71. Konstruiranje naprave za vzvojno preizkušanjeMarko Hriberšek, 2012, diplomsko delo Opis: Za določanje mehanskih lastnosti materiala pri torzijski obremenitvi izvajamo torzijske
preizkuse, za le-te pa so običajno namenjeni posebni stroji. Izvajanje takih preizkusov pa je s
prilagojeno napravo možno tudi v laboratoriju z enoosnim tlačno-nateznim preizkuševalnim
V nalogi je predstavljeno konstruiranje naprave, ki nam omogoča da z enoosnim tlačnonateznim servo-hidravličnim strojem izvajamo tudi torzijske preizkuse na posebnih
preizkušancih s kvadratnim vpetjem, in tako nadzorujemo preizkus z obstoječo krmilno
konzolo za INSTRON-1255 z računalniškim vodenjem in zajemanjem podatkov.
Naloga zajema primerjavo klasične analitične rešitve preizkusa, rešitev problema z računalniško simulacijo ter rezultati izvedenega preizkusa. Ključne besede: vzvojno preizkušanje, torzija, strižna deformacija, strižni modul, utrujanje, simulacija preizkusa Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.11.2012; Ogledov: 1968; Prenosov: 273 Celotno besedilo (2,86 MB) |
72. Razvoj kompozitnega kolesa za dirkalnik Formula S GPE12Luka Jerman, 2012, diplomsko delo Opis: V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen začetni razvoj kolesa izdelanega iz kompozitnega materiala, ogljikovih vlaken prepojenih z epoksidno smolo, za dirkalnik razreda Formula Student. Predstavljene so splošne informacije o kompozitih z urejenimi kontinuiranimi vlakni v polimerni matrici. V namen numerične simulacije so izdelani linearno elastični materialni modeli treh vrst kompozita iz različnih tkanin ogljikovih vlaken z nateznimi preizkusi. Z numerično analizo je določena razporeditev in orientacija plasti kompozita po kolesu, s kriterijem togosti kolesa. Deloma je določena trdnost kolesa, po kriteriju porušitve plasti Tsa-Hill. Predstavljene so možnosti za nadaljevanje razvoja, do končnega izdelka. Ključne besede: kompoziti, kolo, platišče, GPE12, Formula Student, dirkalnik, ogljikova vlakna, epoksidna smola, laminat, Tsai-Hill, natezni preizkus, numerična analiza, ortotropija Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.11.2012; Ogledov: 2467; Prenosov: 350 Celotno besedilo (5,51 MB) |
73. Določitev preizkuševalne obremenitve za os veterne elektrarnePrimož Štefane, 2012, diplomsko delo Opis: Vsebina diplomske naloge opisuje konstrukcijo vetrnih elektrarn. Podrobna obravnava se nanaša na os vetrne elektrarne z direktnim pogonom, obremenitve na os, ki so posledica delovanja vetra, in lastnosti materiala osi. Cilj naloge je kontrola osi na ekstremne obremenitve in življenjsko dobo ter določitev primerjalne obremenitve, ki jo simuliramo pri izvajanju materialnega preizkusa. Pri reševanju problema upoštevamo standarde s tehničnega področja. Ključne besede: vetrna turbina, vetrna energija, os elise, obratovalna trdnost, obremenitveni spekter Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.11.2012; Ogledov: 2244; Prenosov: 308 Celotno besedilo (2,46 MB) |
74. Določevanje hitrosti širjenja utrujenostne razpoke v zvarnem spoju pri majhnih prirastkihJožef Predan, Nenad Gubeljak, Maks Oblak, Janko Legat, 2002, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Standardi in dokumenti za določitev hitrosti širjenja razpoke predvidevajo uporabo standardnih preizkušancev, na katerih je mogoče meriti dolžino razpoke od nekaj deset do nekaj sto milimetrov prirastka. Problem postaja težaven pri zvarnih spojih, kadar se merijo prirastki razpoke na skupni razdaljile nekaj milimetrov. Za to so poglavitni razlogi naslednji: utrujanje poteka z relativno nizko amplitudo faktorja intenzitete napetosti v področju utrujenostnega praga, mikro strukturna in trdnostna heterogenost zvarnega spoja, zaostale napetosti kot posledica varjenja, med utrujanjem se način odpiranja razpoke lokalno spreminja iz enoosno nateznega na ravninsko strižno in nasprotno. Omenjeni dejavniki se kažejo z izrazito neurejeno sliko hitrosti širjenja utrujenostne razpoke. V prispevku je opisan postopek za predobdelavo eksperimentalno izmerjenih vrednosti (prirastek razpoke, št. nihajev), ki omogoča zanesljivejšo določitev hitrosti širjenja utrujenostne razpoke v zvarnem spoju za majhne prirastke do zloma, ko faktor intenzitete napetosti preseže lomno žilavost. Ključne besede: zvarni spoji, utrujenostna razpoka, faktor intenzivnosti napetosti, prag Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2207; Prenosov: 117 Celotno besedilo (186,33 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
