1. Uporaba obnovljivih virov energije za proizvodnjo toplotne energije v Šaleški dolini : magistrsko deloDejan Završnik, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Cene energentov po svetu strmo rastejo. Tudi v Šaleški dolini in v Komunalnem podjetju Velenje smo se začeli soočati z težavo višanja cen energije. Prav tako so okoljevarstvene zahteve vedno višje. Aktualna problematika v Šaleški dolini je zaprtje Premogovnika Velenje. S tem so se odprla vprašanja glede zagotavljanja količine potrebne toplotne energije in redne dobave le-te. Prav tako je neznanka cena toplotne energije iz Termoelektrarne Šoštanj. Naslednja zahteva je nov zakon o spodbujanju rabe obnovljivih virov energije (ZSROVE) za učinkovito daljinsko ogrevanje.
V tem zaključnem delu smo predstavili trenutno stanje daljinskega ogrevanja v Šaleški dolini. Nadaljevali smo z predstavitvijo razpoložljivih energetskih virov v Šaleški dolini. Sem spadajo OVE s kotlovnico na lesno biomaso in SPTE na lesno biomaso, OVE sončne energije, termična obdelava komunalnih odpadkov, odpadna toplota iz industrijskih in komunalnih sistemov, geotermalna energija in energija jezer v Šaleški dolini.
Prav tako smo določili možne mikro lokacije za postavitev teh obnovljivih proizvodnih virov toplote. Potem smo pogledali možnost vgradnje hranilnikov toplotne energije v sistem daljinskega ogrevanja.
Pojavljajo se potrebe po hitri regulaciji elektroenergetskih omrežij, ki jih ustvarja povečana proizvodnja električne energije iz OVE. Podrobno smo si ogledali možnost koriščenja nizkocenovne električne energije s hitro odzivnimi in visoko napetostnimi elektrodnimi kotli. Preračunali smo potrebne moči in jih integrirali v sistem daljinskega ogrevanja v Šaleški dolini. Ključne besede: obnovljivi viri energije, kogeneracija, biomasa, visoko napetostni katodni kotli, toplotna energija Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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3. Uporaba ocenjevalnih lestvic za nevrološko oceno bolnika z ishemično možgansko kapjo v predbolnišničnem okoljuRebeka Pečnik, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Uvod: Možganska kap je globalni zdravstveni problem, ki je vodilni vzrok invalidnosti in drugi najpogostejši vzrok smrti po vsem svetu. Zgodnje prepoznavanje simptomov je ključno za zmanjšanje tveganja trajnih poškodb. Uporaba predbolnišničnih presejalnih orodij lahko pomaga pri hitrejši obravnavi in oskrbi. Zgodnja prepoznava in zdravljenje možganske kapi bistveno izboljša izid in rehabilitacijo bolnikov. Pomembna je ozaveščenost javnosti in ustrezna usposobljenost zdravstvenega osebja za prepoznavanje simptomov, kar omogoča hitrejšo oskrbo in zmanjšuje tveganje za trajne posledice.
Metode: Izvedli smo sistematični pregled literature z metodo pregleda, analize in sinteze ter metodo kompilacije. Iskanje je potekalo v različnih podatkovnih bazah. Končni izbor člankov smo ocenili z orodjem Joanna Briggs Institutes.
Rezultati: Skupno smo pridobili 406 zadetkov. Po odstranitvi duplikatov ter pregledu naslovov in povzetkov smo izbrali 12 člankov za končno analizo. Za prikaz poteka pregleda literature smo uporabili PRISMA-diagram. Končni nabor člankov smo razvrstili po hierarhiji dokazov ter jih kritično ocenili.
Razprava in zaključek: Raziskave o prepoznavanju možganske kapi v predbolnišničnem okolju so pokazale kompleksnost tega področja. Za to se uporabljajo različne lestvice, vsaka s svojimi prednostmi in omejitvami. Pomembno je izobraževanje izvajalcev za učinkovito uporabo teh orodij. Ključne besede: možganska kap, lestvice za nevrološko oceno bolnika, predbolnišnično okolje Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 21
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4. Application of the VIKOR method for solving problems in logisticsStojanče Mijalkovski, Vasko Stefanov, Dejan Mirakovski, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: When companies make strategic decisions, responsible persons must take into account as many influential parameters as possible so that the solution to the given problem is the most optimal, that is, they make the most appropriate decision. Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) can find a very large application for solving such very complex and important issues, where it is of particular importance that the company makes the most appropriate decision. Making the optimal decision for a given problem directly affects the financial performance of a given company. In this paper, the VIKOR method will be applied, which until now has not been used to solve problems related to the choice of warehouse location, but is very often and very successfully used to solve various complex problems when applying multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). The purpose of this paper is to show that the VIKOR method can be successfully applied to select the optimal warehouse location for a company that has subsidiaries in multiple locations. Ključne besede: selection, location, warehouse, multi-criteria decision making, VIKOR method Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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5. Growth performance, meat quality, and fecal microbial population in limousin bulls supplemented with hydrolyzable tanninsAndrej Mergeduš, Marjan Janžekovič, Dejan Škorjanc, Tadeja Kraner Šumenjak, Maksimiljan Brus, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of supplementation of hydrolyzable tannins (HT) from sweet chestnut wood extract (Castanea sativa Mill.) to the diet of Limousin bulls on growth rate, carcass and meat quality traits, and fecal Clostridia strain levels in a 7-month feeding trial. Thirty-two bulls were randomly assigned to four treatment groups (CON (without addition of HT); TAN 1 (1 g HT kg−1 DM); TAN 2 (1.5 g HT kg−1 DM); and TAN 3 (1.5 g HT kg−1 DM with a nominally lower dose of concentrate). Compared with the CON group, supplementation with HT significantly (p < 0.050) increased bull growth rate during 4–7 months, whereas carcass and meat quality traits were unaffected during the last three months of fattening. Supplementation of HT significantly reduced meat drip loss (p = 0.000) compared with the CON group. No effects were observed on the total number of fecal Clostridia strains; however, the concentration of Clostridium perfringens was significantly lower (p = 0.004) in TAN 1 than that in the CON group. The results obtained in fattening bulls indicate that the addition of HT is justified in practice to improve growth performance and feed efficiency without adverse effects on the carcass and meat quality. Ključne besede: carcass characteristic, chestnut