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Computational modeling of natural convection in nanofluid-saturated porous media: an investigation into heat transfer phenomena : Janja Kramer Stajnko ... [et al.]
Janja Kramer Stajnko, Jure Ravnik, Renata Jecl, Matjaž P. Nekrep, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: A numerical study was carried out to analyze the phenomenon of natural convection in a porous medium saturated with nanofluid. In the study, the boundary element method was used for computational modeling. The fluid flow through a porous matrix is described using the Darcy– Brinkman–Forchheimer momentum equation. In addition, a mathematical model for nanofluids was used, which follows a single-phase approach and assumes that the nanoparticles within a fluid can be treated as an independent fluid with effective properties. A combination of single- and sub-domain boundary element methods was used to solve the relevant set of partial differential equations. The method was originally developed for pure flow scenarios, but also proves to be effective in the context of fluid flow through porous media. The results are calculated for the case of two- and three-dimensional square cavities. In addition to various values of dimensionless control parameters, including the porous Rayleigh number (Rap), Darcy number (Da), porosity (ϕ) and nanoparticle volume fractions (φ), the effects of the inclination angle of the cavity on the overall heat transfer (expressed by the Nusselt number (Nu)) and fluid flow characteristics were investigated. The results indicate a pronounced dependence of the overall heat transfer on the introduction of nanoparticles and inclination angle. The heat transfer in a two-dimensional cavity is increased for higher values of Darcy number in the conduction flow regime, while it is suppressed for lower values of Darcy number in the Darcy flow regime. In the case of a three-dimensional cavity, increasing the volume fraction of nanoparticles leads to a decrease in heat transfer, and furthermore, increasing the inclination angle of the cavity considerably weakens the buoyancy flow
Ključne besede: porous media, nanofluids, natural convection, boundary element method
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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Fluid flow simulation with an ▫$ℋ^2$▫ -accelerated boundary-domain integral method
Jan Tibaut, Jure Ravnik, M Schanz, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The development of new numerical methods for fluid flow simulations is challenging but such tools may help to understand flow problems better. Here, the Boundary-Domain Integral Method is applied to simulate laminar fluid flow governed by a dimensionless velocity–vorticity formulation of the Navier–Stokes equation. The Reynolds number is chosen in all examples small enough to ensure laminar flow conditions. The false transient approach is utilized to improve stability. As all boundary element methods, the Boundary-Domain Integral Method has a quadratic complexity. Here, the ℋ2 -methodology is applied to obtain an almost linear complexity. This acceleration technique is not only applied to the boundary only part but more important to the domain related part of the formulation. The application of the ℋ2 -methodology does not allow to use the rigid body method to determine the singular integrals and the integral free term as done until now. It is shown how to apply the technique of Guigiani and Gigante to handle the strongly singular integrals in this application. Further, a parametric study shows the influence of the introduced approximation parameters. For this purpose the example of a lid driven cavity is utilized. The second example demonstrates the performance of the proposed method by simulating the Hagen–Poiseuille flow in a pipe. The third example considers the flow around a rigid cylinder to show the behavior of the method for an unstructured grid. All examples show that the proposed method results in an almost linear complexity as the mathematical analysis promisses.
