1. Razvoj metodologije za načrtovanje geotehničnih konstrukcij na podlagi verjetnosti porušitve in večnamenske optimizacijeRok Varga, 2024, doktorska disertacija Opis: Zemljine in kamnine na mestu, kjer so zgrajeni geotehnični objekti, predstavljajo inženirju negotov element, saj začetno napetostno stanje, predhodne obremenitve in razbremenitve ter prekonsolidacija zemljin niso znane. Prav tako se lastnosti zemljin spreminjajo v vertikalni in horizontalni smeri. Za upoštevanje raznih negotovosti pa se za načrtovanje konstrukcij uporabljajo verjetnostne analize. Za namene, da bi lahko upoštevali to negotovost, smo v doktorski disertaciji razvili celovit pristop za optimalno načrtovanje geotehničnih konstrukcij na podlagi verjetnosti porušitve in stroškov gradnje, z osredotočenostjo na večnamensko optimizacijo. Kadar načrtujemo konstrukcijo na podlagi verjetnosti porušitve, pravimo pristopu verjetnostna analiza ali angleško reliability based design (RBD). Naša razvita metodologija za optimizacijo uporablja genetski algoritem, ki je kodiran z realnimi števili.
V doktorski disertaciji smo analizirali številne metode, ki se uporabljajo pri načrtovanju geotehničnih konstrukcij na podlagi verjetnosti porušitve, pri čemer smo predstavili teoretična izhodišča in na primeru horizontalnega zdrsa točkovnega temelja pokazali njihovo kompleksnost.
Tako imenovana »razširjena RBD metoda« se je izkazala za inženirjem najbolj prijazno metodo, saj poda kakovostnejše informacije o zasnovi in o porušitvenih mehanizmih. V vseh treh aplikativnih primerih geotehničnih konstrukcij, to so težnostni podporni zid, geotermalni pilot in vpeta vitka oporna konstrukcija, smo pridobili detajlne podatke o kritičnih pogojih nosilnosti za porušitev, kar omogoča inženirjem, da preprečijo specifičen porušitveni mehanizem z dotično spremembo zasnove. V tem smislu smo postavili tudi glavno tezo doktorske disertacije, in sicer, da je možno razviti učinkovito metodologijo za načrtovanje geotehničnih konstrukcij na podlagi verjetnosti porušitve in z večnamensko optimizacijo.
Analize in primerjave z načrtovanjem geotehničnih konstrukcij v skladu z Evrokodom, ki upošteva delne količnike varnosti, pa so pokazale, da je razvita metodologija bolj občutljiva na vse spremenljivke in robne pogoje, kar omogoča celovitejšo obravnavo konstrukcij in privede do optimalnih zasnov danih konstrukcij.
Tako je bil z razvojem in preizkušanjem metodologije potrjen potencial le-te za praktično uporabo v inženirski praksi, kar bi lahko omogočalo dodatno analizo konstrukcij za večjo zanesljivost in bolj ekonomično gradnjo geotehničnih konstrukcij. Ključne besede: Verjetnost porušitve, optimizacija, genetski algoritem, geotermalni piloti, geotehnične konstrukcije Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 25
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2. Cost effectiveness of chip seal and hot mix asphalt pavementsBojan Žlender, Cahit Gürer, Rok Varga, Primož Jelušič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Chip seal pavements, consisting of one or more layers of asphalt binder and fine aggregate, can be mechanically characterized as a surface treatment that enhances evenness and trafficability. This paper examines the geotechnical aspects of chip seal applicability compared to traditional hot mix asphalt pavements. An analytical model was employed to design unpaved roads and determine the required thickness of unbound layers. Eight optimization models were developed for hot mix asphalt pavements and four for chip seal pavements, aimed at achieving optimal designs for various input parameters. These outcomes were used to conduct a multi-parametric analysis, incorporating an optimization loop for each combination of design variables. The results indicate that, under low traffic conditions, a chip seal pavement structure can be up to 40% less expensive than an optimal hot mix asphalt pavement structure, particularly when the subgrade has low bearing capacity and is exposed to unfavorable climatic conditions. However, at medium traffic loads, with good subgrade bearing capacity and favorable climate, the chip seal pavement structure incurs costs that are 25% higher than those of the hot asphalt pavement structure. In addition, chip seal pavements should always be designed with integrated geosynthetic reinforcement to minimize construction costs, and chip seal is not as sensitive to frost as hot mix asphalt. Ključne besede: chip seal, hot mix asphalt, pavement design, cost optimization Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