tannins, fecal Clostridia, growth performance, Limousin bulls, meat quality Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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6. Advanced tools for education : ChatGPT-based learning preparationsDejan Zemljak, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly permeating our daily lives, and the field of education is no exception. Technology already plays a significant role in education, and AI is rapidly advancing. Chatbots, for instance, have been used as a valuable tool in schools for decades. With the emergence of tools like ChatGPT, their usage has expanded even further. The presence of such tools can be highly beneficial for teachers in the educational setting. The study focused on the fact that ChatGPT can serve as an excellent support for teachers in lesson planning. The usefulness of the tool and the challenges that teachers may encounter when using it to create lesson plans were explored. The results of the study, based on the analysis of 58 lesson plans created using ChatGPT, revealed certain limitations. Therefore, it is crucial to empower teachers to make prudent use of this tool. Ključne besede: artificial intelligence, learning preparation, technology and engineering, natural science Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
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7. Agonistic interactions between littermates reappear after mixing multiple litters at weaning in pigsMaja Prevolnik Povše, Nikolina Mesarec, Janko Skok, Dejan Škorjanc, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Weaning involves mixing of unfamiliar litters and is accompanied by an outbreak of aggression, which is usually attributed to between-litter (BL) interactions. In the present study, we thus focused on post-weaning agonism (fighting and mounting) between littermates (within-litter, WL). Two litters were weaned into two pens separated by an empty pen and connected by narrow passages that were opened 24 h after weaning. WL interactions accounted for 38% and 68% of all fights and mounts, respectively, during a 7-day experimental period. After the passages were opened, not only BL, but also WL interactions increased significantly (by 6- to 7-fold on the first day of mixing). WL fights then gradually decreased, while WL mounts continued to increase. During the experimental period, the proportion of both WL fights and mounts decreased. The majority of WL fights (%80%) and mounts (%65%) occurred in home pens. A significantly higher percentage of draws was found in WL fights (50% of initiator wins and 41% of draws) compared to BL fights (80% of initiator wins and 11% of draws). Results also showed less asymmetry in the body weight of piglets involved in WL interactions. Mixing of litters at weaning was shown to involve not only intense interactions between unfamiliar piglets but also the recurrence of agonistic interactions between littermates, which is something we should keep in mind when pursuing the highest standards of weaner welfare. Ključne besede: pig, weaning, within-litter interactions, fighting, mounting Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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8. Testing the 'parasite-mediated domestication' hypothesis: a comparative approach to the wild boar and domestic pig as model speciesRenat Oleinic, Janez Posedi, Relja Beck, Nikica Šprem, Dubravko Škorput, Boštjan Pokorny, Dejan Škorjanc, Maja Prevolnik Povše, Janko Skok, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: domestication, domestication syndrome, endoparasites, helminths, protozoa, sus scrofa Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
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9. Short communication: The orientation of cubicles plays a role – greater deviation from the north-south direction, more technopathies in dairy cowsMaja Prevolnik Povše, David Slatinek, Ines Kramberger, Doris Filipič, Jože Starič, Andrej Toplak, Urška Erker, Andrej Mergeduš, Dejan Škorjanc, Janko Skok, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: cattle, magnetic alignment, stall equipment, animal welfare Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 8
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10. Education of refugee children within the INTREF project frameworkMaja Kerneža, Dejan Zemljak, Metka Kordigel Aberšek, Boris Aberšek, Polonca Legvart, Helena Konšak, Hakan Sari, Ildikó Hanuliaková, Loreta Huber, Inga Laurusone, Kübra Terzioglu, Metin Kiliç, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Amidst growing migratory movements and hurdles of assimilation, the INTREF initiative strives to craft a comprehensive strategy for the schooling of refugee children, melding e-learning, emotional and social support, along with adaptable teaching methods. This endeavor learns on principles like linguistic diversity, cross-cultural skills, and customizing the educational journey, crucial for assimilation and triumph within academic settings. Studies indicate the indispensability of bespoke linguistic assistance, cognizance of cultural variances, and personalized educational tactics for the seamless school transition and societal assimilation of children in refuge. The project devised a survey instrument aimed at evaluating the baseline educational scenario in the participating nations and formulating education plans tailored to specific needs. This survey zeroes on four pivotal areas: linguistic proficiency, cross-cultural consciousness, embracing diversity, and pedagogical customization. Feedback from 31 students, 30 teachers and 28 parents revealed a pressing need for augmented linguistic aid in Slovenia, heightened cross-cultural understanding, and classroom method modification to enrich the academic experiences of culturally diverse children. The findings also underscore a discernible discrepancy between the perspectives of educators versus those of parents and children. The insights from this survey lay the groundwork for creating innovative instructional units and resources, finely adapted to the needs of children in refuge. By forging links between theoretical insights and practical application, as well as among various educational stakeholders, INTREF is ready to enrich the discourse and practices surrounding inclusivity, and endeavor made increasingly pertinent by the recent global disruptions, including the migratory dilemma and the COVID-19 outbreak. Ključne besede: individualization of education, integration practices, intercultural competence, refugee children Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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