Ključne besede: boundary-domain integral method, velocity–vorticity, adaptive cross approximation, modified helmholtz equation, Yukawa potential, fast multipole method, ℋ-structure
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 7
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A novel pseudo-rigid body approach to the non-linear dynamics of soft micro-particles in dilute viscous flow
Jana Wedel, Matjaž Hriberšek, Jure Ravnik, Paul Steinmann, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: We propose a novel, demonstrably effective, utmost versatile and computationally highly efficient pseudo-rigid body approach for tracking the barycenter and shape dynamics of soft, i.e. nonlinearly deformable micro-particles dilutely suspended in viscous flow. Pseudo-rigid bodies are characterized by affine deformation and thus represent a first-order extension to the kinematics of rigid bodies. Soft particles in viscous flow are ubiquitous in nature and sciences, prominent examples, among others, are cells, vesicles or bacteria. Typically, soft particles deform severely due to the mechanical loads exerted by the fluid flow. Since the shape dynamics of a soft particle - a terminology that shall here also include its orientation dynamics - also affects its barycenter dynamics, the resulting particle trajectory as a consequence is markedly altered as compared to a rigid particle. Here, we consider soft micro-particles of initially spherical shape that affinely deform into an ellipsoidal shape. These kinematic conditions are commensurate with i) the affine deformation assumption inherent to a pseudo-rigid body and ii) the celebrated Jeffery-Roscoe model for the traction exerted on an ellipsoidal particle due to creeping flow conditions around the particle. Without loss of generality, we here focus on non-linear hyperelastic particles for the sake of demonstration. Our novel numerical approach proves to accurately capture the particular deformation pattern of soft particles in viscous flow, such as for example tank-treading, thereby being completely general regarding the flow conditions at the macro-scale and, as an option, the constitutive behavior of the particle. Moreover, our computational method is highly efficient and allows straightforward integration into established Lagrangian tracking algorithms as employed for the point-particle approach to track rigid particles in dilute viscous flow.
Ključne besede: soft particles, pseudo-rigid bodies, Barycenter and shape dynamics, Lagrangian particle tracking
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.09.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 12
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A coupled point particle two-phase heat and mass transfer model for dispersed flows based on Boundary Element Methods
Timi Gomboc, Matej Zadravec, Jure Ravnik, Matjaž Hriberšek, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: In dispersed multiphase flow processes we encounter coupled heat, mass and momentum transfer between the disoersed and the continuous phase. In the context of the subdomain Boundary Domain Integral Method (BDIM) solution of the Navier-Stokes equations a two-way coupling model is presented based on the use of the elliptic fundamental solution and the Dirac delta function properties which leads to accurate evaluation of the heat and mass point particle source impacts on the continuous (air) phase. In addition, the two-phase flow case under consideration is extended to the case of porous spherical particle drying with internal moving drying front, which is solved by the Boundary Element Method (BEM).
Ključne besede: heat transfer, mass transfer, Boundary Element Methods
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.07.2024; Ogledov: 113; Prenosov: 15
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Analiza uporabe nanotekočin v toplotnih prenosnikih : magistrsko delo
Andrej Špiler, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: V magistrskem delu je obravnavana simulacija toplotnega prenosnika v krožni zanki, v katerem je nanotekočina. Nanotekočina je stabilna suspenzija majhnih delcev v nosilni tekočini. V magistrskem delu je nosilni medij voda, v kateri so nanodelci Al2O3. Simulacija se je izvedla v programskem paketu Ansys Fluent. Geometrija toplotnega prenosnika je bila narejena po toplotnem prenosniku, uporabljenem pri eksperimentu, ki sta ga izvedla Cobanoglu in Haktan Karadeniz v delu ''Effect of nanofluic thermophysical propertis on the performance prediciton of single-phase natural ciculation loops'' [1]. Za opis snovnih lastnosti nanotekočin, ki so temperaturno in koncentracijsko odvisne, se je uporabil UDF (User Defined Function). Gibanje in obnašanje nanodelcev v tekočini se je v programski paket Ansys Fluent vstavilo kot UDS (User defined Scalar). Rezultati cevi premera 4,75 mm so se primerjali z rezultati iz eksperimenta [1] pri toplotnih močeh 10, 30 in 50 W. Naknadno so se naredile simulacije za premere 3, 4, 5 in 6 mm ter pregledal se je izkoristek glede na večanje koncentracije nanodelcev. Rezultati so pokazali, da se z višanjem koncentracije nanodelcev veča izkoristek toplotnega prenosnika in manjša hitrost tekočine.
