1. Sustainable development of ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina : a multi criteria assessmentBoris Prevolšek, Aleksandar Maksimović, Adis Puška, Karmen Pažek, Maja Borlinič Gačnik, Črtomir Rozman, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper explores ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina as an important element of rural and cultural tourism. The attractiveness of natural and cultural heritage is very important for sustainable rural tourism development. In order to improve the process of decision making to enable the sustainable development of ethno-villages, a multi-criteria assessment model has been developed. The methodology is based on qualitative modeling using a multi-criteria analysis via the DEXi software. The model is based on hierarchical relations consisting of three main criteria that are the basis of sustainable tourism development: economic, social, and environmental criteria. The ultimate goal of the model in this study was to evaluate ethno-villages, namely six ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results of the study show how ethno-villages contribute to sustainable development. Ključne besede: sustainable development, tourism, ethno-villages, DEXi, decision support, multi-criteria model, assessment Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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2. Hydrolytic decomposition of corncobs to sugars and derivatives using subcritical waterMaja Čolnik, Mihael Irgolič, Amra Perva, Mojca Škerget, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Corncobs are a widespread and renewable by-product of corn cultivation that are typically considered waste or low-value material. Corncobs contain hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin, which can be converted into valuable products using suitable techniques. Subcritical water is increasingly used as a green medium for the extraction of valuable components from biomass, as it has many advantageous properties (high yield, pure extracts, shorter times) compared to other organic solvents. For this reason, subcritical water was used in this study to extract valuable components from corncobs at different temperatures (150–250 °C) and reaction times (10–60 min). During the decomposition of corncobs, numerous valuable products are formed in the aqueous phase depending on the temperature and reaction time. In addition to sugars and their derivatives, phenolic compounds were also formed, which are of great importance in numerous applications. It was found that at low temperatures (150–170 °C) the hemicellulose in the corncobs begins to decompose and, in particular, the sugars (glucose, xylose, arabinose, and galactose) are initially formed in the aqueous phase. Higher temperatures (200 and 250 °C) are more favorable for the decomposition of corncobs into valuable components. The yield of sugars increases with temperature due to the degradation of the cellulose content of the lignocellulosic biomass. At the same time, several new valuable products (furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), 1,3-dihydroxyacetone, levulinic acid, and formic acid as well as phenolic components) are formed through the degradation of lignin and the further degradation of sugars. The most important products are certainly the furfurals, which are central platform compounds. The highest furfural content was reached at 200 °C and 60 min and accounted for almost half of all components in the aqueous phase (472.01 ± 5.64 mg/g dry extract). These biomass-derived sugars and derivatives can be used in the production of fuels, pharmaceuticals, biodegradable polymers, and surfactants. Ključne besede: corncobs, subcritical water, biomass, valuable compounds, sugar derivates Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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3. Differences in user perception of artificial intelligence-driven chatbots and traditional tools in qualitative data analysisBoštjan Šumak, Maja Pušnik, Ines Kožuh, Andrej Šorgo, Saša Brdnik, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Qualitative data analysis (QDA) tools are essential for extracting insights from complex datasets. This study investigates researchers’ perceptions of the usability, user experience (UX), mental workload, trust, task complexity, and emotional impact of three tools: Taguette 1.4.1 (a traditional QDA tool), ChatGPT (GPT-4, December 2023 version), and Gemini (formerly Google Bard, December 2023 version). Participants (N = 85), Master’s students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with prior experience in UX evaluations and familiarity with AI-based chatbots, performed sentiment analysis and data annotation tasks using these tools, enabling a comparative evaluation. The results show that AI tools were associated with lower cognitive effort and more positive emotional responses compared to Taguette, which caused higher frustration and workload, especially during cognitively demanding tasks. Among the tools, ChatGPT achieved the highest usability score (SUS = 79.03) and was rated positively for emotional engagement. Trust levels varied, with Taguette preferred for task accuracy and ChatGPT rated highest in user confidence. Despite these differences, all tools performed consistently in identifying qualitative patterns. These findings suggest that AI-driven tools can enhance researchers’ experiences in QDA while emphasizing the need to align tool selection with specific tasks and user preferences. Ključne besede: user experience, UX, usability, qualitative data analysis, QDA, chatbots Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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4. Effect of Lactobacillus spp. on adhesion, invasion, and translocation of Campylobacter jejuni in chicken and pig small-intestinal epithelial cell linesMaja Šikić Pogačar, Tomaž Langerholc, Dušanka Mičetić-Turk, Sonja Smole Možina, Anja Klančnik, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Background : Campylobacter spp. are a major cause of bacterial food-borne diarrhoeal disease. This mainly arises through contamination of meat products during processing. For infection, Campylobacter spp. must adhere to epithelial cells of the mucus layer, survive conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, and colonise the intestine of the host. Addition of probiotic bacteria might promote competitive a dhesion to epithelial cells, consequently reducing Campylobacter jejuni colonisation. Effect of Lactobacillus spp. (PCS20, PCS22, PCS25, LGG, PCK9) on C. jejuni adhesion, invasion and translocation in pig (PSI cl.1) and chicken (B1OXI) small-intestine cell lines, as well as pig enterocytes (CLAB) was investigated.