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3. Optimization of embedded retaining walls under the effects of groundwater seepage using a reliability-based and partial factor design approachRok Varga, Bojan Žlender, Primož Jelušič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In this paper, a comparative analysis of the effects of groundwater, seepage and hydraulic heave on the optimal design of embedded retaining walls is carried out. The optimization model for an optimal retaining wall (ORW) minimizes the total length of the retaining wall considering design constraints. The model is extended to include the probability of failure as an additional constraint. This overcomes the limitations of the partial safety factor approach, which does not fully account for uncertainties in the soil. In contrast, the reliability-based design (RBD) approach integrates these uncertainties and enables an assessment of the impact of seepage and hydraulic heave on the reliability of the structure. A real-coded genetic algorithm was used to determine optimal designs for both optimization methods. The results of the case study show that the addition of seepage (groundwater flow) to the hydrostatic conditions has a modest effect on the embedment depth. The design based on partial safety factors, which takes seepage into account, leads to a slight increase in the embedment depth of 0.94% compared to a retaining wall design that only takes the hydrostatic conditions of the groundwater into account. When designing on the basis of probability failure, the percentage increase in embedment depth due to seepage is between 2.19% and 6.41%, depending on the target probability of failure. Furthermore, the hydraulic heave failure mechanism did not increase the required embedment depth of the retaining wall, which means that the failure mechanism of rotation near the base was decisive for the design. Ključne besede: embedded retaining wall, reliability-based design, partial safety factor design, optimization, genetic algorithm Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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4. Sustainable retaining wall solution as a mitigation strategy on steep slopes in soft rock massPrimož Jelušič, Goran Vlastelica, Bojan Žlender, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Steep slopes in soft rock are characterized by their susceptibility to instability (rockfall,
rockslide) due to weathering and erosion of the slope surface. This article deals with the problem of
adapting to the increasing height of the scree slope. The construction of a retaining wall in a scree
slope in front of a slope of soft rock with a steep face, where a very rapid weathering and erosion
process of weathered material takes place, and the simultaneous deposition of material in front of
the steep slope is a common solution. Changes in the geometry of the slope and the front scree are
taken into account, and at the same time, sufficient safety against rockfall must be ensured. The
analysis is shown on a specific example of a steep flysch slope near Split, Dalmatia. The retaining
wall solutions are compared in terms of function, cost and sustainability. The construction of a single
colossal, reinforced concrete retaining wall shows that this solution is not feasible due to the high
construction costs and CO2 emissions of the retaining wall. A model was therefore developed to
determine the height of the retaining walls for different construction time intervals and distances
from the original rock face. The critical failure modes were investigated for various retaining wall
solutions with regard to the highest degree of utilization of the resistance, which also allows the
cost-optimized solutions to be determined. By building two or more successive retaining walls at
suitable intervals and at an appropriate distance from the original rock face, construction costs and
CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced. Ključne besede: retaining wall, erosion, rockfall, steep slope, flysch, sustainable design, cost optimization Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 7
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5. Analiza posedkov in napetosti geotermalnih pilotov : magistrsko deloMitja Madjar, 2023, magistrsko delo Opis: V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo določitev posedkov geotermalnih pilotov in osnih napetosti zaradi mehanske in termalne obremenitve. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali geotermalno energijo, vrste geotermalnih konstrukcij in navedli nekaj primerov iz prakse. V računskem delu pa smo izračunali vertikalno nosilnost pilota z metodo, ki jo je podal Berezantzev. Posedek zaradi mehanske obremenitve pa smo izračunali po metodi, ki jo je razvil Poulos. Izračunali smo tudi posedek pilota zaradi temperaturne obremenitve in analizirali vpliv spremembe temperature v različnih zemljinah in glede na dolžino pilota.
