1. Sustainable development of ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina : a multi criteria assessmentBoris Prevolšek, Aleksandar Maksimović, Adis Puška, Karmen Pažek, Maja Borlinič Gačnik, Črtomir Rozman, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper explores ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina as an important element of rural and cultural tourism. The attractiveness of natural and cultural heritage is very important for sustainable rural tourism development. In order to improve the process of decision making to enable the sustainable development of ethno-villages, a multi-criteria assessment model has been developed. The methodology is based on qualitative modeling using a multi-criteria analysis via the DEXi software. The model is based on hierarchical relations consisting of three main criteria that are the basis of sustainable tourism development: economic, social, and environmental criteria. The ultimate goal of the model in this study was to evaluate ethno-villages, namely six ethno-villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results of the study show how ethno-villages contribute to sustainable development. Ključne besede: sustainable development, tourism, ethno-villages, DEXi, decision support, multi-criteria model, assessment Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 0
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2. Multicriteria assessment of the quality of waste sorting centers - ǂaǂ case studyKarmen Pažek, Jernej Prišenk, Simon Bukovski, Boris Prevolšek, Črtomir Rozman, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In this paper, the quality of the municipal waste sorting process in seven waste management centers in Slovenia was assessed using the qualitative multicriteria analysis (MCA) method DEX (Decision EXpert) implemented in DEXi software, which is based on multicriteria decomposition of the problem and utility functions in the form of ʺif-thenʺ decision rules. The study was based on eight types of secondary raw materials. The quality of the secondary raw materials, the regularity of the delivery of secondary raw materials to recycling units based on the sorting efficiency, and the loading weight of the individual baled fractions in the transport of secondary raw materials for recycling were the main parameters used in the model. The final assessment shows good waste management service in centers A and D. Centers B, C, and F were rated ʺaverageʺ. The ʺbadʺ rating was assigned to centers E and G. Ključne besede: waste sorting, quality management, multicriteria decision analysis, expert system DEXi Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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3. A system dynamics approach to decision-making tools in farm tourism developmentMaja Borlinič Gačnik, Črtomir Rozman, Andrej Škraba, Boris Prevolšek, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Background: Besides visiting the main tourist attractions in Slovenia, many tourists want to spend their free time in the countryside as well, but the number of farming establishments in Slovenia diminished distinctly in the last years.
Objectives: This paper aims to develop a system dynamics model, with the goal to analyse dynamics of the diversification of agricultural holdings into farm tourism activities in Slovenia.
Methods/Approach: A system dynamics methodology was chosen to model the diversification in farm tourism. First, we present a basic concept of a system dynamics model with a causal loop diagram. Further, a system dynamics model with different scenarios is presented.
Results: The main feedback loops were identified, and the simulation model was used to analyse different simulation scenarios of the transition of farming establishments into farm tourism facilities.
Conclusions: The model provides the answers to the strategic questions about the dynamics of transfer into tourist farms, using several simulation scenarios. The transition mainly relies on subsidies, promotion of diversification and the growth of rural tourism, which provides a relevant direction for the development of future incentives. Ključne besede: farm tourism, rural tourism, modelling, system dynamics, causal loop diagram, simulation Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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4. Developing a diversification strategy of non-agricultural activities on farms using system dynamics modelling : a case study of SloveniaMaja Borlinič Gačnik, Boris Prevolšek, Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Andrej Škraba, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Purpose: This paper aims to analyse the main variables and causal relationships in the system structure of the diversification of non-agricultural activities on agricultural holdings using system dynamics (SD) modelling. The SD model aims to simulate depictions of the behaviour of the real system while testing the effects of alternative decisions over time.
Design/methodology/approach: An SD methodology was chosen to model diversification in farm tourism.
Findings: A system approach increases the authors’ understanding of the transition of agricultural holdings to farm tourism. The results indicate that the transition to farm tourism depends on the level of tourism development in a certain area. The system is influenced by subsidies allocated by authorities to expand primary agricultural activities. The model describes a situation in which the tourism and agricultural industries have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research limitations/implications: The research is limited by the small set of available data due to the limited number of farms in Slovenia. One major problem is the difference in statistical data on the same activity collected from different institutions in Slovenia.
