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Efficient encoding and decoding of voxelized models for machine learning-based applications
Damjan Strnad, Štefan Kohek, Borut Žalik, Libor Váša, Andrej Nerat, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Point clouds have become a popular training data for many practical applications of machine learning in the fields of environmental modeling and precision agriculture. In order to reduce high space requirements and the effect of noise in the data, point clouds are often transformed to a structured representation such as a voxel grid. Storing, transmitting and consuming voxelized geometry, however, remains a challenging problem for machine learning pipelines running on devices with limited amount of on-chip memory with low access latency. A viable solution is to store the data in a compact encoded format, and perform on-the-fly decoding when it is needed for processing. Such on-demand expansion must be fast in order to avoid introducing substantial additional delay to the pipeline. This can be achieved by parallel decoding, which is particularly suitable for massively parallel architecture of GPUs on which the majority of machine learning is currently executed. In this paper, we present such method for efficient and parallelizable encoding/decoding of voxelized geometry. The method employs multi-level context-aware prediction of voxel occupancy based on the extracted binary feature prediction table, and encodes the residual grid with a pointerless sparse voxel octree (PSVO). We particularly focused on encoding the datasets of voxelized trees, obtained from both synthetic tree models and LiDAR point clouds of real trees. The method achieved 15.6% and 12.8% reduction of storage size with respect to plain PSVO on synthetic and real dataset, respectively. We also tested the method on a general set of diverse voxelized objects, where an average 11% improvement of storage space was achieved.
Ključne besede: voxel grid, feature prediction, tree models, prediction-based encoding, key voxels, residuals, sparse voxel octree
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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A case study on entropy-aware block-based linear transforms for lossless image compression
Borut Žalik, David Podgorelec, Ivana Kolingerová, Damjan Strnad, Štefan Kohek, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Data compression algorithms tend to reduce information entropy, which is crucial, especially in the case of images, as they are data intensive. In this regard, lossless image data compression is especially challenging. Many popular lossless compression methods incorporate predictions and various types of pixel transformations, in order to reduce the information entropy of an image. In this paper, a block optimisation programming framework is introduced to support various experiments on raster images, divided into blocks of pixels. Eleven methods were implemented within , including prediction methods, string transformation methods, and inverse distance weighting, as a representative of interpolation methods. Thirty-two different greyscale raster images with varying resolutions and contents were used in the experiments. It was shown that reduces information entropy better than the popular JPEG LS and CALIC predictors. The additional information associated with each block in is then evaluated. It was confirmed that, despite this additional cost, the estimated size in bytes is smaller in comparison to the sizes achieved by the JPEG LS and CALIC predictors.
Ključne besede: computer science, information entropy, prediction, inverse distance transform, string transformations
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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Dojemanje oskrbe, osredotočene na pacienta, v treh klinikah za zdravljenje neplodnosti : vpliv zdravljenja v domačem okolju ali tujini in povračila stroškov
Veljko Vlaisavljević, Borut Kovačič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Namen te študije je bil oceniti izkušnje bolnikov z oskrbo, osredotočeno na bolnika (PCC), na treh klinikah za zdravljenje neplodnosti glede na kritje stroškov zdravljenja in kraj, kjer so bili zdravljeni.
Ključne besede: assisted reproductive therapy, cross-border patients, patient treatment experience, patient centeredness, quality of care
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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Effects of renewal investments in immovable cultural heritage on Slovenian public finances : convergence with selected EU countries
Borut Vojinović, France Križanič, Vasja Kolšek, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In our paper we provide a measure of the optimal state incentive needed for the purpose of regular investment in maintaining immovable cultural heritage. Slovenia annually needs 32.7 million euros of investment for the maintenance of its immovable cultural heritage, which is feasible with 16.4 million euros of state subsidies. Comparing the mechanisms of selected EU countries, we show convergence occurrences using an indirect approach. Investments in cultural heritage represent an increase in one of the components of final demand with a positive impact on the economy. This was assessed with Leontief's production function (effect via reproduction chain). Investments in the maintenance of immovable cultural heritage also have a positive impact on tourism revenue. According to the results of the input-output analysis, regular maintenance annually results in 60.9 million euros' value added with 22.4 million euros higher general government revenue. The net fiscal effect of incentives for these investments is positive for 36.5% of public funds spent.
Ključne besede: cultural property, cultural heritage, investments, fiscal policy, convergence (economics), European Union, EU
Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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3D verižne kode F26, F6 in 5OT za opis skeletov vokseliziranih objektov
Goran Pjević, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: V magistrskem delu opišemo tehnike za tvorbo 3D verižnih kod, primernih za opis skeletov vokseliziranih geometrijskih objektov. Osredotočimo se na Freemanovi verižni kodi v 26 in 6 smeri (F26 in F6) ter 5-ortogonalno verižno kodo (5OT). Te verižne kode nato uporabimo za stiskanje 3D skeletov. Verižne kode stisnemo z algoritmi stiskanja RLE, LZW, bzip2 in bzip3 ter primerjamo njihovo uspešnost.