Analiza kaže na to, da je vpliv spremembe temperature na geotermalni pilot manjši v primerjavi z mehansko obremenitvijo na pilot, vendar ga ne smemo zanemariti, predvsem v drobnozrnatih zemljinah. Ključne besede: geotermalna energija, geotermalne konstrukcije, geotermalni piloti, posedki Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.09.2023; Ogledov: 439; Prenosov: 42
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6. Potential of using waste materials in flexible pavement structures identified by optimization design approachPrimož Jelušič, Süleyman Gücek, Bojan Žlender, Cahit Gürer, Rok Varga, Tamara Bračko, Murat V. Taciroğlu, Burak E. Korkmaz, Şule Yarcı, Borut Macuh, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper presents the design of geosynthetic reinforced flexible pavements and their modification by incorporating waste materials into bonded and unbonded layers of the pavement structure. The optimal design of flexible pavements was achieved by minimizing the construction cost of the pavement. The incorporation of waste materials into the pavement structure affects the material properties. Therefore, along with the traffic load, the effects of the material properties of the asphalt concrete, base layer, sub-base layer, and subgrade were analyzed in terms of pavement structure costs and CO2 emissions of materials used in pavement construction. In addition, a comparison was made between pavements with and without geosynthetic reinforcement in terms of design, optimum construction cost, and CO2 emissions. The use of geosynthetics is even more effective in pavement structures that contain waste materials in an unbound layer, both in terms of cost and CO2 emissions. The minimum value of the California Bearing Ratio of the subgrade was determined at which the use of geosynthetic reinforcement for pavement structure with and without the inclusion of waste materials is economically and sustainably justified. The use of geosynthetics could result in a 15% reduction in pavement structure cost and a 9% reduction in CO2 emissions due to the reduced thickness of unbound layers. In addition, reducing the CBR of the unbound layer from 100% to 30% due to the inclusion of waste materials implies a cost increase of up to 13%. While the present study is based on an empirical pavement design method in which pavement thickness is limited by the pavement thickness index, the same minimum thicknesses are obtained in the optimization process regardless of whether the objective function is the minimum construction cost or minimum CO2 emissions. Ključne besede: pavement design, waste materials, optimization, minimum construction cost, CO2 emissions, geosynthetics, waste management Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.09.2023; Ogledov: 644; Prenosov: 55
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7. Implementation of climate change effects on slope stability analysisTamara Bračko, Bojan Žlender, Primož Jelušič, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The objective of this study is to determine the impacts of expected climate change on slope stability. For this purpose, the case study of a slope instability, that was triggered in 2021 was selected. The stability analysis was performed considering the theory of rainfall infiltration and using Geo-Studio’s SEEP/W module for the surface infiltration model of the slope. A parametric stability analysis of the slope was conducted to determine the importance of climate change on slope stability. Conditions for changes in volumetric water content, water permeability, porewater pressure, and groundwater flow are important. When soil permeability is low, the factor of safety decreases during rainfall events and on the days following, while when permeability is higher, safety increases after rainfall events. The effect of lower cohesion is nearly linear, with the factor of safety decreasing by 0.1 for every 1 kPa less cohesion. The increase in net infiltration of water may be the most critical factor for slope instability. The results of the analysis indicate that timely reduction of water net infiltration through planting and proper surface water runoff from the upper road and slope would be a relatively simple and inexpensive measure compared to the cost of remediating the landslide, considering expected climate change. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze all slopes with respect to the expected climate change, taking into account the potential impacts of climate change. Ključne besede: climate change adaptation, slope stability, rainfall infiltration, water net infiltration, seepage analyses Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.08.2023; Ogledov: 478; Prenosov: 78
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9. Teorija uvrtanih pilotov s cevitvijo ter preveritev nosilnosti posameznih pilotov na lokaciji Javornik - nakupovalni center : diplomsko deloRok Lačen, 2023, diplomsko delo Opis: Piloti so linijski elementi, ki imajo funkcijo prenosa obremenitve iz konstrukcije na globljo plast tal, ki ima ustrezne lastnosti. Zakonitosti mehanike tal omogočajo predvidevanje odziva pilotov na obremenitev. Na ta odziv močno vpliva način vgradnje pilotov, zato je treba upoštevati interakcijo pilota in temeljnih tal.
