1. Artificial intelligence in travel agencies in Slovenia : 1st cycle professional bachelor's studies graduate thesisArmin Bičo, 2024, diplomsko delo Opis: Guided by the experience of how travel agencies operate and the significant expansion and success of artificial intelligence, an opportunity was seen to connect and explore these two areas. Many business processes in travel agencies are still outdated and monotonous, and can certainly be automated, such as data processing and analysis. Existing systems could be improved, and new ones could be introduced to enhance service quality and market competitiveness. The goal was to investigate how familiar travel agencies in Slovenia are with this technology, if travel agencies have experience with its use, and if integration of the technology into their operations is accepted. The current state of travel agencies in Slovenia and the steps needed for future progress are provided by this research. The focus is placed on the basics of artificial intelligence, travel agencies, and how they can function together. Field results were gathered by interviewing ten travel agencies in the Republic of Slovenia, providing a sample that aids further research. A SWOT analysis was conducted using all the obtained information to understand what artificial intelligence offers. Ključne besede: Travel agency, artificial intelligence, Slovenia, automated, service quality, market competitiveness Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 14
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2. Blockchain tehnologija na vzponu : študija sprejetja kripto valut v sklopu slovenskega hotelirstvaŽiga Zdovc, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Magistrska naloga obravnavna segment blockchain tehnologije in kripto valut v turistični dejavnosti, predvsem pa uporabo blockchain tehnologije in kripto valut v sklopu slovenskega hotelirstva. Ugotovili smo, da blockchain tehnologija predstavlja novo inovacijo v okviru segmenta informacijske in finančne tehnologije, ki omogoča izgradnjo čisto novih oblik med-deležniških (P2P) in decentraliziranih digitalnih platform. Segment kripto valut pa predstavlja najbolj vidno obliko blockchain tehnologije in so ena od novejših tehnoloških inovacij v okviru finančnega gospodarstva. V procesu izvedbe raziskovalnega dela magistrske naloge smo se osredotočili na raziskovanje sprejemanja tehnologije kripto valut med slovenskimi hotelirskimi ponudniki, kjer smo uporabili model sprejemanja tehnologije ⎯ TAM. Rezultati magistrske naloge nakazujejo, da slovenski hotelirji še ne vidijo tehnologije kripto valut kot uporabnega in razvojnega potenciala, ki ga bi v svoja podjetja implementirali v bližnji prihodnosti, vendar obenem niso izrazito nenaklonjeni morebitni uporabi kripto valut v prihodnosti njihovega delovanja. Slovenski hotelirji so zaenkrat še v vlogi stranskih opazovalcev, ki čakajo na večje premike in dogajanja v segmentu blockchain tehnologije in uporabi kripto valut. Ugotovitve našega TAM modela predlagajo, da je za namen sprejemanja tehnologije kripto valut v hotelirski dejavnosti najbolj pomemben vidik predhodno zaznane uporabnosti tehnologije in v manjšem merilu tudi dejanske enostavnosti uporabe tehnologije. Prav tako pa je pomemben dejavnik trenutnega zaupanja v tehnologijo, ki so si ga slovenski hotelirji izoblikovali skozi njihovo dosedanjo percepcijo blockchain tehnologije in segmenta kripto valut. Ključne besede: Blockchain tehnologija, kripto valute, kripto valute v hotelirstvu, kripto turizem, model sprejemanja tehnologije ⎯ TAM. Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.04.2024; Ogledov: 298; Prenosov: 33
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3. Pillars of city spatial sensitivity and their integration into sightseeing routesMelita Rozman Cafuta, Boštjan Brumen, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Worldwide, many cities have appropriate and necessary conditions for the development of urban tourism. Some locations, although considered important for local tourist destinations as part of a standard repertoire, do not comply with modern standards. For tourism organisations, it is very important to plan the best possible sightseeing routes with the best sightseeing locations. Using the intuitive approach only, is not enough in the modern tourism industry. The focus of the presented research is an innovative approach to identify the most prosperous urban places that should be included in urban tourist offers. Empirical research was conducted, based on the analyticalmethod ofmentalmapping. For the research location,Maribor city (Slovenia, eu) has been chosen. A sample of 200 respondents was taken. They were asked to draw a city map twice, once for the daytime city and once for the nighttime city. Graphical results obtained reflect a subjective