Practical implications: The paper includes implications for understanding the transition process to farm tourism, allowing policymakers to experiment with subsidies and promotion to explore the efficacy and efficiency of proposed policies.
Originality/value: This study provides a structured, systemic view of the diversification of non-agricultural activities on agricultural holdings, where the simulation results are a reliable reflection of the behaviour of the actual system being modelled. Ključne besede: system dynamics, modelling, simulation, diversification, farm tourism, farm policy, Slovenia, simulation scenarious Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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5. Varnost na velikem športnem dogodku - "Evropsko žensko prvenstvo v rokometu 2022" : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijaPetra Kramar, 2024, diplomsko delo Opis: Varnost v turizmu je ključnega pomena, zlasti med večjimi športnimi dogodki. Gostovanje velikih srečanj ljudi, vključno z mednarodnimi obiskovalci, zahteva natančno načrtovanje in učinkovite varnostne ukrepe za zagotovitev varnosti vseh udeležencev. To vključuje nadzor množic, protokole za odzivanje v sili, protiteroristične ukrepe in ukrepe javne varnosti. Pričujoča naloga preučuje Evropsko žensko prvenstvo v rokometu 2022, ki se je izvajalo v Sloveniji, Makedoniji in Črni gori. Preučili smo način, kako se je varnost izvajala v Celjski dvorani Zlatorog. To smo storili s pomočjo intervjujev predstavnika varnostne družbe Sintal in predstavnika celjske policije. Na podlagi odgovorov smo odgovorili na raziskovalna vprašanja in podali predloge za izvajanje varnosti na velikih športnih dogodkih. Ti so izvedba temeljite ocene tveganja, razvitje celovitega varnostnega načrta, sodelovanje z organi kazenskega pregona in službami za nujno pomoč, izvedba strogega nadzora dostopa, uporaba nadzornih sistemov, zaposlitev usposobljenega varnostnega osebja, učinkovito upravljanje z množicami, oblikovanje načrta ukrepanja v sili, vzpostavitev učinkovitih komunikacijskih kanalov, posvečanje pozornosti kibernetski varnosti, izobraževanje javnosti in uporaba napredne tehnologije. Ključne besede: rokomet, veliki športni dogodki, varnost, turizem Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 13
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6. Applying integrated data envelopment analysis and analytic hierarchy process to measuring the efficiency of tourist farms : The Case of SloveniaBoris Prevolšek, Maja Borlinič Gačnik, Črtomir Rozman, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper examines the efficiency of tourist farms in Slovenia by adopting an approach using a framework of non-parametric programming—Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), combining the two because the DEA analysis by itself does not take into account all attributes, especially qualitative ones. The beforementioned two methods rank the farm tourism units with respect to their efficiency. By using the DEA method, an input- and output-oriented BCC and CCR model were introduced to upgrade the criteria by including the additional non-numerical criteria of the AHP. The results of the models showed that there are possible improvements on all levels of efficiency, as well as on the criteria of the additional offer of tourist farms, which were analyzed in the AHP model with additional criteria. According to the estimated efficiency, the ranking of tourist farms differed according to the two methods. Within the group of farms assessed as efficient by DEA, the AHP model allowed a more accurate ranking. Ključne besede: farm tourism, tourist farms, efficiency, data envelopment analysis (DEA), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), Slovenia Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.04.2024; Ogledov: 281; Prenosov: 19
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7. Uvajanje lokalne participacije v pedagoški procesBarbara Pavlakovič Farrell, Marko Koščak, 2024 Opis: Učbenik »Uvajanje lokalne participacije v pedagoški proces« izpostavlja pomen vključenosti različnih skupnosti v procese načrtovanja razvoja turizma. V uvodnem delu je predstavljen sam pojem lokalna participacija oziroma sodelovanje javnosti pri načrtovalskih procesih v turizmu. Pojasnjeni so razlogi in stopnje vključevanja javnosti v razvojne procese. Učbenik nadalje predstavi primere dobre prakse sodelovanja z lokalno skupnostjo iz tujine in Slovenije. Nato se učbenik osredotoči na sam postopek vključevanja javnosti, kjer so opisani posamezni koraki sodelovanja ter podani konkretni nasveti glede organizacije participativnih dogodkov. Še posebej so izpostavljene tehnike javne participacije, ki se jih lahko poslužimo pri sodelovanju z različnimi deležniki. Učbenik na koncu predstavi primere vključevanja lokalne participacije v študijski proces na Fakulteti za turizem Univerze v Mariboru ter poda osnutek delovnega načrta za prihodnje primere vključevanja sodelovanja s skupnostmi v študijski proces. Ključne besede: lokalna participacija, načrtovanje turizma, sodelovanje, deležniki, tehnike javne participacije Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.02.2024; Ogledov: 398; Prenosov: 251