V diplomskem delu smo prikazali postopek preveritve nosilnosti uvrtanih pilotov s cevitvijo.
Za analizo nosilnosti pilotov se je izbralo območje pri Javorniku v občini Ravne na Koroškem, kjer se je na pilotih zgradil trgovski center. Za izračun nosilnosti smo uporabili metodo, ki jo razvil Berezantsev (metoda 1), ter metodo, ki sta jo podala Décourt and Quaresma (metoda 2). Ugotovili smo, da se metodi med seboj očitno razlikujeta, kar se odraža tudi na nosilnosti pilotov. Pri metodi 1 izračunamo nosilnost pilotov na podlagi strižnih parametrov zemljine, ki so pridobljeni na podlagi terenskih preiskav. Pri metodi 2 se izračunamo nosilnost pilota neposredno na podlagi terenske preiskave, tj. rezultatov standardnih penetracijskih preizkusov (SPT). Glede na izračune nosilnosti pilotov, podane v geološkem – geotehničnem poročilu izvedenega projekta, lahko ugotovimo, da se ujemajo z rezultati, pridobljenimi z metodo 1. Ključne besede: gradbeništvo, temeljenje, piloti, nosilnost, izračun. Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.01.2023; Ogledov: 834; Prenosov: 123
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10. Analitična in numerična analiza časovnega razvoja posedka : diplomsko deloKlara Šoster, 2022, diplomsko delo Opis: Diplomska naloga prikazuje izračun posedka pod enakomerno brezkrajno pasovno obtežbo, končni čas posedanja ter časovni razvoj posedka. Izračun posedka je bil izračunan z analitično metodo, ki temelji na srednjem modulu stisljivosti. Numerična analiza posedka pa je bila izvedena z računalniškim programom Plaxis, ki temelji na metodi končnih elementov. V uvodnem delu so opisane nekatere osnovne zakonitosti mehanike tal in modeli za simulacijo odziva zemljine na spremembo napetosti. V nadaljevanju je prikazan analitični izračun časovnega razvoja posedka z obrazložitvijo uporabljenih metod in enačb. Prikazani pa so tudi koraki modeliranja v programu Plaxis, ki so potrebni za numerično analizo časovnega razvoja posedka. Izvedena je primerjava rezultatov analitične in numerične metode na podlagi velikosti posedka in končnega časa posedanja. Rezultati analitične in numerične analize izkazujejo veliko stopnjo ujemanja, saj so bili izračuni izvedeni na podlagi enakih materialnih lastnosti. Numerična analiza pa vendarle podaja natančnejšo oceno posedka in končni čas posedanja, saj je pri numerični analizi zemeljski pol-prostor razdeljen na manjše elemente kot pri analitični metodi izračuna posedka. Računalniški program prav tako omogoča natančno določitev začetnih efektivnih napetosti in spremembo napetosti, ki so posledica obremenitve ali konsolidacije. Ključne besede: posedek, konsolidacija, numerična analiza Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.08.2022; Ogledov: 704; Prenosov: 65
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