Results : Overall, in competitive adhesion assays with PSI cl.1 and CLAB cell monolayers, the addition of Lactobacillus spp. reduced C. jejuni adherence to the cell surface, and negatively affected the C. jejuni invasion. Interestingly, Lactobacillus spp. significantly impaired C. jejuni adhesion in three-dimensional functional PSI cl.1 and B1OXI cell models. Also, C. jejuni did not translocate across PSI cl.1 and B1OXI cell monolayers when co-incubated with probiotics. Among selected probiotics, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG was the strain that reduced adhesion efficacy of C. jejuni most significantly under co-culture conditions.
Conclusion : The addition of Lactobacillus spp. to feed additives in livestock nutrition might be an effective novel strategy that targets Campylobacter adhesion to epithelial cells, and thus prevents colonisation, reduces the transmission, and finally lowers the incidence of human campylobacteriosis. Ključne besede: Campylobacter jejuni, Lactobacillus spp., chicken and pig cell line, adhesion, invasion, translocation Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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5. Priprava vaniljevih ekstraktov in karakterizacija komponentMatej Keber, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Vanilija je dragocena in redka tropska rastlina, ki uspeva samo na določenih pordročjih. Njeni plodovi za zorenje potrebujejo od 7 do 9 mesecev, nakar sledi še skoraj polletni postopek ''sušenja'' (angl. curing). Med sušenjem plodovi oziroma stroki razvijejo značilno aromo vanilije, ki je svetovno ena najbolj prepoznavnih in uporabljenih.
Zaradi same redkosti, dolgotrajnega procesa pridobivanja in obdelave, je cena vaniljevih strokov visoka. Temu primerno je za industrijo zelo pomembno optimizirati pogoje pridobivanja vaniljevega ekstrakta, ocenitev njegove kvalitete in tudi obstojnosti.
Pred uporabo vaniljevih strokov kot surovine, je potrebno preveriti njihovo kvaliteto oziroma sestavo, ki je zelo odvisna od geografskega področja rasti in obdelave. V ta namen smo določili optimalne pogoje ekstrakcije po Soxhletu in z ultrazvokom, s čimer smo pridobili laboratorijsko reprezentativne ekstrakte kot predoceno in kriterij sprejemljivosti za industrijski proces.
Za analizo pridobljenih ekstraktov, smo v nalogi razvili in validirali metodo tekočinske kromatografije. Z njo smo kvalitativno in kvantitativno spremljali ključne komponente vaniljevega ekstrakta (vanilin, p-hidroksibenzaldehid, p-hidroksibenzojska kislina in vanilinska kislina). Razvita metoda nudi hiter in kakovosten vpogled v sestavo vaniljevega ekstrakta.
Z metodo plinske kromatografije (HS-SPME) smo spremljali tudi hlapne komponente v vaniljevih strokih, s čimer dobimo vpogled predvsem v starost strokov. Slednje smo nadgradili z identifikacijo in primerjavo hlapnih komponent v svežih strokih in strokih, ki smo jih izpostavili neprimernim skladiščnim pogojem. Identificiranim komponentam smo dodali senzorični opis in stopnja vpliva na senzorični profil.
Za zaključek smo s tekočinsko kromatografijo spremljali tudi obstojnost pripravljenih vaniljevih ekstraktov pri različnih skladiščnih pogojih. Ključne besede: vanilija, vanilin, Soxhletova ekstrakcija, ultrazvočna ekstrakcija, tekočinska kromatografija, HS-SPME. Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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6. Benchmarking : primerjalna analiza v turizmuNadja Mlakar, Barbara Pavlakovič Farrell, 2025 Opis: Učbenik "Benchmarking – Primerjalna analiza v turizmu" ponuja podroben vpogled v proces benchmarking analize, ki se uporablja za ocenjevanje in izboljšanje podjetij, organizacij in tudi turističnih destinacij. Avtorici najprej predstavita teoretične osnove benchmarkinga, vključno z definicijami, tipi in fazami analize. Učbenik se v drugem delu osredotoča na praktične primere, ki so jih izvedli študenti na Fakulteti za turizem Univerze v Mariboru. To omogoča bralcem, da razumejo, kako se teoretične koncepte aplicira v realnem svetu na realne primere. Vključeni so konkretni primeri benchmarking analize, ki obravnavajo različne turistične destinacije, kar ponuja dragocene vpoglede v uspešne prakse in strategije. Učbenik je zasnovan tako, da je učni pripomoček za študente in strokovnjake v turizmu ter hkrati spodbuja uporabo benchmarkinga kot orodja za izboljšanje turistične ponudbe in trajnostnega razvoja. S tem učbenik prispeva k razumevanju in implementaciji benchmarkinga v turistični industriji. Ključne besede: benchmarking analiza, turizem, primerjava, turistične destincije, študije primerov Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 8
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7. Razvoj humorja pri predšolskih otrocih : magistrsko deloMaša Kokot, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Humor je eden temeljih vidikov človeške izkušnje in tako pomemben del
posameznikovega in družbenega življenja tako odraslih kot otrok. Zaradi norčave
narave so se njegovemu raziskovanju dolgo izogibali, prisotnost humorja v vzgoji in
izobraževanju pa še danes velja za nekaj neresnega. Otroci v predšolskem obdobju so
skupina, ki prevzema humorne prvine tako najmlajših otrok kot tudi odraslih in je s tem