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8. The Phenomenon of (Sustainable) Tourism Activities on Farms in Slovenia During the COVID-19 PandemicMaja Borlinič Gačnik, Boris Prevolšek, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is the reason why the development trends of the tourism industry are changing today. The purpose of this article is to address issues of future tourism industry development, linking it to elements of sustainable development trends. The article presents the main elements of the sustainable concept of rural and farm tourism. Using the method of compilation and description, we want to check, based on statistical data related to farm tourism activities in Slovenia (before and during the COVID-19 pandemic), whether it is possible to detect development trends in Slovenia, in the direction of sustainability that are linked to the concept of farm tourism. This study also aims to identify a number of measures that can improve sustainability at the farming tourism level in Slovenia, in a post-COVID phase. According to the findings of numerous comparisons and statistical analysis, it can be stated that the future development trends show a great need to develop the decarbonisation of the industry, digitalisation of industry, and the involvement of the local population in the provision of services. In the present global situation, we have reached a point where it will be necessary to focus on sustainable and digital forms of the industry, in order to further post-COVID development of the tourism industry. Ključne besede: COVID-19, post-COVID world, sustainable tourism, farm tourism, Slovenia, future development Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.01.2024; Ogledov: 322; Prenosov: 13
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9. Inclusion of dark heritage in the contemporary tourist offer of the city of MariborKatja Raušl, Boris Prevolšek, Marjetka Rangus, 2022, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji Opis: Dark tourism is a form of tourism based on visiting places with a connection to death, violence, suffering, or natural disasters. Human fascination with death is not new, it has been present and observable since ancient times. Nowadays, numerous products of the entertainment industry rely on the theme of death as a driving force of humanity. In terms of modern dark tourism, we discuss a wide spectrum of motives behind this, which primarily come from a desire to encounter death, either staged or from a personal standpoint. In this research, we analysed how dark tourism developed through time and across the world, its role in the tourism offers of Slovenia, and what is the perception of dark tourism in the city of Maribor. Our focus is on several gruesome events that took place over the centuries of Maribor's rich history. In this case study, we analyse the stories based on these events, evaluate the spectrum of dark heritage according to theoretical models and suggest the development of new tourism products. Ključne besede: dark tourism, war, death, witches, cemeteries, paranormal, killings, battles, Maribor Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.01.2024; Ogledov: 358; Prenosov: 27
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10. Diskurz varnosti v turizmu : svet in SlovenijaJanez Mekinc, Boris Prevolšek, Sebastjan Repnik, Anita Trnavčevič, Bojan Kurež, 2023, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji Opis: Namen prispevka je odpreti diskurz o vplivu in pomenu varnosti na turizem v svetu in Sloveniji, kajti varnost je osnovni in temeljni pogoj za razvoj in delovanje turizma, kar še zlasti občutimo v času krize zaradi pandemije COVIDA-19. V prispevku bomo proučili, analizirali, primerjali, pregledali ter kritično ovrednotili sodobno domačo in tujo literaturo in vire s področja varnosti v turizmu. V obliki diskurza bomo predstavili ugotovitve in rezultate raziskav in znanstvenih objav, ki postavljajo koncept varnosti v kontekst turizma. Uporabili smo deduktivni znanstveni pristop in upoštevali načelo od splošnega do specifičnega. Diskurz na začetku obravnava splošno varnost v svetu, se nato osredotoči na varnost v turizmu in na koncu na varnost v turizmu v Sloveniji (Repnik, 2022). Ključne besede: varnost, turizem, COVID-19, koncepti varnosti, izzivi varnosti v turizmu Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.10.2023; Ogledov: 560; Prenosov: 80
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