care was identified as the weakest part of quality. We found that physician-level characteristics contributed to the majority of variation.
Conclusions: A comparison of process quality indicators in family medicine revealed similarities and differences within and between countries. The researchers found that the major proportion of variation can be explained by physicians' characteristics. Ključne besede: family physician, process quality, comparison Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.06.2017; Ogledov: 6811; Prenosov: 293 Celotno besedilo (697,85 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. Do the experiences of patients of state-employed family physicians and concessionaires in Slovenia differ?Danica Rotar-Pavlič, Maja Sever, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Igor Švab, Janko Kersnik, Wienke Boerma, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Background: Family practice healthcare in Slovenia is provided by state-employed family physicians as well as concessionaires. However, both work under a contract with the National Health Insurance Institute. This study focuses on comparing patients’ experiences with Slovenian concessionaires and state-employed physicians.
Methods: We performed analyses using survey data from a cross-sectional study on patient experiences, which took place from September 2011 to April 2012 as a part of the international QUALICOPC study. The Slovenian branch of this study included 1,962 patients visiting family practices. Patients were classified into two groups with respect to the registered status of their family physician. They completed the questionnaires immediately aſter visiting their family physicians. Data used in the analyses included 76 variables: 18 socio-economic and 58 variables linked to the patient’s experience.
Results: The analyses showed few differences between concessionaires and state-employed family physicians. In comparison with patients of state-employed family physicians, patients of concessionaires were less likely to make an appointment for a visit (19.8 % vs. 29.2 %), were generally more frequent visitors (43.7 % vs. 50.7 %), and more oſten felt that opening hours were too restricted (25.7 % vs. 31.9 %). Patients of concessionaires believed more oſten that in general, doctors can be trusted (40.1 % vs.47.1 %). A smaller percentage of patients of concessionaires felt that their physician had the capacity to deal with personal problems as well as to provide medical care (61.9 % vs. 54.7 %).
Conclusions: There are few differences in patients’ experiences of state-employed family physicians and concessionaires. Slovenian patients have a generally positive experience with family practice services regardless of the family physicians’ status. Plans for organizational change of the health sector should include patients’ perceptions of services. Ključne besede: patient, experience, family physician, state-employed, concessionaire Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.05.2017; Ogledov: 1352; Prenosov: 358 Celotno besedilo (105,74 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. A conceptual basis of language acquisition from Pinker's point of viewMaja Sever, 2009, diplomsko delo Opis: For many decades language theorists and linguists have had a great interest in the development of the languages spoken today. Grammatical rules suggested by language experts and indeed society at large through the processes of standardization and codification enable people of a particular ethnic group or community to communicate with each other in an understandable and functional manner. However, there are many disagreements and contradictions among theories and theorists. In my paper I deal with the theory of Steven Pinker, a well known Canadian-American experimental psychologist and cognitive scientist, especially interested in language development in children. He aims to outline different aspects of language and its rules. His research is particularly dedicated to the impulses and calculations emerging in the human mind when it is trying to capture and comprehend different events and communicate them to the environment. He argues that language instinctively emerges in a child based on innate basic concepts such as substance, time, space and causality. The vocabulary becomes spontaneously extended through everyday communication. By following rule generalizations, children are capable of forming a countless number of possible word combinations out of the finite number of examples they have heard so far. Pinker introduces a metaphor for language as a window through which human nature manifests and can be explored. Ključne besede: jezik, mišljenje, filozofija, jezikovni instinkt, otroški govor, pridobivanje jezika Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.01.2010; Ogledov: 2318; Prenosov: 123 Celotno besedilo (281,68 KB) |