mental spatial idea of individual thinkingmode. Some locations in the city seemto be particularly important and visible. They were named "Pillars of Spatial Sensitivity" or, pss locations. pss locations are extremely suitable to be integrated in a tourist offer as building blocks of sightseeing routes.When processing the research results, 34 pss locations weremore or less frequently detected in Maribor city. 32 of them had different appearance frequency between day and night. Based on these results, it is possible to conclude that modified spatial circumstances affect the perception and utilisation of urban space. The research results make it obvious that spatial sensitivity of tourists depends on time. It is possible to design sightseeing routes adapted to the time component. Ključne besede: urban tourism, pillars of spatial sensitivity, mental map, sightseeing location Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.01.2024; Ogledov: 289; Prenosov: 19
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4. Use of mobile technologies in tourism : natural health resorts studyBoštjan Brumen, Peter Planinc, Tomi Špindler, Mitja Gorenak, Tanja Lešnik Štuhec, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Mobile technologies have drastically changed the way people do everyday activities. Tasks previously reserved for desktop environments have moved to mobile devices, and nowadays, half of the internet traffic is stemming from mobile devices. The tourism industry is no exempt from the shift from desktop to mobile. In our research, we check to what extent natural health resorts have adapted and integrated mobile solutions to their websites. We collected data about the friendliness of selected websites using automated online tools and carried out a heuristic evaluation. The results were statistically analyzed and compared. Only roughly half of natural health resorts have optimized their websites for mobile devices. There are no statistically significant differences when comparing purely technical aspects. However, an in-depth heuristic evaluation has shown that some web sites are significantly more mobile-friendly than others and offer better technical conditions for enhanced user experience. Our study is the first technical and contentual evaluation of website mobile devices' friendliness in the natural health resort sector. It warns management, their marketing consultants, and web site developers about the opportunities they are missing by not supporting mobile users sufficiently. Further, it outlines deficiencies and provides suggestions and instructions for optimizing websites to enhance user-friendliness on mobile devices. Ključne besede: mobile technology, mobile device, mobile Internet, health tourism, spa, natural health resort, web page, evaluation, heuristics Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.01.2024; Ogledov: 287; Prenosov: 29
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5. Turizem 4.0 in platforma "Digitalizacija in varnost v turizmu"Boštjan Brumen, Marjetka Rangus, Mitja Gorenak, 2021, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: Evropska unija je opredelila ključna področja, na katerih zaostaja za glavnimi svetovnimi konkurenti, ZDA, Japonsko in hitro rastočimi azijskimi gospodarstvi. Ta področja so sprejetje IKT v poslovanje, dostop do investicijskih skladov in inovacijske politike. Ena izmed ključnih konkurenčnih panog v Evropi je turizem, ki ima skupne probleme z drugimi panogami. Evropski turizem temelji predvsem na malih in srednje velikih podjetjih, ki imajo razdrobljen in razpršen potencial rasti, nizko sposobnost pridobivanja in uporabe znanja ter imajo omejen dostop do rizičnega kapitala. Evropska strategija pametne specializacije naslavlja te probleme v okviru panoge turizem z oblikovanjem tematske platforme "Digitalizacija in varnost v turizmu". Njeno poslanstvo je ustvariti skupne in participativne storitve za povečanje medregionalnih naložb v digitalizacijo v turističnem sektorju. Namen platforme je služiti kot osnova za razvoj prihodnjega digitalnega evropskega turizma. V prispevku opisujemo platformo in njeno navezavo na Turizem 4.0 v Sloveniji. Ključne besede: turizem, digitalizacija, platforma, varnost, strategija, pametna specializacija Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.01.2024; Ogledov: 235; Prenosov: 14