Ključne besede: prenos toplote, toplotni prenosniki, nanodelci, nanotekočine, Ansys Fluent, UDF, UDS
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.04.2024; Ogledov: 253; Prenosov: 45
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Numerical simulations of the flow and aerosol dispersion in a violent expiratory event : Outcomes of the “2022 International Computational Fluid Dynamics Challenge on violent expiratory events
Jordi Pallares, Alexandre Fabregat Tomas, Akim Lavrinenko, Hadifathul Akmal bin Norshamsudin, Gabor Janiga, David Frederick Fletcher, Kiao Inthavong, Marina Zasimova, Vladimir Ris, Nikolay Ivanov, Robert Castilla, Pedro Javier Gamez-Montero, Gustavo Raush, Hadrien Calmet, Daniel Mira, Jana Wedel, Mitja Štrakl, Jure Ravnik, Douglas Hector Fontes, Francisco José De Souza, Cristian Marchioli, Salvatore Cito, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper presents and discusses the results of the “2022 International Computational Fluid Dynamics Challenge on violent expiratory events” aimed at assessing the ability of different computational codes and turbulence models to reproduce the flow generated by a rapid prototypical exhalation and the dispersion of the aerosol cloud it produces. Given a common flow configuration, a total of 7 research teams from different countries have performed a total of 11 numerical simulations of the flow dispersion by solving the Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) or using the Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) or hybrid (URANS-LES) techniques. The results of each team have been compared with each other and assessed against a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of the exact same flow. The DNS results are used as reference solution to determine the deviation of each modeling approach. The dispersion of both evaporative and non-evaporative particle clouds has been considered in 12 simulations using URANS and LES. Most of the models predict reasonably well the shape and the horizontal and vertical ranges of the buoyant thermal cloud generated by the warm exhalation into an initially quiescent colder ambient. However, the vertical turbulent mixing is generally underpredicted, especially by the URANS-based simulations, independently of the specific turbulence model used (and only to a lesser extent by LES). In comparison to DNS, both approaches are found to overpredict the horizontal range covered by the small particle cloud that tends to remain afloat within the thermal cloud well after the flow injection has ceased.
Ključne besede: numerical simulations, computational fluid dynamics
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.03.2024; Ogledov: 456; Prenosov: 458
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Coefficient of tangential restitution for non-spherical particles
Jana Wedel, Matjaž Hriberšek, Paul Steinmann, Jure Ravnik, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In various industrial and naturally occurring multiphase flows, whether dilute or dense, particle interaction plays a crucial role. In most cases, the particles are non-spherical, which poses a computational challenge in terms of particle motion and particle interaction, i.e. both particle–particle and particle–wall collisions. In this study, we present a novel frictional particle collision model to be used in general fluid flows. The model is derived for superellipsoidal particle shapes and thus allows consideration of frictional collisions of a wide variety of particle geometries. In this context, we derive an expression for the tangential coefficient of restitution applicable to arbitrarily shaped particles. Furthermore, we present the performance of the novel model by applying it to demonstrative examples ranging from two- to multi-particle systems.
Ključne besede: non-spherical particles, particle collision, tangential restitution coefficient, superellipsoids
Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.02.2024; Ogledov: 293; Prenosov: 34
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Development of an experimental Dead-End microfiltration layout and process repeatability analysis
Gorazd Bombek, Luka Kevorkijan, Grega Hrovat, Drago Kuzman, Aleks Kapun, Jure Ravnik, Matjaž Hriberšek, Aleš Hribernik, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Microfiltration is an important process in the pharmaceutical industry. Filter selection and validation is a time-consuming and expensive process. Quality by design approach is important for product safety. The article covers the instrumentalization and process control of a laboratory-scale dead-end microfiltration layout. The layout is a downscale model of the actual production line, and the goal is filter validation and analysis of process parameters, which may influence filter operation. Filter size, fluid pressure, valve plunger speed, and timing issues were considered. The focus is on the identification of the most influential process parameters and their influence on the repeatability of pressure oscillations caused by valve opening. The goal was to find the worst-case scenario regarding pressure oscillations and, consequently, filter energy intake. The layout was designed as compact as possible to reduce pressure losses between the filter and valve. Valve-induced pressure oscillations proved to be prevailing over the water hammer effect. Several filters in sizes between 3.5 cm2 and 6900 cm2 were tested, and some recommendations were suggested for the reduction of energy intake of the filter and to improve the repeatability of the process.
Ključne besede: filtration, pressure oscillations, repeatability, processes, parameters
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.02.2024; Ogledov: 425; Prenosov: 34
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