75. Strength mismatch effect on yield load in X-shaped weldment with centre crackDražan Kozak, Nenad Gubeljak, Jožef Predan, Franjo Matejiček, 2004, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: This paper provides yield load solutions for single edged fracture toughness specimen subjected to bending SE (B) with present X-shaped weld joint. The weld centre crack is located in the overmatch weld part. The corresponding fully plastic yield loads were obtained directly by plain strain FEM analysis for five characteristic a/W ratios: 0,1;0,2;0,3;0,4 and 0,5. Also, the influence of the sistematically varied weld root width 2H on the fracture behaviour has been evaluated. It was found that yield load decreases with the increasing weld root, because the undermatched region ahead the crack tip plays the dominant role. Ključne besede: fracture mechanics, X-shaped welded joints, centre crack, strength mismatching, plastic yield load, constraint effects Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 1794; Prenosov: 49 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
76. Application of the european SINTAP procedure to the failure analysis of a broken forkliftNenad Gubeljak, Uwe Zerbst, Jožef Predan, Maks Oblak, 2004, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The recently developed European flaw assessment procedure SINTAP was applied to the failure analysis of a broken fork of a forklift. Based on the service load at failure, critical crack sizes were determined at different analysis levels of the procedure. It was shown in the present case study that the failure was caused by defective design. Ključne besede: structural integrity, mechanics of structures, forklift, fracture mechanics, critical crack size, failure analysis, SINTAP procedure, load bearing capacity Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2294; Prenosov: 95 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
77. Assessment of the load-bearing capacity of a primary pipelineNenad Gubeljak, Jelena Vojvodič-Tuma, Borivoj Šuštaršič, Jožef Predan, Maks Oblak, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: High-alloyed Cr-Ni-based two-phase stainless steel (SS) cast alloys are commonly used in nuclear power plants. The mechanical equipment in these facilities can contribute to a reduction in its resistance to stable crack growth as a result of extended operating times and high temperatures. The toughness of these materials strongly depends on their delta (▫$/delta$▫) ferrite content, which spinodally decomposes into two phases with different ratios of Cr and Ni at a relatively low (slightly above 300 °C) temperature. This temperature is similar to the operating temperature of the vital parts, for example, the coolant system. The formation of two phases with the same crystalstructure but different lattice parameters causes internal elastic stresses that result in a hardness increase and an impact-toughness decrease. The result is an increased risk of crack formation in the stress-concentration zones such as the critical regions of different welded joints (e.g. "L, T, K and X" shapes). The values of the critical stress intensity factor change according to its position along the crack contour. Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess the influence of the materials' changes on the crack extension and the decrease of the primary pipeline's bearing capacity by taking account of the increased temperature and time of operation for the given loading conditions. The SINTAP (European Structural Integrity Assessment Procedure) was used for this assessment. Ključne besede: welding, welded joints, pipelines, fracture toughness testing, structure integrity assessment procedure Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2032; Prenosov: 93 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