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6. Digitalizacija kulturne dediščine na primeru UNESCO vrednot v EUNejc Pozvek, Urška Starc Peceny, Boštjan Brumen, Maja Turnšek, Tjaša Alegro, Katja Kokot, Matevž Straus, 2021, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: Raziskava v okviru projekta Turizem 4.0 je bila izvedena s ciljem ustvariti boljši pregled nad evropskim ekosistemom na področju digitalizacije kulturne dediščine % skozi prizmo razvoja turizma. Zanimalo nas je, kdo so ključni akterji, kakšni so odnosi med njimi in kakšni trendi na področju digitalizacije kulturne dediščine z namenom razvoja turizma; vse skupaj tudi skozi prizmo odziva na pandemijo korona virusa, kar je hkrati pred-stavljalo aktualizacijo raziskave glede na razmere, ob enem pa tudi ključno omejitev zaradi relativno slabega odziva. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da večina lokacij UNESCO vrednot uporablja tehnološko relativno manj zahtevne rešitve, katerih ni nadgrajevala v času pandemije; več pozornosti je bilo v tem času s strani upravljavcev izbrane dediščine namenjene inovativnim spletnim rešitvam. Te so bile ustvarjene tako s pomočjo specializiranih IT podjetij in strokovnjakov (tudi iz kreativnih in kulturnih industrij) kot brezplačnih/nizkocenovnih spletnih rešitev za podporo produktom, financirane iz raznolikih (v največji meri javnih) virov in ponujene v uporabo med pandemijo večinoma brezplačno. Delež spletnih obiskovalcev UNESCO vrednot se je v povprečju le minimalno povečal, bistveno pa je upadel na lokacijah samih. Izstopa potreba (in želja) po več sredstvih, znanja in povezovanja na področju digitalizacije dediščinskih vsebin. Ključne besede: kulturna dediščina, digitalizacija, UNESCO, vrednote, tehnologija, turizem Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.01.2024; Ogledov: 266; Prenosov: 14
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9. Employing AI Tools in Tourism: A Qualitative Study of Social Media Content Generation in a Work Environment : a qualitative study of social media content generation in a work environmentTarik Džinić, 2023, diplomsko delo Opis: In the midst of industries being reshaped by the emergence of technologies our attention is drawn to the increasing trend of AI and its potential integration, in the work environment. At present, we recognise the swift evolution of technology and the necessity to align with current trends. In this thesis we delve into the world of content creation in tourism social media marketing. We specifically focus on how AI tools, like ChatGPT transform the way we generate content across social media platforms. Through the thesis we highlight the importance of content marketing in boosting brand visibility and engagement. We further explore how generative AI models can create content, enhance personalization and streamline marketing strategies. Additionally, we investigate the newly emerging field of prompt engineering, which focuses on improved interactions with generative AI models. While AI tools offer efficiency, we emphasize the need to strike a balance between automation and human driven creativity. In the evolving landscape of digital marketing, this study contributes insights into leveraging AI-powered content creation for enriching the tourism industry's social media endeavours. Ključne besede: Content creation, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, prompt engineering, social media marketing Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.10.2023; Ogledov: 746; Prenosov: 118
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10. Layered battleship game changer password systemBoštjan Brumen, Darko Crepulja, Leon Bošnjak, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The paper presents a secure and usable variant of the Game Changer Password System, first proposed by McLennan, Manning, and Tuft. Unlike the initial proposal based on inadequately secure Monopoly and Chess, we propose an improved version based on a layered “Battleship” game resilient against brute force and dictionary attacks. Since the initially proposed scheme did not check for the memorability and usability of a layered version, we conducted an experiment on the usability and memorability aspects. Surprisingly, layered passwords are just as memorable as single ones and, with an 80% recall rate, comparable to other graphical password systems. The claim that memorability is the most vital aspect of game-based password systems cannot be disproved. However, the experiment revealed that the usability decreased to such a low level that users felt less inclined to use such a system daily or recommend it to others.
Our study has once again shown that optimizing the password security–memorability–usability triangle is hard to achieve without compromising one of its cornerstones. However, the layered Game Changer Password System can be used in specific applications where usability is of secondary importance, while security and memorability augmented by its graphical interface are at the forefront. Ključne besede: security, authentication, passwords, graphical passwords, cryptanalysis, games, memory, memorability, usability Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.08.2023; Ogledov: 334; Prenosov: 26
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