del humornega sveta obeh strani. Namen magistrske naloge je bil podrobneje raziskati
razvoj humorja te skupine otrok ter ugotoviti, kaj so prednosti in slabosti vpeljevanja
humorja v vzgojo in izobraževanje in ali je mogoče s humorjem slednje izboljšati. S
pregledom slovenske in tuje literature v teoretičnem ter izvajanjem aktivnosti in
izpolnjevanjem opazovalnih listov v praktičnem delu bomo skušali to dokaj neraziskano
temo podrobneje opredeliti in s tem prispevati k idejam za izboljšanje kakovosti učno-
vzgojnega procesa tako v vrtcih kot morebiti tudi šolah. Ključne besede: humor, razvoj, predšolska doba, otroci, vzgoja Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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8. The Bray–Liebhafsky oscillatory reaction as a chemosensor for benzenediolsAleksandra Pavičević, Marija Veles, Jelena P. Maksimović, Jelena Tošović, Urban Bren, Uroš Čakar, Maja C. Pagnacco, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: oscillatory reactions, Bray–Liebhafsky reaction, benzenediols, chemical sensors, radical scavenging Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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9. Isolation and characterization of nanocellulose from Polypodiophyta fern using chemo-mechanical methodKatja Vasić, Monika Dokl, Željko Knez, Maja Leitgeb, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Nanocellulose is considered a promising and sustainable biomaterial, with excellent properties of biorenewability with improved mechanical properties. As a unique natural biopolymer, it has been applied to many different industries, where efficient and environmentally friendly productions are in demand. For the first time, ferns from the class Polypodiopsida were used for the isolation of cellulose fibers, which was performed using a chemo-mechanical method. As chemical treatment plays a crucial role in the isolation of nanocellulose, it affects the efficiency of the extraction process, as well as the properties of the resulting nanocellulose. Therefore, mechanical fibrillation was performed via grinding, while the chemical process consisted of three different treatments: alkali treatment, bleaching, and acid hydrolysis. In three different experiments, each treatment was separately prolonged to investigate the differing properties of isolated nanocellulose. Structural analysis and morphological analysis were investigated by SEM, EDS, FT-IR, and DLS. The thermal stability of cellulose fibers was investigated by TGA/DSC. The morphology of obtained nanocellulose was confirmed via SEM analysis for all samples, with particles ranging from 20 nm up to 600 nm, while the most consistent sizes were observed for NC3, ranging from 20 to 60 nm. FT-IR spectra showed prominent absorption peaks corresponding to cellulose, as well as the absence of absorption peaks, corresponding to lignin and hemicellulose. The EDS confirmed the elemental purity of nanocellulose, while TGA/DSC indicated higher thermal stability of nanocellulose, compared to untreated fern, which started to degrade earlier than nanocellulose. Such characteristics with unique properties make nanocellulose a versatile biomaterial for the industrial production of cellulosic materials. Ključne besede: nanocellulose, isolation, Polypodiophyta fern, chemo-mechanical method, biomaterial, biopolymers Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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10. Correlation of trust and work engagement : a modern organizational approachAna Nešić, Slavica Mitrović Veljković, Maja Meško, Tine Bertoncel, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In modern organizations, in which changes are happening faster and more unpredictably, employees are gaining a more complex role and increasing importance. New approaches to employee insight, based on the heavy work investment concept (HWI), bring together different theoretical and practical approaches that attempt to explain the causes and consequences of certain organizational behaviors. The fundamental issue is determining whether engagement and trust, remain two of the critical factors of an organizations success, or are their roles in effectively organized systems significantly changed or reduced. This research aims to establish a correlation between trust and work engagement in on 787 respondents from 16 organizations in Serbia. Trust in organizations is measured through the dimensions of benevolence, integrity, competence and predictability. Engagement of employees is measured through the dimensions of energy, dedication and absorption. The results showed a significant correlation between dimensions of trust: benevolence/integrity and competence, with all work engagement dimensions. The strongest correlation is established between the trust dimension of benevolence/integrity and the work engagement dimension - energy. The significance of the research is reflected in the elucidation of behavioral factors of employees in organizations burdened with transitional changes. Ključne besede: work engagement, trust, organization, HWI concept, employees, Serbia Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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