Ključne besede: 3D geometrijski objekti, brezizgubno stiskanje podatkov, primerjava metod RLE, LZW, bzip2 in bzip3
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 9
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Moderna zgodovina razvoja pravnega sistema na slovenskem ozemlju : magistrsko delo
Tadej Makoter Rožmarin, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: V magistrski nalogi je v ospredju predvsem zgodovinski vidik razvoja celotnega slovenskega pravnega sistema, tako sodnega, kot tudi zakonodajnega. Gre za razpon zgodovinskih obdobij od Avstrijske monarhije, Avstro-Ogrske in vseh kasnejših oblik povezovanja balkanskih narodov, torej Jugoslavije, torej predvsem druga polovica 19. stoletja in 20 stoletje. Raziskoval bom ustavne ureditve, kako so vplivale na zakonodajo in ureditev, tako civilnega, kot kazenskega, družinskega, upravnega in volilnega, tako javnega kot zasebnega prava. Prav tako se bom osredotočil na pomembnejše posameznike, ki so s svojimi revolucionarnimi idejami in modernejšimi vidiki pomembno oblikovali tok razvoja prava in demokracije. Dotaknil se bom tudi političnih smeri in kako se je glede na ta prepričanja prilagajala zakonodaja in menjavalo vodstvo države. Pomembni vidik je tudi vpliv na razvoj in uporabo slovenskega jezika, ki ga bom preko dokumentov in arhivskih besedil v magistrski nalogi izpostavil in predstavil. Gre za enega od temeljev oblikovanja narodov in narodnega zavedanja ter oblikovanja uporabe prava v slovenščini in začetka slovenskih pravnih postopkov in sodstva. Med drugim bom izpostavil tudi pomembnejša ozemlja, na katera je bilo razdeljeno slovensko ozemlje, med različnimi obdobji in vladavino, kajti razvoj velikokrat ni bil enoten na vseh ozemljih, predvsem zaradi različnih vplivov sosednjih dežel in ljudstev ter razlikah v ideologiji prava. Geografsko gledano se bom najbolj osredotočil ravno na področje današnje Slovenije in okolico, predvsem Avstrijo, nekatere dele Italije in seveda bivše države SFR Jugoslavije, ker se je v moderni dobi ravno v tem času in teh vladavinah slovensko pravo najbolj razvijalo in na koncu koncev postalo samostojen in neodvisen pravni sistem.
Ključne besede: Ustava, monarhija, kraljevina, republika, pravni sistem, Slovenski jezik, zakon, komunizem, socializem, kapitalizem, temeljna načela, parlament, skupščina.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 14
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Novel GPU-accelerated high-resolution solar potential estimation in urban areas by using a modified diffuse irradiance model
Niko Lukač, Domen Mongus, Borut Žalik, Gorazd Štumberger, Marko Bizjak, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In the past years various methods have been developed to estimate high-resolution solar potential in urban areas, by simulating solar irradiance over surface models that originate from remote sensing data. In general, this requires discretisation of solar irradiance models that estimate direct, reflective, and diffuse irradiances. The latter is most accurately estimated by an anisotropic model, where the hemispherical sky dome from arbitrary surface’s viewpoint consists of the horizon, the circumsolar and sky regions. Such model can be modified to incorporate the effects of shadowing from obstruction with a view factor for each sky region. However, state-of-the-art using such models for estimating solar potential in urban areas, only considers the sky view factor, and not circumsolar view factor, due to high computational load. In this paper, a novel parallelisation of solar potential estimation is proposed by using General Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). Modified anisotropic Perez model is used by considering diffuse shadowing with all three sky view factors. Moreover, we provide validation based on sensitivity analysis of the method’s accuracy with independent meteorological measurements, by changing circumsolar sky region’s half-angle and resolution of the hemispherical sky dome. Finally, the presented method using GPPGU was compared to multithreaded Central Processing Unit (CPU) approach, where on average a 70x computational speedup was achieved. Finally, the proposed method was applied over a urban area, obtained from Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data, where the computation of solar potential was performed in a reasonable time.
Ključne besede: solar energy, solar potential, anisotropic diffuse irradiance, LiDAR, GPGPU
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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The Impact of climatic warming on earlier wine-grape ripening in Northeastern Slovenia
Stanko Vršič, Borut Pulko, Tadeja Vodovnik Plevnik, Andrej Perko, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: grapevine, climatic change, bioclimatic parameters, grape ripeness
Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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Structure and trends in climate parameters of wine-growing regions in Slovenia
Stanko Vršič, Borut Pulko, Andrej Perko, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: climate change, grapevine, bioclimatic parameters, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 7
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Region segmentation of images based on a raster-scan paradigm
Luka Lukač, Andrej Nerat, Damjan Strnad, Štefan Horvat, Borut Žalik, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper introduces a new method for the region segmentation of images. The approach is based on the raster-scan paradigm and builds the segments incrementally. The pixels are processed in the raster-scan order, while the construction of the segments is based on a distance metric in regard to the already segmented pixels in the neighbourhood. The segmentation procedure operates in linear time according to the total number of pixels. The proposed method, named the RSM (raster-scan segmentation method), was tested on selected images from the popular benchmark datasets MS COCO and DIV2K. The experimental results indicate that our method successfully extracts regions with similar pixel values. Furthermore, a comparison with two of the well-known segmentation methods—Watershed and DBSCAN—demonstrates that the proposed approach is superior in regard to efficiency while yielding visually similar results.
Ključne besede: segment, image analysis, distance metric, Watershed, DBSCAN
Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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