1. Analysis of higher-order bézier curves for approximation of the static magnetic properties of NO electrical steelsErmin Rahmanović, Martin Petrun, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Adequate mathematical description of magnetization curves is indispensable in engineering. The accuracy of the description has a significant impact on the design of electric machines and devices. The aim of this paper was to analyze the capability of Bézier curves systematically, to describe the nonlinear static magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels, and to compare this approach versus the established mathematical descriptions. First, analytic functions versus measurements were analyzed. The Bézier curves were then compared systematically with the most adequate analytic functions. Next, the most suitable orders of Bézier curves were determined for the approximation of nonlinear magnetic properties, where the influence of the range of the input measurement dataset on the approximation process was analyzed. Last, the extrapolation capabilities of the Bézier curves and analytic functions were evaluated. The general conclusion is that Bézier curves have adequate flexibility and significant potential for the approximation and extrapolation of nonlinear properties of non-oriented electrical steels. Ključne besede: analytical modeling, anhysteretic curve, applied mathematics, Bézier curve, curve fitting, first magnetization curve, major loop, mathematical modeling, non-oriented electrical steel Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.02.2024; Ogledov: 382; Prenosov: 25
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2. Modelling of unit differential reversal curves in the G2E hysteresis modelErmin Rahmanović, Martin Petrun, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Iron losses represent a crucial factor in the design process of electrical machines. For this reason, it is important to consider adequate hysteresis behavior within models which predict iron losses. A promising hysteresis description is the static hysteresis model developed by the G2Elab research group. It proposes a unique approach of modelling magnetization curves inside the major loop based on the so-called unit differential reversal curves (uDRCs). This work focuses on modelling of the uDRCs. We analyzed the accuracy and identification approaches of several uDRC models, where we compared the established model with simplified solutions with less parameters. Further, we analyzed the impact of individual models regarding identification convergence. Finally, we highlighted which simplified models give the best trade-off between the ease and stability of identification process of parameters, and the accuracy of the hysteresis model. Ključne besede: static hysteresis model, iron loss, loss surface model, magnetic material, mathematical modelling Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.01.2024; Ogledov: 214; Prenosov: 23
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3. Analiza zgodovinsko odvisnih histereznih modelov mehkomagnetnih materialov : magistrsko deloErmin Rahmanović, 2022, magistrsko delo Opis: V magistrskem delu je izvedena analiza zgodovinsko odvisnih histereznih modelov. Sodobni električni stroji in naprave so pogosto napajani s pretvorniki močnostne elektronike, ki povzročajo zapletene poteke magnetnih veličin v feromagnetnih jedrih. Trenutno uveljavljeni modeli so v večini primerov zgodovinsko neodvisni in niso zmožni pravilno opisati oblike malih zank znotraj limitne statične histerezne zanke, kar posledično privede do napačne ocene energijskih izgub v ciklu magnetenja. Za izboljšanje metod načrtovanja in dvig izkoristka sodobnih naprav je posledično potrebno razviti in uporabljati bolj točne modele, ki upoštevajo zgodovino magnetenja in ustrezno opišejo magnetilne krivulje tudi v primeru zapletenih neharmoničnih vzbujanj. Za izvedbo analize smo implementirali Zirka-Morozov in Loss-Surface histerezna modela, ki spadata v skupino fenomenoloških zgodovinsko odvisnih histereznih modelov. Analizo smo izvedli simulacijsko s programskim paketom Matlab/Simulink. Za oba modela smo na osnovi izvedenih analiz ugotovili, da upoštevata Madelungova pravila za zgradbo magnetilnih krivulj znotraj limitne statične histerezne zanke in zelo dobro opisujeta poljubne statične magnetilne pojave. Modela smo primerjali tudi med seboj in izpostavili prednosti in slabosti vsakega modela. Ključne besede: mehkomagnetni materiali, histerezne lastnosti, zgodovinsko odvisno magnetenje, modeliranje, poljubna oblika vzbujanja Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.10.2022; Ogledov: 917; Prenosov: 143
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