78. Application of material forces to fracture of inhomogeneous materials : illustrative examplesFranz Dieter Fischer, Jožef Predan, Otmar Kolednik, N.K. Simha, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The material forces concept has become an elegant tool in continuum mechanics for the calculation of the thermodynamic driving force of a defect. Based on this concept, we have recently shown that inhomogeneities essentially shield or anti-shield crack tips from applied far-field stresses. The goal of this paper is to illustrate this by considering the model example of a crack in a CT-type specimen that contains a bimaterial interface. The crack driving force is calculated as the sum of the far-field driving force and the crack-tip shielding or anti-shielding. Several cases of inhomogeneity in either thermal or elastic properties are considered. Rather simple hand calculations are provided in addition to numerical results to illustrate the advantages of using the material forces concept. Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 1316; Prenosov: 85 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
79. On fracture behaviour of inhomogeneous materials - a case study for elastically inhomogeneous bimaterialsOtmar Kolednik, Jožef Predan, G.X. Shan, N.K. Simha, Franz Dieter Fischer, 2005, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper presents a case study, examining the influence of a sharp bimaterial interface on the effective crack driving force in a fracture mechanics specimen. The inhomogeneity of the elastic modulus in linear elasticand non-hardening and hardening elastic-plastic bimaterials is considered. The interface is perpendicular to the crack plane. The material properties and the distance between the crack tip and the interface are systematically varied. The effect of the material inhomogeneity is captured in form of a quantity called "material inhomogeneity term",▫$C_inh$▫. This term can be evaluated either by a simple post-processing procedure, following a conventional finite element stress analysis, or by computing the J-integral along a contour around the interface, ▫$J_int$▫. The effective crack driving force,▫$J_tip$▫, can be determined as the sum of ▫$C_inh$▫ and the nominally applied far-field crack driving force, ▫$J_far$▫. The results show that ▫$C_inh$▫ can be accurately determined by both methods even in cases where ▫$J_tip$▫-values are inaccurate. When a crack approaches a stiff/compliant interface,▫$C_inh$▫ is positive and ▫$J_tip$▫ becomes larger than ▫$J-far$▫. A compliant/stiff transition leads to a negative ▫$C_inh$▫, and ▫J_tip$▫ becomes smaller than ▫$J_far$▫. The material inhomogeneity term, ▫$C_inh$▫, can have the same order of magnitude as ▫$J_far$▫. Based on the numerical results, the dependencies of ▫$C_inh$▫ on the material parameters and the geometry are derived. Simple expressions are obtained to estimate ▫$C_inh$▫. Ključne besede: mechanics of structures, fracture toughness, inhomogeneous materials, J-integral, crack driving force, interface, material force Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 1720; Prenosov: 34 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
80. Crack tip shielding or anti-shielding due to smooth and discontinuous material inhomogeneitiesN.K. Simha, Franz Dieter Fischer, Otmar Kolednik, Jožef Predan, G.X. Shan, 2005, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper describes a theoretical model and related computational methods forexamining the influence of inhomogeneous material properties on the crack driving force in elastic and elastic-plastic materials. Following the configurational forces approach, the crack tip shielding or anti-shielding dueto smooth (e.g. graded layer) and discontinuous (e.g. bimaterial interface)distributions in material properties are derived. Computational post-processing methods are described to evaluate these inhomogeneity effects.The utility of the theoretical model and computational methods is demonstrated by examining a bimaterial interface perpendicular to a crack in elastic and elastic-plastic compact tension specimens. Ključne besede: fracture mechanics, fracture toughness, composite materials, layered material, inhomogeneity, cracks, finite element method, elastic bimaterials Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2697; Prenosov: 91 Povezava na celotno besedilo |